
I Got Reincarnated into R18 Mecha Novels as a Side Characters

I am Hiro Denzelnas. I don't know why, but one day, I suddenly remembered a memory from my past life. Based on that memory, I was a side character from the last Mecha R18 novel I read in my past life. Actually, I had no problem being an ordinary side character. But the problem was, I was the husband of the main heroine of that novel. You know what that means? I'm just a side character, but I'm the main heroine's husband. That means I'll be NTR'd by the protagonist of this novel later! Not to mention that the universe in this world is so vast that there are wars between planets, battles between Mechas and pilots, trips to distant space, alien invasions, crazy organizations, and various other dangerous things. Therefore, I have to find a way to survive all the dangerous things that will happen and prevent the protagonist from meeting my wife. For f*cksake! I just want a peaceful life.

AltairNX · sci-fi
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24 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reincarnated as a side character

My name is Hiro Denzelnas from the noble Denzelnas family, I am 20 years old. I was lying on my bed thinking about something.

This morning, right when I woke up, I had a headache and was confused when a memory from my past life came to my head.

Based on those memories, I've been reincarnated into an R18 mecha novel as the side character in that game.

In this world, there is something called Mecha. They are robots about 6 meters tall and very deadly. They are used by many countries as their main military force and can change the flow of the battlefield easily.

That's because they can only be defeated by overwhelming force or other Mecha.

However, Mecha cannot act alone, they need someone to control them.

And that person is called a "Pilot."

The fighting ability of a Mecha depends on the ability of the Pilot and not just anyone can become one. Therefore, pilots become very much needed and become the most desired job for people who are ambitious for power, wealth, strength, and honor.

In fact, on some occasions, in order to reduce casualties on the battlefield, Mecha and pilots are made to duel in an arena as representatives of each country. The victory and defeat of a war is determined by the results of their battle.

And the battle between pilots is called Pilot Deathmatch.

Over time, as the whole world slowly became peaceful, Pilot Deathmatch was made into a sport. And quickly, they became the most favored sport in the entire universe.

Yes, I mean the entire universe.

That's because, in this novel universe, Earth is not called Earth anymore, it's called UEMA Empire, or United Earth and Mars Empire.

And this empire is led by the royal family.

Typically, pilot deatmatches between countries involve territory, weapons, or resources as their bet.

And the resource most often at stake is Soladinium.

Soladiniums are strange mineral rocks found in space, and they are the main source of energy for every country. Just 1 kg of this rock can power a city for years.

Therefore, this mineral is widely used in various industries as an energy source. It also includes military, mecha, and spaceships.

So, the country that has the most of this stone automatically has an industrial advantage over other countries.

That country is the Lorandra Empire. They are on a planet very far from the UEMA Empire. But that distance can be covered in just a few hours using spaceships that use Soladinium as their fuel.

The Lorandra Empire is the most powerful country in the entire Milky Way galaxy.

They had plenty of resources due to their vast territory and had 4 planets, a hundred thousand spaceship fleets, and thousands of Elite Pilots and Mecha.

Their combat power is far above any other country in the galaxy.

This novel's universe is crazy. If I can choose, I don't want to be reincarnated here.

And yet, here I am.

Reincarnated as a side character from that novel, and to make matters worse, I am the husband of the main heroine of that novel.

And you know what that means? I'm the husband of the main heroine in this novel, but I'm just a side character.

You know what that means, right?

Yeah, I'll get NTR-ed by the protagonist later.

Honestly, I never finished this novel. I only read about 30-40% of it and stopped after that.

It's because I don't like the protagonist. He has a very edgy and perverted personality. He's always after every beautiful woman he sees, no matter if she already belongs to someone else or not, and that made me stop reading this novel.

I stopped reading when the protagonist forcibly kissed the main heroine. He's an asshole.

I stopped reading furiously that day.

And you know what's worse? A lot of people kept reading that novel.

They said that the main character was a chad because he always went after the woman he wanted, and no matter what happened, he wouldn't stop until he got her.

They say he's not like the typical harem protagonist who just gets lucky and the heroine loves him at first sight. Or the type of naive protagonist and herbivorous protagonist.

He's the kind of guy who will do anything to make the woman he likes his.

I mean, am I missing something?

That "do anything" is the problem, okay?

