
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 25: Arrival at the Capital!

The carriage driving along the dirt road, the crew was now on the edge of a mountain.

Ford was admiring this new world. He never got the time to truly appreciate it's beauty. This world was truly a beautiful one.


Ford said, admiring the world as he peeked out the window of the carriage. With all the food and rest breaks the crew took along the way, they still had a long way to go before they arrived at Rowan.

Even when the crew does eventually arrive, it'll still be an extra day before they arrive at the Capital. Making the remaining days in this trip a total of 8.

Back to the beauty of the world, the crew was on the edge of a mountain at the moment.

This mountain was tall, with greenery all around it. The environment seems to be extremely taken care of in this world.

Ford has never thought about the idea of possibly getting transported back to his world, because he had never liked to think about that. He didn't live a terrible life in his original world, he just didn't want to go back just to see the pollution and overall environment of his world.

He truly appreciates the beauty of this world, sometimes it feels like he was supposed to be born in this world, but somehow, by mistake, was born in the other one.


Fast forward to day 10 of the trip, the carriage was still carrying the crew over to Rowan. This time, however, they were in a forest again, but not as dark and muddy as the other one.

Suddenly, the carriage has halted to a stop, again.

This time, though, there was no strange man in the middle of the road. Instead, there were some ground wolves, but their eyes, were a glowing red. It could described as this world's equivalent of "rabies", but instead of white foam coming out of their mouths, their eyes were a glowing red.

These ground wolves clearly had ill intent.

Ladis would be the one to speak up.

Ladis: "I got this."

Suddenly, Ladis jumped out of the carriage. The rabid ground wolves lunged at him, but as they were flying towards him, he just stood there.

The ground wolves grew closer.



Closer... And...


What has happened? Well, Ladis had slain the rabid ground wolves without a single scratch. All that remained was the corpses. Kind of sad, but, the ground wolves had gone rabid, so there was no other option.

Ladis then threw the ground wolves into the forest as not to block the road. He then got back on without saying a single word, and the carriage continued to move.

It was now dark. The carriage continued to move until it got to a nearby town, where the crew would stop for the night.

They all went to the Inn, and purchased rooms. Since they had ran out of rooms, Ford and Arias would have to share one.

They headed downstairs into the basement to their room, and would try going to sleep, but couldn't.

"Hey... Arias?"

Arias: "yeah"

"So... Would you mind telling me who exactly King William is? I haven't been able to stop thinking about that since you mentioned him..."

Arias sighed-

Arias: "well, King William is the head lead of the country of Laplan. There are rumors going around that he also is the head leader of a massive organization called 'Justice'. This organization was created to bring all criminals to justice. But, William started to abuse his power, turning the country of Laplan into a dystopian society. In result, 'justice' was turned into a criminal organization... Even worse than the Devoted Cult..."

"Then why didn't we stop him?"

Arias: "because he's gone silent, for 3 years."

"Which means... He could be planning something big..."

Arias wouldn't respond, and instead nodded her head.

After that conversation, Ford would try to go to sleep, but couldn't. So he stayed up all night.

The crew woke up early to continue their journey. They all headed outside and boarded the carriage, and it started to move again.

Vulgart: "good news everyone, we arrived sooner than expected. The huge walls Infront of us are the walls of the Capital..."

The crew all smiled as they heard Vulgart's words.

They had finally made it to the Capital of Rowan.

But, their journey was far from over.
