
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 43: Enter The First Trial of Many

When Ford put one foot into the first floor of the tower, he immediately noticed a dizzying sensation, which caused him to immediately step back outside. Pushing back the urge to vomit as much as he could, he said

"No way in hell"

Vincent was the only one who responded, but instead of saying anything, he pushed him into the tower-- so forcefully, that Ford couldn't say anything to Vincent before fainting from the dizziness.



Suddenly, an alarm bell rang, followed by a voice-

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead!"

"Let me sleep just a few more minutes..."

The surroundings have changed, from the old tower, to a modern bedroom. By the look of things, it was most likely Ford's bedroom.

The day was bright. Ford had no recollection of The Ever Lands. The only knowledge he has, is of the world he's in currently, when he woke up on the comfortable bed.

An older gentleman, standing by the door. Short messy brown hair, short trimmed beard, and a neat red suit. Could this gentleman be his father? Well, yes, that is certainly a possibility.

"Time to get up my son!"

This was definitely Ford's father. He always spoke in a bright tone, ready for the day ahead, he was quite the energetic individual.

Of course, Ford was the exact same, personality wise, and looks, really. Like father like son, some people might say.

Ford didn't care much for his parents. He never really cared about his life, either. His parents had always forced him to go to school, so he would. He'd thought about ditching on multiple occasions, though.

He never got around to actually doing it, though. He never really cared about school. He would go, just, without his uniform. He would always claim that an education wasn't that important, many people he knew didn't have college degrees, let alone high school diplomas, and still managed to get around.

So, why would he still go to school? Somewhere deep in his mind, he did care about his parents, and never wanted to disobey them.

"You know what, son? How about you ditch school for today, and hang out with your dad?"

Those words had shocked Ford. He never thought his parents would willingly let him ditch one day.


"Yeah! Think of it as father son bonding!"

Ford stood up--

"You know what? Yeah, I'd like that!"

Then, Ford and his father walked out of the bedroom, and headed to the kitchen, where Ford's mother was preparing breakfast.

"Oh, you're up, sleepyhead! I made Tamagoyaki! Eat it while it's fresh!"

"Oh, my favorite! Thanks mom!"

Ford's favorite food has always been Tamagoyaki, since he was a child. His mother would always prepare it for breakfast on certain days, mostly his birthday.

"Thank you for the food, but I'll be heading back to my room"

Ford stood up, and started to walk back to his room, as he was walking, he could hear the faint words--

"I love you, son"

It was faint because he had blocked it out as much as he could, he hated hearing his parents say those words.

When he walked back into his room, he immediately froze. A piercing headache, so bad he can't help but scream--

As soon as his parents heard that scream, they immediately ran to his room--

"Ford, are you okay?!"

Ford, without looking back, would say--

"I'm fine, now just leave me be..."

He shut the door of his room, and laid on his bed.

Now, we could chalk this up as a moodswing, as he was perfectly fine in the morning. Then suddenly, he shuts the door right in his parents faces, without batting an eye.

Or, Ford just absolutely hated the words "I love you", and everytime he heard his parents say that, he would shut himself in his room all day.

Either way, it was clear, Ford, was not okay.