He drugged a woman, fucked her, and suddenly she became Tsundere to him?

Or he uses the trauma on one of the heroines to make her fall in love with him.

He even flirts and gets a widow at a party, drunk. and fucked her.

Is the only thing on the protagonist's mind is f*cking? I know this is an R18 novel, but this is too much mate.

And by the way, he forcibly kisses the paralyzed woman or the main heroine, in this case, my wife. Which irritated him because she treated him coldly, I don't know how the main heroine liked him after that because I stopped reading.

The only good thing about him was that he was taking responsibility for all those women, but he was still a shameless asshole. At least for me.

That was the last novel i read before I got drafted into the army.

F*cking hell mate, I don't know who's crazier, the world or me.

*Knock Knock*

In the middle of thinking about all that, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

I lifted my upper body and looked at the door.

After the door opened, I could see a black-haired woman wearing a maid's outfit. She looked a little older than me.

She was the main heroine's maid and assistant, Melisa Krona. She was a strict and serious woman, at least from the outside.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up, Mr. Hiro. But Miss told me to ask you, are you also going to take her today?"

She said that with a beautiful smile.

"Of course, I'll be right there. By the way, are you sick? You're not usually this polite."

"Of course not, you bastard! Hurry up and get your ass down! Don't make my lady wait."

And she said that with an angry and very impolite face while slamming the door loudly.

That was her true nature.

I quickly showered and prepared to take the main heroine, or my wife, to her office.

From what I can remember of this body, no, of my body, we didn't get married because we loved each other or anything like that. It's just that our families are noble families from the UEMA Empire, and they have a very good relationship, especially our mothers, who have been friends since they were in school.

Since they had a child of the opposite gender, they decided to marry them off. We both disagreed at first. It was because I wanted to focus on helping my mother, who had raised me alone, to take care of her company. But she said that I could still help her after marriage, and I couldn't deny that.

Even so, we continued to resist, but due to the tremendous pressure from both of them and also to their threatening to find another candidate if we refused, we decided to accept.

After all, even though our relationship wasn't very close and we rarely met, we had been acquainted since childhood. So we thought of pretending to agree with their wishes, so that we wouldn't be forced to marry someone we didn't know.

She thought it was better to marry me because she had known me for a long time and I thought so too.

Plus, in this world, for noble families like ours, it's normal to get married at 18. And both of us were already 20 years old. In fact, we had resisted their plan for 2 years and finally gave in.

After getting ready, I chose a pair of trousers, a t-shirt, and a jacket from my wardrobe and walked to the dining room downstairs.

When I arrived at the dining room, I could see that Melissa and "her" had eaten first at the dining table.

"She" is the main heroine, Alicia Middleton. I have to admit that she's so beautiful that I wonder why my previous self didn't want to marry her officially?

She has milky white skin, silver hair, blue eyes, and a very ideal body. Just from her appearance, I can already tell that she's a very cold woman.

But well, I can slightly understand my previous self's thoughts. Even if I like someone, it doesn't mean that I love them.

I'm sure that I like this woman, but I'm also sure that I don't love her.

Well, about our future relationship, I don't really care. At least I don't want to get NTR-ed. It hurts my pride, I'll make sure that doesn't happen.

I immediately sat down on the chair opposite her. Upon noticing my arrival, she shifted her gaze from her food to me.

From her expression, I could see she was a little surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you wearing clothes like that?"

Ah... that's right.

The clothes that my previous self used to wear were black shirts and suits, but now I was instead wearing a t-shirt and jacket out of habit from my past life. It was only natural that she was surprised.

"Just wanted to change the atmosphere. That's all."


She gave me a skeptical look.

"Can't I?"

"No, whatever you wear is not my business."

She continued her meal calmly.

Thankfully, the attitude of the me in this world was not much different from the me in my past life.

I also decided to eat my food, and it felt like I was looking at a forest.

"Hey, you don't cook meat?"

"Shut up, be thankful that I cooked for you too."

I don't understand at all why this woman doesn't like me, I don't remember doing anything to her.

After breakfast, we went to the garage and got into a black sedan, which turned out to be my car.

I sat in the driving seat, Alicia sat in the front seat, and Melissa in the back seat alone.

Myself in this world and in my past life were both native to driving cars, so I could drive without any problems.

