
I got Reincarnated as Yuuya Tenjou in Cheat Musou.

This novel isn't dropped I am just taking a break, I'll be back I promise. [Courtesy/Special Thanks To Nyx Translations] ★ Read Auxiliary Chapters Before Reading The Story ★ This is a [What If] type, SI ‘fan-fic’ and It will be a light-hearted story which will follow canon ‘closely’ and ‘completely’ with added ‘extra’ events but the MC here won't be like Yuuya was and get dragged around or in his Emo phase for the whole story and all. I will ‘try’ to make it as much fun and entertaining as possible, also there will be changes in the characters behaviour as I don't want to make them ‘dumb’ like they are displayed and It will be ‘Harem’ and I will ‘try’ my best to make it not seem forced and make it entertaining. [I am doing this for fun So I won't promise any fixed updates] (The Characters all belong to their rightful owners I don't Own Anything) ★ I am just re-writing it as a [What If] storyline to satisfy and vent out my Frustration on the orignal story, that's it ★ Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07 · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chp 4 New Experience.

Immediately I felt an intimidating pressure,

My body froze up instantly, and suddenly had a terrible chill with a suffocating feeling, my breathing came in stops and starts. Sweat beaded up all over my body, and I was confused for a moment as to why this suddenly happened before frantically looking outdoors, and as soon as I turned my eyes in the outdoor direction,

I saw a pitch black slime-like object.

"What's that?"

I used [Appraisal] on it immediately:

[Hell Slime]

Level: 200

Magic: 5000

Attack: 1000

Defense: 5000

Agility: 100

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 100

"Are you really serious…Ugh"

It's a monster, a slime monster at that and also the first monster I met and that too is Level 200,

I don't get it. What the hell are these ridiculous stats?. In the first place, isn't it weird to pit a level 1 like me against a level 200!?

Well, no matter how I thought about it, this forest was definitely not a place for beginners, right? I mean, it makes sense, I don't think the Wise Man would have lived in some kind of beginner's paradise.

I'm actually quite scared if I'm being perfectly honest, but I'm trying my best to maintain my composure to think of a solution quickly right now. As I focused on observing the Hell Slime, it was struggling to get inside this land as if blocked by an invisible wall. It couldn't enter the yard.


I see… no one without my permission can enter this property! That's when I remembered it, but that still didn't mean I could do anything about the situation. In fact, the slime was still squirming his slimes against the invisible wall in an effort to enter the yard. Its squirming voice echoed through the surroundings.

At any rate, I came to understand that the [Hell Slime] was no threat while I was here inside the fence, but it still didn't give up and resumed its attacks. Even if I know it can't get to me, this wasn't very good for my mental health.

Is there anything I can do about it…

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. "Can my attacks from inside leave the property?"

Right, all external attacks seem to be prevented, but what happens if something attacks from the inside out? To solve that question, I took out the [Absolute Spear] from [Item Box].

"Huh? I can just hold it normally…"

What's this? I can hold the [Absolute Spear] with just one hand! Yes, I know it was actually normal, but still, it was amazing for me. I didn't think I could hold the spear with one hand in just a single day, so I involuntarily swung the spear around on the spot. Then, although I only casually swung it around, somehow its weight was quite manageable.

It was just yesterday when the [Absolute Spear] was too heavy for my physical body to carry, and it seemed Impossible for me to throw it accurately, but this spear could hit its set target, and the target was set, even if it only left my hand by a few millimeters, it would surely fly into that target, and return to my hand automatically.

I had confirmed that much when I played around with all the other weapons,right after swinging [Omni-Sword]. In that case…

"Should I throw it?"

As a kind of experiment, I decided to throw the spear at the [Hell Slime], which continued to squirm around in front of me.

Normally, throwing this much of a deadly weapon at a living creature was something I would never do, but the creature in front of me was a monster without any intelligence except hunger in his mind and that logic overrode my usual sensibilities.

I completely dispelled my hesitation, brandish the spear and threw it with one hand.


My decision made, I held the spear firmly.

[Absolute Spear] was a weapon specifically designed to pierce the enemy, without any gorgeous decorations.

However, it was very easy to use, and even if a super beginner like me held it, it was a good fit. It was heavy,but with my upgraded stats I would easily throw it.

The [Hell Slime] seemed to go on alert, possibly due to sensing the intimidating air released from [Absolute Spear].

Even though I threw it with all my might unconfident about the stat difference,

It was a lousy throw. I felt like I was just flailing around since I didn't know how to use the spear properly. I wonder what would happen if I looked up how to use a spear in some book and learned from that?

The monster Slime sensing the weapon coming towards him understood what was happening instantly and put up its guard.

Immediately, the spear flew at a faster speed than I could have imagined, and there was a hole in the body of the Hell Slime before I knew it.

"I… I did it…"

Honestly, saying that now might raise another flag, but there was no need to worry.

The Hell Slime's body quivered a little, and then it dissolved into particles of light, and disappeared on the spot. various objects appeared scattered where the creature was.

