
I Got Transported to Another World and Can't Die

Ford Reski's life is all but normal when he gets transported to another world. In this new world, Ford Reski learns of a power that he possesses. Time resets everytime he dies. He uses this power to his advantage, but is it really what it's played out to be? Is he an all-knowing God in this world? Or is he just a weak and powerless human? Like he was on earth.

_Ocean_Lucas_ · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Chapter 12: Forest Dwellers

The meeting has ended, and Ford was determined to stop the Invaders, like the Master had intended

Ford: "I'll stop the Invaders."

Master: "Gooooooood!"

Ford walked out of the meeting room. He tried to ignore the fact that this loop was going differently then expected.

Ford: "I'll have to go at night.."

Ford had intended to go at night, as going during the day would strike too much attention, he couldn't have anyone asking questions, as it'd be a hinderence on his part.

Ford had continued walking to his room, where he would take a nap until night time rolled around.

Then, he realized something.

He had completely forgotten about the dream catcher.

Upon realizing that, Ford would go see Arias, so he could speak to Rae.

Arias: "Ford? What do you need?"

Ford: "Heya! Could I privately speak to Rae?"

Arias: "is something the matter?"

Ford: "No!"

Ford was lying, something was wrong. Ford was stressed about the upcoming battle, and he also needed the dreamcatcher.

Arias: "alright..."

Arias had called Rae out.

Rae: "oh, hey, Ford!"

Ford: "Heya Rae!"

Rae: "So what did you need?"

Ford: "Oh, I was just having some nightmares recently, and was wondering if you had... Like a... Dream repellent?"

Rae: "That's a weird name to call it! It's a dreamcatcher! Here ya go!"

Rae handed Ford the dreamcatcher, and Ford would continue to his room to nap.

Upon entering the room, he set his alarm on his cell phone, hung the dreamcatcher up, and took a nap.

He would wake up at 1am, when he knew everyone would be asleep.

Ford: "I'll go now."

Ford had grabbed a weapon from a rack in his room, and headed outside.

Ladis was already asleep.

Ford: "guess I'm getting out another way..."

Ford would head to the secret exit/entrance he found in the garden.

When Ford had that conversation with Rae about magic, he had spotted a little door in the wall, and assumed it was an exit/entrance.

Anyway, Ford continued to the forest, and walked around quietly, as not to draw attention.

Then, he turned around, and saw a huge gust of wind flying straight at him, he quickly dodged it, and saw it break a tree in half, trees falling on the ground, Ford yelled-

Ford: "COME ON OUT!!"

Just then, a group of people in purple hooded robes walked out, forming a circle around Ford-

Ford: "wha---"

Suddenly, the group came flying at Ford, knives in hand-

He screamed in agony, as the hooded figures gouged Ford's eye out, cut his hand off, and slashed across his body-


Then, Ford went silent.

His guts were pouring out, and he died.


Ford screamed-

And suddenly started slamming his head on the meeting table, blood spattering everywhere.

Everyone at the meeting looked in horror as Ford screamed and slammed his head repeatedly.

No one stopped him.

He continued to slam his head, screaming.

Then, he went silent, Ford had died again.


Ford screamed-

Then, Arias had stopped him-


Ford looked up at Arias, crying-

Ford: "huh--?"

He saw Arias, worried. Then, Arias would proceed to hug Ford, as he had a breakdown in her arms..


Ford woke up, Arias next to him..

Arias: "what happened, Ford?!"

Ford had never told Arias or anyone else about [The Death Reset]. So he tried to tell Arias, and-

Ford: "Arias, I have an ability, believe it or not, I've die----"

Time froze, a dark fog started engulfing Ford. He was gasping for air. The dark fog had cut off his breathing.

Then, time unfroze.

Ford was fine, but fear was engraved in him..

Ford: "Sorry, Arias, I started freaking out because I thought I saw something in the forest outside..."

Arias: "Ford..."

Arias: "thank you for telling me--"

Ford: "I want to stop the Invaders.. I'll ask the maid for help.."

Arias looked at Ford with a worried expression on her face... And she said-

Arias: "Ford... I... I don't want to see you get hurt..."

Ford: "I want to protect you... I will stop the Invaders"

Ford walked out of the room ignoring Arias as she called his name..


Ford had met up with the maid.

Ford: "I need your help."

Maid: "with what?"

Ford: "the forest Invaders"

Maid: "why should I help you?

Ford looked up at the maid, his facial expression blank. He was truly in pain.

Ford: I just... Need your help, please..."

The maid sighed, and said-

Maid: "fine.."

With that, Ford had finally asked for help, and received it.

Ford was determined to stop the Invaders.