I started driving towards the city center.

The city I live in is the imperial capital of the UEMA Empire, it is an artificial island covering hundreds of kilometers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Our mansion was on a private island 3 km away on the outskirts of the imperial capital, And since our mansion and the city were separated by the ocean, we had to pass through an underwater tunnel, or fly by helicopter or plane and use a boat, if we wanted to get to the city.

Our journey was filled with an atmosphere of silence, but since I felt that Alicia was the type of person who didn't talk too much, I ignored that atmosphere and just focused on driving the car to her company's office.

Alicia's company was quite far from our mansion as it was in the city center, so it took about half an hour for us to get there.

After driving for about half an hour, I arrived at a very tall and large building, and I could see a projection that read, "Middleton Bullet Farm Corporation."

I put our car into the parking lot to drop off Alicia and Melissa.

"I'll pick you guys up at 3pm."


Alicia answered me briefly and started walking into the building.

I stepped on the gas of my car and decided to find a quiet place.

I stopped at a park not far from Alicia's company, grabbed a can of coffee from the vending machine, and sat on a wooden chair in the park while thinking about what to do.

To be honest, I was still a bit confused. Which one was the real me? The real me in my past life or the real me in this world?

Hah.... Just thinking about it makes my head hurt a bit...

I massaged my head to ease the pain.

Forget about it. There's no point in thinking about it. The current me is me. Thinking about which one is the real me is stupid.

For now, I have to think about what I should do in the future. I'll put aside the matter of the protagonist targeting Alicia for now. After all, since I remembered exactly their first meeting, I just needed to prevent that from happening.

And if that protagonist still continues to bother us, I'll make sure to beat the hell out of him.

Besides, I have a more important problem, which is the parasyte invasion of this planet. Parasytes are aliens that like to eat anything organic, and they come in various forms depending on their host.

For example, if their host is an elephant, then they will be shaped like an elephant, or rather a super elephant. That's because they become stronger, and are very difficult to kill unless you hit the host's core.

At least that's what I heard from a post on the internet, I don't know much more than that, like when and where exactly the invasion happened.

There is also an organization called IMF or Immortal Machina Federation. They are a group of humanoid races who worship machines. They turn their limbs into machines so that their bodies are stronger and they can live for a long time.

I also only saw that on the internet, I heard they were a dangerous organization that liked to kill or kidnap other humanoid races for experiments.

If I knew I'd be reincarnated into that novel's world, then I'd keep reading it, damn it.


I unconsciously let out a long sigh.

Well, I'd better stop wasting time here.

My priority is to prepare for the parasyte invasion, which will probably happen within 3 years.

I only guessed at that number, because while I was still reading this novel, 2 years had passed in the timeline, and the invasion hadn't happened yet.

That means, at worst, the invasion could happen within 3 years.

There are some minor events to enhance the protagonist's relationship with the other heroine, but I don't care about that.

I'm just going to prepare myself for the parasyte invasion so that I can protect my mother and the people I want to protect. That's all.

I don't care about the plot of this novel or anything like that, I'll use anything that can increase the probability of my safety when the parasyte invasion happens.

If possible, I want to prevent the invasion from happening. Because from what I can remember from that memory, 30% of the living population on Earth and almost all of the living population on Mars were wiped out.

It's possible that the me in the novel was also included in the population of the living population that perished.

First of all, I need a Pilot suit and a Mecha. That's because only a Pilot and a Mecha can defeat the parasyte. At least that's what I learned from the Pilot Academy, I only attended there for 2 years anyway.

And during my time there, I've learned the basics of becoming a pilot. Even if I never went to school there, I still have memories of my past life, so I'm sure controlling a Mecha is not a problem for me.

I can buy weapons from my mother's company, and about bullets, I think I can buy them at Alicia's company, but about the Pilot suit and Mecha, it seems I have to look elsewhere.

I guess I'll just ask my mom.

I headed straight to my mother's company.

I then got into my car and drove it to my mom's company building.

I got to my mom's company building in just 5 minutes. That's because it was right next to Alicia's company building. Just like Alicia's company building, it also had a projector that said "Danzel Weaponary Corporation" on the front.

To set up buildings next to each other like this, my mom and Alicia's mom were really close, huh.

I felt unfamiliar and very familiar at the same time, my memories were completely mixed up.

