

'Hmm where is this??It feels warm' a baby woke up feeling warm in his surrounding, he tried to move around but his surrounding seems like wanting to throw him out.


'But I'm still... thinking??'

'Could this be the legendary... afterlife?!?!'

'But the afterlife sure is dark huh, oh its warm too and a bit wet?'

While a delusional baby is studying his so called afterlife, his mother right now is still trying to get her little baby out of his afterlife.

"Alright ma'am push him out a bit more"

"HHHGGNNNNGGHHHHGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" a shout so loud that it covers the whole room and a baby come out of his hiding place for 9 months.

'Hmm why am I being pushed around in afterli--OH I SEE THE LIGHT'

"OOOHH LIGHT I SEE LIGHT, DID IT MEAN I'M IN HEAVEN??!!!" of course while it sound like that for this newborn baby, all other people could hear was...


'Wait, my voice and pronunciation sounds weird just n--'

"Congratulations ma'am, your baby has been born, here he is.." a nurse hurriedly picks up the baby and clean him of his bloodied state and finally place him in his most loving woman he could ever have, which right now is smiling lovingly with a tear filled eyes on her newborn baby.

"Haaahhh..haahh...My baby boy...welcome to this world..."

'WOAH I feel like flying...oh I could see now...a nurse?...hmm she put me down...and who is this beautiful lady?? baby boy??!?!!?'

'Did it mean... YAAAHOOO I'M REBORN I'M ALIVE AGAIN' while a baby cried with delight, a man hurriedly came into the room and look at his new family member.

"Ooohhh look at this handsome little boy...thank you for holding on, my dear wife" the man lovingly brush his wife hair with his hand while smiling with tears running down his face.

"Have you decide for his name sir? ma'am?" the couple look at each other then look at the nurse while saying.

""He will be called Furio, Furio Narukami""

"Fu from my name, Fumari" said the wife while the husband complement her word

"Rio from my name, Yario"

'So those two are my mother and father... funny I have a same name from my past but... it is more warm'

-----------------------Two Years Later--------------------------

"Mooomm where are youuuu" a small boy with a not so pale complexion, green eyes, and slightly messy light brown hair shout while running, trying to find his mother.

"Got youu, huhuumm it's mommy's win again right Furio?" said a beautiful woman with light brown eyes and hair while picking up her son and spinning him around in the air

"Uuuh mom, we're not playing hide and seek now and stop spinning me , did you see where is my sword toy mom?"

"Uuuh you didn't like playing with your mother again did you??" His mom said with puppy eyes and a pout while her son is still in the air.

"it's not that mom, I like playing with you especially my mom is soo beautiful but I want to play with my sword right now, can I?" Furio doesn't want to lose to his mom so he replied with his cutest puppy eyes he could make.

"Uuh where did you learn behaving like this"

"I learnt it from my parents, hehehehehe"

----------------------------5 Years Later--------------------------

"Daaadd come on, we're late, I'm supposed to enter my class in 10 minutes"

"You didn't forget anything sweetheart?"

"I'm not mom, and stop panicking like that!! I'm also panicking here because of dad"

"Ooh okay right my son has grown up now... DARLING HURRY UP, FURIO CAN'T AFFORD TO BE LATE IN HIS FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL"

"Okay okay wait a minute... okay let's go son, to your BRIGHT STAART(in English)" said a young man with a toned and slightly muscular body, black hair and green eyes.

"... haah you're embarrassing our family dad." Furio sighed then get in his father's car and go to meet possibly his new friends. Studying? well our Furio here is a reincarnated person so he can take it easy about his study.




When Furio arrives at his classroom he couldn't help but to notice two child that seems familiar to him. One of them is a boy with short spiky brown hair and two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes. The other one is a cute tomboyish girl with chestnut hair and violet eyes.

'They seem... strangely familiar but where did I ever saw them...'

"Alrightyyy little cuties, let's start the class by introducing yourself first."

"My name is A..."

My name is E..."

"Hello everyone! my name is Furio Narukami, just call me Furio in the future." When the time comes for Furio to introduce himself, some girls in class can't help but look at him since his appearance can be called handsome...cute if you think about his age.

'Seems like in the future it won't be hard for me to have a girlfrie-'

"My name is Irina Shidou, let's get along!!"

*jolt* 'wha- her nam-'

"My name is Issei Hyoudou and I plan to build a harem."

'Oh my God...YAAAHOOO, is this a dream??? hnggnnhhh... not only I reincarnate, living a second life with my past memories intact but I also got reincarnated into Highschool DxD world....HAHAHAHAHAHA... no wonder those two look familiar, they're Issei and Irina' Furio then place his two hands together (praying stance) ' I am sorry Issei, even if we will be friend, I would still stole some if not all of your future harem members, have mercy...'


SuperRookiecreators' thoughts