
I Got Transmigrated and Thrown Through Time

I died and woke up as Sanada Seiji with some superpowers beside the Time-Travel. As the clichéd Isekai tropes dictated, I will become powerful, build harem, and enjoy a slow, fulfilling life! ***** [Author's Note!] This fan-fictional work is a short story I write while I am in a slump concerning my main work. Until I recover my motivation, I will write this to entertain my loyal reader. This work is a fanfiction of [The Results When I Time Leaped to My Second-Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked at the Time] or [Kou2TL]. That story is about Sanada Seiji, a late 20s corporate slave who leaped back and forth in time. He would use his mysterious ability to get the best ending with his love interest that was a beautiful and popular teacher in his sophomore days. That story had 170 chapters (as a web novel) or 5 volumes light novels in total and was quite fun to read if a bit annoying because of the Male Lead's indecisiveness. There is also the manga version. I recommend this series if you like a Slice-of-Life, Romance-Comedy type light novel. To read the English version of the web novel: [https://gakuseitranslation.com] If you can read Japanese or can stomach the produced by the Machine Translation, you can visit this link: [https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4976ea] For the manga, just search it with your preferred search engine on the internet! If you have never heard that story and want to check it out, but you dislike spoiler, I warn you that this story is full of a spoiler for that series. Well, then. Please enjoy this fanfiction work. Yours truly, I Am Not Siscon ***** [Obligatory Disclaimer!] [The Results When I Time Leaped to my Second Year High School and Confessed to the Teacher I Liked that Time] belongs to Kennoji and Softbank Creative, and GA Bunko. The cover art of this fan-fiction belongs to Yasuyuki, which I edited. I only own half of the Male Lead and the changes from canon. ***** If you like this work of fanfiction, please consider supporting me in my Pa treon. There are also advanced chapters in there. [https://www.pa treon.com/515con] ***** Release Schedule: ±10,000 words per week (Number of chapters is inconsistent). My monthly target is ±45,000 words.

I_Am_Not_Siscon · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs


Author's Note: This chapter is written from the first person's point of view. However, because Sana refers to herself by name and from the third person's perspective, it sounds like it comes from 3rd Person's P.O.V.


—Sanada Sana's Perspective—

Sana noticed that Sei-kun changed.

One morning, he was perfectly normal, but in the evening after school ended, Sei-kun changed.

Sei-kun seemed to be more mature, dependable, and more considerate. He stopped mocking Sana's breasts!

Sei-kun gives his attention to Sana now. He started helping Sana with her homework and played with Sana after their study session ended.

Such changes in Sei-kun brought happiness for Sana. However, not all changes are positive. There are some negative changes too.

Sana knew that Sei-kun did not have many friends. Distant acquaintances and classmates, perhaps. However, friends? Sana does not think so!

At least, Sana is aware of Sei-kun's only friend since he started senior high school. That friend in question is Fujimoto, the weird boy that usually hangs around Sei-kun.

However, Sei-kun has a new friend. Sana knows because Sei-kun has been busy with his cellphone.

That was something that Sei-kun never did as long as Sana remembers. Sei-kun only used his cellphone to contact our parents, Sana, and his small numbers of friends that do not use up all fingers on one hand to count.

Sana asked Sei-kun about his texting friend. Even though Sei-kun tried to make it a secret, Sana's intuition told Sana that Sei-kun's friend is a girl!

Alright. This is a serious matter! Sana must discover who's this mysterious friend of Sei-kun!

Sana tried to find out the identity of Sei-kun's new female friend once. When Sei-kun was showering, Sana quietly entered his room and checked his cellphone. But alas, Sana found that Sei-kun's cellphone is protected with a password.

Sana did not know the password, and after failing to unlock Sei-kun's cellphone once, Sana decided to stop. Then, Sana left Sei-kun's room without leaving behind the trails of her snooping.

Still, Sei-kun never protected his cellphone with a password. It is suspicious…

Sana wants to know Sei-kun's secret to put Sana's anxiety down.

Several days passed after Sei-kun changed for better and worse. Every day, Sei-kun spent a few hours to help Sana with her study and then to play with her. However, Sei-kun always carried his cellphone and seemed happy exchanging mails with this mysterious "interesting person" he met.

