
I Got The Blacksmith System!

Clyde, an orphan in the Damiliyan region of the Theodor mega continent, was living his days hand to mouth. Whatever money he made was ultimately spent on food and survival. He lived in the slums and worked for less money than any other. His father's passion was transferred to him before he disappeared as he was very fond of blacksmithing. He always wanted to learn but never had the guts to ask Constantine, their village's blacksmith. One day while walking back home from a tiring day of work, he felt a chilling sensation. It felt like something just happened but Clyde didn't get it, he just ran back to his home to go under his blanket. [Later That Night] “You have been chosen by an ascended. Please choose a first name!” “Huh?” “first name accepted user Huh. The second name, please?” “My name is not huh! It's Clyde.” “Sorry user Huh. The first name has been chosen. Your second name is Clyde. Thank you for the confirmation user Huh Clyde!” Now his journey truly begins “I will be the strongest blacksmith there is!” _______ I hope you enjoy the story bros, make sure to save it to your library if you do, I'll be updating it as frequently as I can. love ya!

SoftBreezee · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Finally! A Breakthrough!

"Did you succeed?"

"Yeah about that…" "No need to say. We can resume tomorrow. No need to pay until you succeed." Said Constantine. He already had gained a lot by selling the previous enchanted weapon and could live and work without worrying for at least a month or two. Plus it would be tiring on Clyde, so he could not 'exploit' him further, or so he said to himself.

Clyde smiled unconsciously at Constantine. "What are you smiling at? This is the only hard exercise, after this you'll be paying up almost everyday!" Constantine said, trying to be a bit more angry, but ultimately failing. Clyde just smiled and saluted him, seemingly mocking his anger, while in reality just appreciating him. Constantines anger grew more after this seeming mockery. But he couldn't bring himself to hit the innocent child, especially when he seemed so genuine.

To be honest even if he were betrayed now, he would die knowing he helped someone genuinely needing help. Constantine sent Clyde back to his home, getting back to his jobs pending for so long. 'Why so much work ughh!!' he thought to himself.

Clyde went running home excited for the next day. He picked his favorite spot as he was a bit earlier than usual this time. He took his blanket, rapped it around him and peacefully went to sleep for the first time in a long time.


[The Next Day]

Clyde woke up with an excited feeling, he stood up as he stretched himself and just then.

*Rumble Rumble*

'Oh god, I need food..' Clyde walked like an ape now lumped forward a bit due to hunger. He needs food asap or he'll die or so it felt to him. He slowly walked to the blacksmith as he said to Constantine, "Can you give me some work to do?" "You can't even stand straight, what makes you think you can work?" Constantine said, tilting his head to look at Clyde. "But I need to buy food, and I quit my other job so I can't make money that way!" Clyde said, half-conscious.

Constantine just laughed at Clyde's hilarious situation. "Hahaha, kid, you should look at your face… hahahaha, ahh. Here, have some money to buy food. Don't worry you'll be paying me back ten-folds with enchantments, hahaha." Constantine gives Clyde some money as he gets back to work. Clyde once again smiled at his master as he slowly walked once again to the market and bought something to eat.

Finally, after gaining all his strength back now he could try again to form his first ever elemental tool.

He once again started work in the room he was in as yesterday, trying again and again, occasionally resting to let his mana stack up so he could use it again.

"Master, I had a question!" Clyde asked of Constantine, who was still in the other room. "Go on!" A reply came. "If elemental tools are much more profitable to make. Why don't you make them more often? And also how do you manage to insert mana into water and shape it and keep it in shap?!" Clyde said, for a while no reply came. But then, "The answer to your first question is, because of mana depletion. The more mana you exert the longer it takes to recover. Even while shaping is done with another elemental tool you need to exert mana to keep it in shape. The second questions answer is,

You need to focus on a single point that will be the base of it all. Remember I told you about the weak point of an elemental tool. That's why it's there. Now get back to work." Said Constantine in reply to Clyde. "Hey wait, I'm using a lot of mana for this. Won't I be affected by mana depletion?!" "Well, yes and no. You are being affected, sure, but you are younger so it won't be much of an effect right now then let's say when you're close to 30."

Hearing this Clyde sighed as he went back to his assignment. Constantine cleaned his newest creation as he set it aside to finally give to one of his only buyers in such a small town. He created one sturdy sword and a dozen or more lower quality swords which the buyer bought in bulk to sell as well.

Clyde kept on trying and trying. Once the mana exhaustion crept in he'd just go sit down in a corner and look at his master cleaning the blacksmith. Soon, due to boredom he also joins in the cleaning even though being refused by his master. "You seriously didn't have to do this." "But I'm using your blacksmith and not even paying for it, it's the least I can do." In the end Constantine gave up and both of them worked on the cleaning of the blacksmith together.

Due to Clyde's proficiency in cleaning due to several years of experience, the place was looking spotless to the point where one's face could be seen on the floors and walls. During the cleaning process, both of them talked as well, Constantine explaining some of the basic ideas, and also how he could approach making his first elemental tool. All in all it was a very productive cleaning session.

Not only cleaning, but also learning was done in this process. For which Clyde would happily pay soon. But before that he wanted to give this one last go. After all that theory and learning, if he doesn't, then he is truly a failure.

Anyway, he starts once again and a bucket of water is brought. He starts to to slowly get a lump of water on the anvil levitating it there. Slowly he puts mana into one point and makes sure it doesn't fall apart. He slowly gives it shape. Slowly but surely it looks like…

A single sweat drops from his forehead. He looks at the almost finished product. 'Just one more strike, please!' as he's about to hit it…

The lump is broken. Too much mana was exerted and inserted into the lump of water. Making it ultimately collapse. Oh well, there's still one more try left before he'd run out of sufficient mana. 'Okay, last chance don't fuck it up Clyde.'

He slowly does the whole process all over again, careful as to not exert too much or too little mana. Slowly it takes shape once again. 'oh god please, please let it work!' he begged. He was ready to be on his knees and beg just to let this work. And then…

It worked! He had done it! His first elemental tool was created! "YES!!" he screamed at the on top of his lungs even though he was as weak as a crawler plant. And then..

"Congratulations, Apostle Clyde. You have met the requirements to fully unlock the capabilities of the Blacksmith System…"

I don't have much to say on this chapter othe than enjoy it really. love y'all!

btw I would really really! appreciate if you could maybe vote for my book ▼⁠・⁠ᴥ⁠・⁠▼

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