
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 35: Battle between immortals

"I can't let you go any further" Rallden said, while holding a mace in his hand. Rallden's weapon of choice was a mace, as they always felt better to control.

Rayn just smiled when he heard that, and said "do you plan to kill me?" In his classic formal tone that he always spoke in. Rallden would just nod his head, then start running towards Rayn, mace in hand.

The force of the attack on Rayn caused a huge chunk of the balcony to collapse on itself. Rayn didn't much appreciate that attack, so he held his arm out, and suddenly, Rallden got thrown back straight into a wall.

Luckily, however, his armor had protected him, so he came out with just a few minor scratches. This had angered Rayn quite a bit, as he clenched his fists and said in a non formal tone "You bastard, get over here so I can kill you first!"

Rallden would just let out a chuckle as he heard that, and charged at Rayn, mace still in hand--

Suddenly, though, Rayn smiled and said "thank you" as Rallden was picked up by a telekinesis ability that Rayn seemed to possess. Rayn then turned Rallden upside down, before tossing him head first at the floor with an intense speed.

The balcony had then collapsed fully, causing Rayn to lose control and fall off the balcony. He had survived the fall, with minor injuries. The same couldn't be said for Rallden though, blood spattered everywhere.

Rayn was sure that Rallden had died from the force of his attack, so out of stupidity, he chose not to check on him. Before Rayn could leave though, he saw Rallden get up.

His head was split open, but it seemed to be regenerating. This confused Rayn, then he heard Rallden speak "oh, I didn't think I'd need to mention this, but the spirit I'm contracted to helps me heal from any injury, even fatal..". This angered Rayn even more, as he spoke "I'll kill you!" He picked up Rayn with the telekinesis and tossed him side to side at the cathedral, then the castle.

Rallden wasn't able to break out of the telekinesis with his spirit's help, so he had to figure out how to break out of it on his own. So, he used his feet to kick at the cathedral, and his mace to stop himself from hitting the castle, then threw his mace straight at Rayn, which caused him to lose control.

Once Rallden had broken out, he brought his weapon back to him, before approaching Rayn, and swinging at him repeatedly, before tossing him into a nearby river.

Rayn sunk to the bottom of the river, then Rallden turned around, and said "I suppose I should go help Ford now.." he started walking back to the castle, before "no you don't" Rayn. Rayn had survived the attack, completely unscathed.

This confused Rallden, as he started to realize that Rayn may also be immortal. Rayn wasn't happy this time around. He then picked up Rallden's mace and threw it into the river, before picking up Rallden, then throwing him head first straight threw a window of the cathedral.

Rallden got up, and said "It seems I won't be able to kill you, so I'll have to capture you". When Rayn heard that, he just laughed, and said "give it your best shot!"

Suddenly, a guard of the castle came running to help Rayn, but he wasn't in the best mood, so he picked up the guard with the telekinesis, and threw him straight into a wall, and killed the guard immediately on impact.

"Now, where were we? Oh, right! You were going to capture me!" Rayn turned to Rallden, who was charging straight at him with the guard's sword. Before Rayn could react, he was stabbed straight in the stomach.
