
I got Reincarnated as Yuuya Tenjou in Cheat Musou.

This novel isn't dropped I am just taking a break, I'll be back I promise. [Courtesy/Special Thanks To Nyx Translations] ★ Read Auxiliary Chapters Before Reading The Story ★ This is a [What If] type, SI ‘fan-fic’ and It will be a light-hearted story which will follow canon ‘closely’ and ‘completely’ with added ‘extra’ events but the MC here won't be like Yuuya was and get dragged around or in his Emo phase for the whole story and all. I will ‘try’ to make it as much fun and entertaining as possible, also there will be changes in the characters behaviour as I don't want to make them ‘dumb’ like they are displayed and It will be ‘Harem’ and I will ‘try’ my best to make it not seem forced and make it entertaining. [I am doing this for fun So I won't promise any fixed updates] (The Characters all belong to their rightful owners I don't Own Anything) ★ I am just re-writing it as a [What If] storyline to satisfy and vent out my Frustration on the orignal story, that's it ★ Thank you, Peace!!

Demon_Noah07 · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs


Yuuya Tenjou. (MC)

Female Characters : -

• Kaori Houjou

• Miu Midou

• Kaede Kazama

• Lexia Von Alceria

• Luna

• Yuti

• Iris Knowblade

• Mai Kagurazaka

• Merl

Pets : -

• Ouma (Genesis Dragon)

• Ciel (Luan/Phoenix)

• Night (Black Fenrir)

• Akatsuki (Sanctuary Pig)

Other Characters :

• Zenovis (Sage)

• Yunnosuke Tenjou (Grandfather)

• Tsukasa Houjou (Chairman)

• Arnold Von Alceria (King)

• Owen (Guard Knight)

• Usagi (Ear Saint/Kick Saint)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know

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Thankyou, Peace!

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