
I Got Over You!!!

In the Nigerian jungle where ruthlessness isn't just necessary to make money, it is prerequisite to survival. Drug lord/mafia boss, Rotji has it in excess and he lords his empire mercilessly. One of the most handsome bachelors in town, he is every girl's dream, bad or not. Sadly he isn't quite eligible. Man just wants to get laid, move on to the next girl, and conduct his crime business with no hassle. Love what??? Lol.... Maybe in another lifetime. Nenrot, a drop-dead gorgeous dame with fiery blue eyes, and sensuous lips, lips, which had often sentenced men to their death at the mere thought of being underestimated for being female. Make no mistake, Nenrot's blue eyes hold no warmth, they are as cold as ice. She's the queen of her kingdom, she makes her money, and bloodies rivals. Girl learned early enough that it's cold outside so, she knows better than to trust anyone. Did someone say, love? God forbid! A whole hard girl falling in love? Nah!!! The head-on collision that usually happens to people in life sooner or later happens between Rotji, and Nenrot. Yes, love did. The take no prisoners kind of love!!! A stronger empire is built, alliances are solidified, and businesses are merged. Nothing sweeter right? Only, a leopard never changes its spots, Rotji had to screw up. But what's Nenrot to do? It's love. The shit she never would have taken way back when was constantly thrown into her face, and she helplessly takes it all. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose whom we love, the universe has a hand in these things. When a hard girl falls in love, she falls hard, but hey, even the sleeping dog has to wake up eventually right?

Oluseyi_Alagbe · Fantasie
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13 Chs


Chinedu enters the lounge with a long face. He goes to sit beside Rotji in the latter's private section.

"How are you doing, boss?"

Rotji shrugs and places his mobile phone on the table. "I'm hanging in there. My phones have been ringing nonstop with complaints from angry clients. What did the courier say, what was the outcome of the meeting? When is it supposed to take place?"

"I spoke to my contact, he works for the courier. The meeting date has not been decided. I come with bad news."

"What do you mean?"

"My contact said his boss has refused to come and see us."

"Why is that? If they were not interested in shipping with us, why agree to set up a meeting?"

"It's not like that. They want to meet with us, but his boss wouldn't come down to meet with us. The only way the meeting will take place is if we go to them."

"That's bullshit, I can't do that. Does your contact know it's me? I never leave my kingdom to go and meet with anybody ever"

"If I may, boss."

"Yes, go ahead."

"I think we should go. We need them. We can't keep losing shipments. How long is it going to be before our customers take their business elsewhere? The situation is costing us millions."

"You think I don't know that? They would get paid for their services, it's not free obviously. Why then can't the courier come to discuss profitable business? It's not like I am doing this out of choice. I won't go."

"What then can we do about our shipments getting seized? You know the crocodiles are circling the waters around us already. As soon as they smell blood, they will move in."

"I get your point, but the current situation is temporary. I would find another alternative, we can still redeem ourselves."

"It better be quick, cause our operations have suffered for far too long."

"What's the courier's name by the way?"

"Her name is Nenrot."

Rotji opens his mouth in disbelief, "it's a she?"

"Yes, I was surprised when I heard too."

"It's a woman that wants me to come instead? This is crazy, I wouldn't even step out for a man, much less a woman. I'll be damned! How does a woman run such an operation?"

"I wish I knew, and the interesting thing is, all her employees are men, and they respect her more than any man. I'm not talking about regular, random, men who would do anything for money. I'm talking about real men with the ride-or-die type of loyalty. What do you want my response to be to my contact?"

"Tell your contact we won't be coming. They stand to gain a lot more than us."

"If that's what you say. How do we cope then?"

"I'm working on something, it won't be long now."

"I believe you, boss. I'm just concerned our clients won't. It's been a series of broken promises on our end."

"And how is that my fault? I have been having sleepless nights since this bullshit started raining down. To add salt to injury, a mere woman is asking me to come to discuss business with her. Does she know who I am?"

"I don't think she cares who you are, boss. Her business will continue to boom, with or without us."

"If only Hammad will play ball. That old bastard is cagey as hell."

"Hammad is the last person you want to do business with. He double-crosses people who are unfortunate to do business with him. We can't use his shipping line."

"I know, and I agree. I will just have to think of something else."

"I thought you said you are working on something, I hope you are not seriously considering doing business with Hammad?"

"I'm working on something for real, I was just thinking of Hammad as a backup alternative. I changed my mind, I won't approach him anymore."

"That's a relief."

"Now, tell me about this Nenrot."

"You just said you won't do business with her, why do you need to know about her?"

"I'm just curious. Besides, it never hurts to size up your opponent."

"That makes sense."

Chinedu clears his throat and begins to tell Rotji the little he knows about Nenrot.