It was exciting and stressful days.

Exciting because Sana could spend more time with Sei-kun, but stressful because Sana felt anxious due to this mysterious friend of Sei-kun.

Anyway, there is a reason as to why Sana is so attached to Sei-kun.

A daughter imprinted on her father or elder brother because they were their role model as the girl grew up. The girl would declare that she would marry her father or big brother after growing up because of the imprinting.

Usually, such a promise from a little girl was taken at face value by the adults. They would think that the girl will outgrow her delusional phase.

However, Sana is different. Sana still remembers her declaration in elementary school, "Sana will marry Onii-chan after Sana grew up!"

That promise started when Sana realized how she loved Sei-kun. At that time, Sana had yet to understand love. But, Sana knew that she wanted to be together with Sei-kun forever.

Why does Sana have such deep feelings for her own Onii-chan? It started with Sana's childhood, which was fraught with hardships and bullying.

From a young age, Sana was always cute. People acknowledged that Sana will grow up into a pretty lady. But alas, children are cruel creatures.

Girls around Sana felt unwell because Sana got more attention because of her cuteness. They would bully Sana to feel better about themselves.

It was shallow and petty, but they were kids. So, it could not be helped.

Meanwhile, boys that did not know how to get her attention ended bullying Sana to get her attention and reaction. Instead of what they desired, they obtained Sana's despise and hate.

Those were the root of Sana's introvert nature.

But, amidst those bullying, Sei-kun was always here for Sana. Sei-kun was like a stalwart protector and comforting presence for Sana.

Because of that, Sana looked up at Sei-kun with a hero-worship-tinted lens and put him on a pedestal as the male role model in Sana's life, involuntarily imprinting him.

Even though our Otou-san also cares and loves Sana deeply, he is always busy with his works. Due to that, Sei-kun is the most prominent male influence in Sana's childhood.

That was why Sana said that—

"Sana will marry Onii-chan after Sana grew up!"

Sana wanted to be with Sei-kun forever, and Sana's young mind at that time could only think like that after seeing how marriage made Sana's parents stay together.

But alas, as Sana grew up, Sana found that a pair of siblings cannot marry…

How unfair!

Reality sucks!

Then, as Sei-kun grew up too, he began distancing himself from Sana.

Sana was sad. Sana was at a loss. Sana wants to stay with Sei-kun together, forever. But, Sana does not know how to make it happen!

Then, Sei-kun changed and became closer with Sana again. Sana wants our closeness to be lasting.

Then, today, in the morning, Sana approached our Okaa-san.

Sei-kun was out to do his new workout routine. Sana had seen the results and would get excited and lightheaded whenever Sana saw Sei-kun being topless.

Mmm~ Sei-kun is yummy~!

Ahem! Anyway…

"Okaa-san, can Sana help you?"

"Ara, Sana-chan? Did you say you want to help Okaa-san?" said Okaa-san with a bemused expression.

Sana resisted the urge to flinch as Sana became self-conscious.

Sana is lazy, never helping Okaa-san with the chores. Okaa-san often gripped how Sana lacks girl's skills and indulges herself in her games.

Even though Okaa-san gripped about Sana's bad habits, she never forced Sana to do what Sana does not like doing.

Otou-san and Okaa-san spoil Sana rotten. It seems like they always wanted a daughter but got Sei-kun instead. After Sana was born, they doted on Sana too much.

"Well, um, Sana wants to learn how to cook. Sana wants to repay Nii-san for helping Sana with her homework and study lately…"

Well, Sana never referred Sei-kun as Sei-kun in front of Otou-san and Okaa-san. That will be bad…

"I see, I see…" said Okaa-san with a happy expression.

Okaa-san did not seem to care for Sana's reason to learn cooking. Well, that was good. Sana did not need to answer strange questions from Okaa-san, then.

"So, can Sana help Okaa-san with preparing Sana's and Nii-san's lunch?"

Okaa-san blinked her eyes owlishly before replying.

"Actually, Seiji has stopped asking lunch for some reason. It has been several days since then."


Sana was surprised by Okaa-san's statement.

"…but, his breakfast and dinner consumptions doubled. I guess Seiji finally starts his puberty. He is a late bloomer, though."