For some reason, I haltingly sat down and started laughing. The feeling of being alive after such an encounter and the realization that I had killed a living being were mixing together, and all I could do was smile.

However, even though I killed something, I wasn't as shocked as I expected to be. It was probably fortunate that I didn't feel it. I was stunned in place for a while, but I eventually noticed that a bunch of items had fallen on the ground where the [Hell Slime] died.

But before I could get up a message suddenly appeared in front of me.

[Level Up]

I was dumbfounded once again.

'L-Level up…? I was dumbfounded by that sudden message. No, if I can just calm down for a second, it makes total sense. I'm at level 1 and I defeated a level 200 enemy. Although my attack power was 500, due to eating the ingredients in the garden field it might be that the attack power of [Absolute Spear] was so high it Insta-killed the monster',

[A/N : 500 in all stats from Otherworld House Ingredients]

"This [Absolute Spear] is freaking awesome…"

'Moreover, there are still a lot of weapons of the same power level as [Absolute Spear] on hand. It would be terrifying if I could use them all effectively…

Anyway, it said I leveled up, so what's different?'

I displayed the status to check the changes.

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None

Level: 50

Magic: 500

Attack: 1000

Defense: 1000

Agility: 1000

Intelligence: 1000

Luck: 1000

BP: 5000

Skills: [Flight] [Telekinesis] [Empathy] [Superior Eyes] [Superior Adaptability] [Superior Regeneration] [Superior Resistance] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: 1] [Cooking: 1]

Titles: [Reincarnator] [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

That's So OP, the enemy was level 200, so is this normal,

And for every level I gain, all of my stats go up by 10. I don't think that's normal for this world's inhabitants, It would be for some few people with special titles

Even so, it was clear that my BP was very unusual compared to everyone else. I knew that for sure thanks to the description of [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] and other titles.

"I can sort out this BP as I please, right…?"

I looked at the Status to Verify and I confirmed I can,

I could do that for later but I was more concerned at the moment about what the stuff dropped around where the [Hell Slime] died was.So I went to check on that first.

I walked over there cautiously step by step while looking around my surroundings

'What is this stuff?'

The items I found included some kind of palm sized jewel that was a mysterious color, and round core and some other accessories,

'Well, let's just take these for now…'

Thanks to it dying near the gate, I was able to collect them quickly and got inside again but suddenly,

[You have acquired the skill [Presence Detection]

I used [Appraisal] on the new skill for description first,

[Presence Detection] :: Makes it possible for you to detect danger or nearby hidden presences.

It was a very simple explanation. In other words, in the movies it would be something like, "I know you're there!", Like I can use the skill when I have to leave this protected land again next time, so this could reduce my risk during that time.

'Maybe It was because I was trying to detect nearby monsters while outside or maybe because I detected the [Hell Slime] a few moments ago that I acquired this skill'

Well either way coming back to the drop items,

There weren't even that many items, but they had an indescribable… aura? Like, they were intimidating? Anyway, even an amateur like me could tell these were amazing items.

However, I wouldn't learn anything else just by looking at it, so I activated the [Appraisal] skill. I was already starting to activate and use them like it was natural.

[Hell Slime Core] :: The heart of the Hell Slime. It's filled with a huge amount of magical power, and can be used in the process of creating armor.

[Hell Slime Jelly] :: A coffee-flavored jelly. Consuming it can increase magical power and defence and can provide a calming effect and relieve fatigue immediately.

[Magic Stone: Rank C] :: A special ore that can be obtained from magical beasts.

'Coffee-flavoured jelly!?'

Really, I didn't think there would be a coffee-flavoured jelly as a drop On the contrary, it was a stat-boosting item, just like the crops of the field!

There was also a magic stone,and core too.…

The items were overwhelmingly fantastical. Magic stones and cores…but where can I use these on modern earth?, I could see for magic stones that their rank was indicated.

Seriously, how am I supposed to use these? I mean I could sell them later on in this world but they would just be litter until then,

"Anyhow, I managed to collect all this, but… I'm not sure how to use it, I should find a way to somehow sell them, If possible"

When I was appraising the items that dropped, I noticed I had missed one.

"Oh, there was one more thing."

It was a silver necklace, holding a fashionable crescent moon embedded with something like a black jewel.

"No way, it's an accessory!?"

I don't know, since I'm not familiar with games, but is it normal for these accessories to drop? Or was that Hell Slime wearing it? If so, it must have been a fashionable slime, It seems you can, not only get materials, but equipment as well from monster drops in this world,

For now, since it looked nothing like the other items I got from the [Hell Slime], I appraised it.

[Black Moon Necklace] :: Rare drop from Hell Slimes. It can increase various stats if worn at night. It also collects sunlight and converts it into magic power, and constantly restores the wearer's magic power. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

It was a 'rare' drop item. Well, it didn't say anything about the slime being fashionable, Kind of disappointing. But the effect seems quite good. Even if it's only at night, it can increase stats, and can also restore magic power. Though I don't know how to use magic power anyway. Since it was the first time I got a rare drop, I decided to try equipping it.

