
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 42: Meeting The Master

The rest of the way to the tower was relatively quiet, nothing too interesting or noteworthy happened along the way.

No conversation was made, Ford was the most quiet one in the entire group. Why wouldn't anyone just confront him about his grief, which seemed to be turning him into someone no one wanted to be around?

It was like Ford's original life all over again. He was always the outcast, and pushed aside as if no one had cared about him, and he didn't care about himself. He even went to school without his uniform on the day he was summoned, which just shows how little he cared about his own life.

So he must have thought "there's no meaning to my life anymore" after losing Arias. That is a very dramatic way to think, but in Ford's eyes, it was the truth.

Anyway, just as the group arrived at the bottom of the stone staircase leading into the tower, a mysterious man came into view.

He had on a black cloak, and under that cloak, a neat suit. He also wore a pair of white gloves, which made him have a look of royalty. Blonde hair slicked to perfection, hazel eyes, he introduced himself-

"My name is Vincent Truth... It is a pleasure to meet you all."

The man had spoke in a calm, yet elegant tone. He was definitely of royalty.

So calm, yet so elegant. Those are certainly the right words to describe Vincent Truth. Come to think of it, there must be some meaning to the last name "Truth", like he might know the truth about more than you think.

That just made him all the more untrustworthy, according to Ford. He knew Vincent was hiding something, and he had wanted to confront him right then and there when he saw him, but he wouldn't.

Why wouldn't he? Yes, that is certainly the question everyone would be asking, but there is no explanation. Let's just chalk it up to Ford being an idiot, or maybe he was being cautious.

As soon as the calm and elegant man introduced himself, everyone would stare at him in silence. Everyone else had wanted to question him as well, but they wouldn't.

Again, there is no explanation for why they wouldn't. Maybe they were also just being cautious, though.

Vincent would be the only one to speak up again, and it's as if he knew everyone had questions for him--

"I'm Sure you all have many questions... So please, ask away.."

Ford took that as an opportunity to ask the one question he's been wanting to ask the entire time..

"Yeah, so you said you could save her, and I was wondering who?"

"I suppose we'll see" Is what Vincent would respond with. A mysterious man giving a mysterious response... makes sense.

Then, Rallden would speak up--

"Trust is going to be a bit of an issue here, I hope you understand"

Vincent, in response, would nod his head, as he smiled lightly--

"Yes, of course. You don't have to trust me, but I assure you... If I had planned to do anything, I would've done it already.

That's right.. The meeting with Vincent had been going on for about 10 minutes already, and if Vincent was planning anything, he would have gone through with that plan already.

So it would be safe to assume that Vincent is a trustworthy individual. Rallden would understand, but Ford, he had trust issues.

After losing Arias, it was as if all his trust in people had completely faded. But at least he was talking again.

On the 1 hour trip leading to the tower, Ford wouldn't say a single word. Meeting Felma again must have broke that.

After introductions were done, the group would make their way into the tower, but before walking inside, Vincent would have something to say-

"I must warn you, each floor in this tower contains a trial... It is unknown to me what those trials are, however"

It seems there is finally something Vincent doesn't know...
