
I greet you because you run away justice

HS_RANIA · Aktion
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4 Chs


The father is the one who, if you asked for two stars, would come carrying the sky on his back.


my father left, I realized that there was crying without tears and screaming tearing through the throat without hearing. When I left, let everything go. I no longer care. My life is over when I am twenty-four.

These words were hovering in her mind before landed helicopter is on top of that building

It was only minutes before the Russian Carole come confident steps, the voice of her heel was announcing the arrival of the lioness,

Mr. Gilbert advanced and extended his hand, shaking hands.

_ "Hey, Miss Carole, I hope you like New York City."

She looked at him and said to herself:

"What are these foolishness?

She raised her eyebrow in a provocative manner and said to him:

"Mr. Gilbert as you know we have a meeting now and I'm not here to hang around the streets of your city so I don't care if she is beautiful or not."

And Mr. Gilbert, he wished in his moment if he was an ostrich to bury his head under the ground out of extreme shame.

_ "Come on, Miss Carole with me to the conference room."

She walked beside him, indifferent to what the company employees had to say about her, all of them talking about her property

"Hello, Miss Carole, come here," said Miss Nara, a company employee, pointing to the conference room.

Carole did not pay any attention to her and went coldly, a fire of anger blew in Nara's heart and wished she had been able to kill her.

Then she continued, " Doesn't she have feelings? "

After the end of the meeting and the signing of the partnership contract between the two parties, it ended her tour in the company after being invited by its host, Mr. Gilbert.

A private car arrived from Mr. Levi's company to take it to the company. It was known in all circles that he was Carol's father, but he was in fact her father's friend and the company's public director.

The woman went to the general manager's office and upon her arrival a young man of twenty-eight years old appeared, tall and muscular.

He saw her smiling her way across his lips

And he said to her, "Hello, miss. Are you new here? I'm not used to seeing you"

She didn't care what he said, opened the office door and went in

The young man laughed and said: "Arrogant, but there is no wonder about that, for its beauty is as if it were a moon. He forgot that the night had not come yet."

I see you came early today "He said it while he lit his smoke"

She replied, "As you can see, Mr. Levi."

He added, "How did the meeting go, baby?"

She said angrily, "First, I am not your little girl, and you know why I am here and accept your stupid offer."

He raised his head and looked at her and said sarcastically, "It is true that I have aged, but this does not mean that I have forgotten something like this, my little girl."

Carole shouted, "you either stop calling me baby or "

Asking: "Otherwise, what, Miss Carole?"

She said in a defiant tone that drew a malicious smile on her lips: "Otherwise, this O this sorts your skull."

She said it as she pulled her pistol which she had hidden on the left side of her classic jacket and pointed towards it.

(Levi) turned his chair opposite his office and stood towards her and with a slight movement he lowered her pistol.

He told her, "If you do such a reckless act, you will lose the last thread that leads you to your father's killer. In addition to this, you will spend the rest of your life in the arms of the police in a beautiful house called prison."

These words were enough to ignite the fires of anger in Carole, so she carried her red bag and closed the door after she came out forcefully, headed towards her car and set off for the house that was before the property of the company manager, but he gave it to his friend's daughter.