'I wonder if it looks cool on me!?'

Anyhow, I got the feeling that it might not have be good to keep postponing the allocation of BP. With that in mind, I decided to go ahead and distribute the BP this time.

"Hmm… I can't use magic without proper knowledge even if I raise it, and I'd like to increase my attack power anyway."

I originally liked physical combat styles in games, so I just increased my attack power.

At any rate, that amount of magic was enough, since I couldn't use it anyway, and above all, since Yuuya was constantly getting bullied, I felt it was a good idea to also raise my defense incase someone tries messing with me,

Originally, luck, unlike physical strength, wouldn't go up no matter how hard you tried, but actually, it was now increasing by the same amount as everything else when I leveled up or ate the ingredients. When I thought about that, I was itching to assign even more points to luck.

"This makes me so excited thinking of all the possibilities…"

In the first place, to me, who had never really focused playing a game, this situation was becoming more and more seem like a game. Of course, I was cautious of the danger from before, but this strange situation was still fascinating.

Well, my level increased, and my attack power increased, but there were no other changes in particular. I don't really care that much, actually ― it just feels good that I could put points into my stats like in games. I thought optimistically, and assigned the BP as I wanted.

And the results…

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None

Level: 50

Magic: 500

Attack: 2000

Defense: 2000

Agility: 2000

Intelligence: 1500

Luck: 2500

BP : 0

Skills: [Flight] [Telekinesis] [Empathy] [Superior Eyes] [Superior Adaptability] [Superior Regeneration] [Superior Resistance] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: 1] [Cooking: 1] [Presence Detection]

Titles: [Reincarnator] [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

That's how it was. Magic was something I couldn't use right now, and Intelligence, while it would be nice if my pure knowledge would also increase because of it, but it wouldn't, so I didn't put a lot of points into it,

If I thought about it like in games, it would only increase the power of magic control and stuff, so that's why I didn't allocate much to it.

Instead, I tried to improve the balance by raising attack, defense, and agility.

I'm not sure, but it seems unlikely for me to have good luck even if I make a great effort, because of the protagonist halo, so that's why I assigned most of the remaining points into luck. Anyway, that's what I decided.

"…Nothing's happened, huh?"

After all, the display was just like in a game, so I didn't think it would affect my body right away,

"Well, yeah… anyway, I'm tired. Since so many things happened today, let's go home now…"

Wait, I was originally still inside my house.

While having stupid thoughts like that, I approached the [Door To Another World].

Suddenly a message appeared in front of me.

[Items can be converted into money. Would you like to cash in [Hell Slime's Core] [Hell Slime Jelly] [Magic stone: Rank C]


C-Convert into money?

I was shocked for a moment, but then I remembered there was a thing called [Money Conversion] in the door functions I was able to use by acquiring the title [Master of The Door].

"What will happen… if I use this money conversion?"

I didn't know, but I certainly had no use for those items. However, I removed the [Jelly] from the candidates because It might come in use someday, and used [Money Conversion] on the rest.

I didn't know how to use the [Hell Slime Core] and [Magic Stone] anyway, so I wanted to cash it in if I could.

[Hell Slime's Core] cashed in for 500,000 Yen. [Magic stone: Rank C] cashed in for 500,000 Yen.

Suddenly,Bundles of paper fell from an empty space,

I didn't understand what was happening or how exactly it operated When I looked closely, they were bundles of ¥10,000 bills. I picked them up in stunned silence and confirmed the total was indeed the 1 million yen displayed in the message.

I used every method I knew of to see if the money was fake, but it was absolutely authentic. Instinctively, I used the [Appraisal] skill to examine it.

[1 Million Yen] :: Obtained by cashing in items from another world. Genuine ¥10,000 bills created by manipulating information on Earth, such as serial numbers, so as not to disrupt the global economy.

I was so confused. What was that about manipulating information on Earth!?, How exactly does that work in operation!?,

No wait, I know it's genuine! But… I didn't know what to say but if the contents of the appraisal were true, I had just earned 1 million yen.

It may have been vague so far, but I could only think that it had told the truth so far.

In the first place, this door seems to be something that even the Gods of this dimension doesn't know much about, so it wouldn't be strange that it could manipulate information on Earth.

My brain was fried from all the new information coming in, and I could hardly think or care about it anymore.


"Y-yeah… it's really 1 million yen…but How am I supposed to use so much cash?"

I couldn't just go put it in the bank, so I threw it into [Item Box] for now, Yes, let's use this money from now on.

I'd been given a great shock at the last minute, So I went back home quietly in a daze.

To Be Continued....

I know He may seem dense right now in this chapter but please tolerate it for now, I had to go through Multiple Different Chapters to make this One because I decided to Mix Up the Storyline a bit but either way I'll still follow through what I decided So Just Take It as Him experiencing a new life,

Also The MC is 16 the same as Yuuya and his other abilities right now are dormant except for passive ones,

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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