
I got teleported in bleach 1 year to late!

maitre_PVP · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The choice is yours

Kyosuke: I see... so why not "Tsukiyo" it means moonlight night in Japanese.

Tsukiyo: Heh, not half bad. I'm gonna stick with that for now.

Kyosuke: Ok so now let's see my capacities:

Schrift R: The Rules: I can make 3 rules that are absolutes, no one can deny them, but if I cancel one of the rules, I will have to wait 1 days to use the ability again

Fullbring: Amon-Gorloth, God giving power: I can borrow an ability of a person or a character I know if the power isn't superior to what I can possess for 30 minutes, but if I cancel the power or run out of times, I must wait 3 hours to reuse it again.

Zanpakuto : ?????????????????????????

It seems I must find that myself in the old way, and finally

Hollow: Tsukiyo: I can, when we enter in fusion, I thinks it's like horn of Salvation of Ichigo, I can use hollow power like gran rey cero or sonido and my physical abilities are enhanced.

And that's all, damn, I think I'm pretty op with this kind of power but the zanpakuto makes me want to discover it right now!

Tsukiyo: Don't forget you still need to acclimate and train your newly acquired power.

Kyosuke: Yes. But I'm wondering about something... At what moment of the timeline did we arrive? I will ask to someone the recent event when i will find a village or the rukongai.

~~~~2 hours later~~~~

Kyosuke: Finally! I can see the slums of the rukongai, I really appeared far away from the society. It doesn't really matter anyway since I have been able to practice a little with my new skills but damn it's more complicated than what I thought it would be.

Tsukiyo: Bruh. Of course, it's complicated you just acquired them so don't be greedy, train little by little and you will eventually become very strong.

Kyosuke: Ok Tsuki, oh and I don't think I told you what I wanted to do now that I have settled my mind, I have two possibilities. First one is to become a captain and to create the 14th Division that will be composed of "special" individual like the Fullbringer, the Quincy, some Hollows like Grimmjow and the Karakura gang. Or I can become an antagonist to let Ichigo grow even stronger.

Tsukiyo: The choice is yours Kyo you know? You're the one who is in control of everything but I don't really want to die with the second option so I would advise you to take the first path.

Kyosuke: Yeah, I don't want to die either so let's go for the first choice. And now let's enter the rukongai...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello, it's me, how was the first chapter. Yes, the story takes time to begin but don't worry, in the next chapters things will go quicker!

Hope you will help me improve this and I wish you all a good day!