"Okaa-san, what were you saying?"

Sana did not understand what Okaa-san meant by that.

"Ah. Never mind. So, you want to help Okaa-san, right?"

"Ah. Yes. Please, allow Sana to help Okaa-san."

And so, Sana helped Okaa-san with preparing Sana's lunch. Since Sei-kun stopped taking his lunch to school, Sana will make Sei-kun's portions too and will bring it to the school.

Isn't Sana a good girl? Of course, she is! Sana will show that Sei-kun only needs Sana in his life!


At lunch break…

Sana returns to her class with mixed feelings. Sana is both happy and disappointed.

Sana is happy because Sana has gotten a…k-k-kiss…from Sei-kun. It was on Sana's forehead, though.

Still, it was a…k-k-kiss…from Sei-kun!

Sana is over the moon!

However, Sana is disappointed because Sei-kun rejected Sana's invitation to have lunch together.

(What must Sana do with this food?)

As Sana eyed the lunchbox wrapped by a sheet, Sana pondered and felt troubled.

Sana feels her effort to help Okaa-san preparing the lunch is completely and utterly wasted. Sana is displeased.

After contemplating for a few moments, Sana chooses to leave the extra. Okaa-san can use it at dinner later.

After that, the school continues. But, Sana cannot focus on the class because she is distracted.

Sana is curious about Sei-kun's secret meeting with his mysterious female friend. Sana guesses that Sei-kun stopped bringing lunch with him because his unknown female friend prepared lunch for him.

When Sana thinks about that, she cannot help but feel anxious and afraid.

(What if this secret girl friend is actually Sei-kun's girlfriend?)

…such a hypothesis appeared in Sana's mind.

Sana is terrified of that. She realizes that she does not want for Sei-kun to have a romantic relationship with other girls.

Sana feels jealous and possessive of Sei-kun.

(Sei-kun is Sana's! Not some no-name hussies'!)

…such a thought flashed in Sana's mind.

Before long, the last class ends.

Then, Sana finds Sei-kun visiting her class.

"Let's go."

Sana told Sei-kun before he could speak up and pulled him along.

Sana is happy because she will return home together with Sei-kun. It is just a small thing, but she has realized that she is more dependent on Sei-kun than she was aware of.

Unfortunately, Sana cannot be honest with her feelings. Sana feels so embarrassed to show her real feelings for Sei-kun. Usually, she unfairly lashes out to Sei-kun.

Sana is conscious of how she treats Sei-kun. Sana always regrets it whenever Sana cannot control herself in front of her Sei-kun. She is afraid that he will hate Sana.

But, Sei-kun is so considerate and kind. He never got utterly and completely angry at Sana.

…and Sana has taken it for granted so far.

Sana is afraid that Sei-kun's secret female friend will take Sei-kun away from Sana.

Sana cannot accept it! Sana cannot imagine a life without Sei-kun!

(Mine! Seiji-kun is mine! Mine! Mine! Mi—)

"Would you mind accompanying me to see Home Economics club?" asked Sei-kun suddenly, stopping Sana's musings.

Anyway, Sana is curious. Why did Sei-kun suddenly show interest in that club?

"What are you going to do there?" Sana asked.

"You have yet to join any club, right?" Sei-kun asked back.

Sana furrows her brows and gives Sei-kun a suspicious stare. "Sei-kun, are you going to join Home Economics club?" said Sana.

"Is it obvious?" Sei-kun responded.

"Sei-kun is indifferent to anything that does not catch your interest. So, are you going to join that club, right?"

Sana intimately knows Sei-kun because she always keeps her eyes on Sei-kun! However, Sana is curious why Sei-kun suddenly wants to join such an uninteresting club.

"Well, I want us to join that club together."

"Sana does not want to enter a plain club, though."

Sana prefers to stay in her room to play her games, read her manga, or watch her anime.

"That was rude, you know. Apologize to past, present, and future members of the Home Economics club across the world!" Sei-kun rolled his eyes as he retorted back.

"Anyway, would you accompany me?" Sei-kun asked Sana, getting our conversation back on track.

http://bit.ly/IGT4ToC for early access of advanced chapters!

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