I went straight in, since all the employees in this place knew about me. I was able to enter without anyone getting in the way. I arrived upstairs and went straight into my mother's room.

I could see her sitting behind the director's desk.

She had the same gray hair as me and looked like a woman in her late 20s, although her real age was almost 40, but I wouldn't tell her that directly.

Upon noticing my arrival, my mother immediately smiled and instructed me with her hand to come closer.

"Hii~ro, come here."

I walked over and sat on the chair in front of her.

"I thought you wouldn't come today. Did something happen?"

She asked that with a worried tone.

"Well, actually. I wanted to do something."

"Ehhhh.... You don't want to work with mom anymore?"

She said that while puffing out her cheeks.

Mom, remember your age. I wish I could say that, but I don't want to make her angry. My mom may look kind like this, but she's terrible when she's angry.

"That's not it, mom. I just want to buy a Pilot suit and a Mecha. Do you know where I can buy them?"

Hearing my words, my mom was dumbfounded.

Did I do something wrong?

After that, my mom's eyes looked like she wanted to cry.

Really, did I do something wrong?

"Hiks... I see... You're finally serious about chasing your dreams, your father must be proud."

What? Dream? What dream?

Aah..... I just remembered that!

The reason I left the academy was because my father was killed while he was serving as a pilot. Since then, I started to stay away from Mecha and Pilot things, and prefer to run my mother's company.

It looks like I don't need to make excuses anymore.

"That's right, mom. So can you tell me where I can buy it?"

"Hmm. If you go to a normal store, you'll probably only get the standard stuff."

"That's fine too, mom."

I'll modify it myself if necessary.

"No way, I don't want you to use cheap stuff. I recommend you go to Hanz Workshop. You can design your Pilot suit there. It's only 3 blocks away from here. And about the Mecha, you better go look for it at the Mecha Auction House. You know where it is, right?"

No I don't know. My memory is a little messed up today. But I won't say that because I don't want to worry her, I'll just look it up on my phone later.

"Alright, thanks mom. I'll leave now so i'm not bothering you."

"No problem, you can come and bother mom whenever you want. Ah no, wait a minute."

Before I could stand up, my mom stopped me. She seemed to be doing something on her computer.

"Done, I've transferred 100 million credits to your account. Use the money as you please and don't be hesitant, okay?"

Hearing the amount, I almost choked on my own saliva.

100 million credits? That's the same as 100 million dollars, right? As I recall Mechas were only in the range of 5-10 million credits, and Pilot suits were only around 1-2 million credits.

"Isn't that too much, mom?"

"You don't have to worry, mom still has plenty of money."

My mom said that as if the amount didn't matter to her at all. Since she already said so, I guess it's fine then.

"Alright, I'll return it if there's any extra."

"No need, you can keep it as pocket money."

I said goodbye to my mom and walked towards the exit.

"Ah, Hiro!"

I stopped and turned around at my mother's call.

"Hurry up and get Alicia pregnant, okay?"

*Cough* *Cough*

This time I really choked up.

"I'll try my best."

I said that, then quickly ran away from there.

Really, even though we had never done it before, we even slept in different beds. Sorry mom, but it looks like you'll be waiting for a long time.

Alright, where should I go now?

Maybe I'd better go to that workshop first. After all, the auction at the Mecha Auction House will only start at night.

I went down to the parking lot, started my car, and immediately drove it in the direction my mother said.

On the way I was able to see many things that I wouldn't have been able to see in my past life, such as a giant projector advertising a product, or flying police cars and ambulances.

Wow, flying cars really exist, huh.

But only special personnel are allowed to use them though.

But what amazed me the most was the huge gate in the sky. It was square, with a passable gap in the middle.

Based on my memory, it was a gate that everyone had to pass through if they wanted to exit or enter the planet. That's because in addition to serving as a gate, it also issued a kind of barrier that surrounded the earth.

So that there is no other way to get out or enter this planet other than through there. It is to prevent terrorists, intruders, and such from entering this planet.

Man... That's some sci-fi shit.

After driving 3 blocks from my mom's company building, I arrived at the workshop she told me about. The workshop building was not at all what I had imagined.

It was quite small, at least from the outside.

Well, maybe I'll find out if I go inside.

I grabbed the door handle and entered.