
7. Malicious relatives

If he was a famous Feng Shui Master widely known far and near, why didn't he just head over there when he was about to die, or have his descendants escort him, instead of this big roundabout way?

He needed his soul bound, and even had to take his own corpse on a train...

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that Master was truly amazing, and with a bit of admiration in my heart, I asked,

"Master, how do you know everything, didn't you say our generational difference is almost negligible?"

Master hummed with a somewhat disdainful air and reluctantly spat out,

"Well, I am about a hundred years old myself, one can only ask for a binding after reaching a century, and you're not unaware of that. Moreover, the things you humans learn are nothing we care about, I grew up by my great grandmother's side, and I heard a lot, plus I used to attend classes to gain knowledge, of course, I know a lot."

I chuckled, how did I forget that, a Yellow Skin capable of asking for a binding must have practiced for at least a hundred years, and a standout like Master was certainly always at the side of highly respected seniors, naturally learning a great deal.

Lu Mingwei, seeing me not interrupting anymore, mustered his courage and said,

"Little... little... benefactor, could you escort me for part of the journey? I will certainly give you a generous reward when we arrive."

"Where to?"

Lu Mingwei's words piqued my interest for three reasons, the first being where exactly we're going. Based on what Master said, it's gotta be a place of importance. Even just a glimpse, or getting hold of a little something, could benefit me for a lifetime.

Since I was little, I have always loved such adventures.

I have ventured into several haunted caves in the hills behind our village, and of course, I'm not foolish, every time before doing this sort of thing, I would inform the Wild Daoist.

Once, I ran smack into a headless female ghost and before I could even shout, the Wild Daoist yanked me out of the cave. Afterwards, inevitably I got a scolding, but the thrill was real at the time, my heart nearly stopped from fright.

The second thing is the generous reward. Right now, all my assets combined total up to 5000 yuan. If I could land a hefty commission, I wouldn't have to worry about my living situation at the very least, and I could send some money back to my grandma.

The third is my curiosity about the promise, whether it counts as a success. If delivering the corpse is considered success, then Lu Mingwei just needs to take the body over, and he succeeds. If the bound spirit also has to be counted, then that's like half-success, half-failure.

"To Taiyin Mountain Range's Yu Mai, Bai Family Village on the outskirts of Weining City. After the success, I will give you 100,000 yuan as a token of gratitude."

I didn't agree right away, instead waiting for Master's response, 100,000 yuan plus a mysterious event, sounded curious and fun to me, but...

You need to be alive to spend money.

Fun can't cost you your life.

Master was conflicted for a moment, then finally gritted his teeth and said,

"You know, we can't go beyond Shanhai Pass, and this Taiyin Mountain Range is right up against it, but going once shouldn't be a big issue. We are not engaging in a duel, just escorting someone. Besides, I too wish to explore Taiyin Mountain for the Dragon Vein. I've heard neighbors who went traveling say it's beautiful there, not in the least inferior to our ancestral lands. If I could go there, when I return, I could boast about it!"

Hearing what Master said, I felt relieved.


Having accepted the task, I naturally couldn't be as casual anymore, so I sat up straight to listen to Lu Mingwei's story.

I always thought such big CEOs would be aloof, looking down on people, but turns out he's just a warm-hearted uncle.

The seriousness from before was really him being afraid of any slip-up, but now that I had agreed to the commission, he completely relaxed.

Maybe the prospect of that 100,000 yuan made him seem less obnoxious too.

"I won't lie to you, I've been really scared all the way here. There are still elders in my family who are alive, but they can't get out of bed anymore due to bad legs, and they told me to bring my son along, saying that with a child, common evil beings wouldn't come near us. My eldest son is spoiled by me and is no longer a child in the pure sense, and my second son is often sick, so only Xiao Guai could come out with me..."

"If it weren't for you this time, my son and I might have been done for here. I'm truly grateful to you. Really... Having you escorting us, I felt a bit more at ease. Just now... I was scared to death."

After hearing this, I felt that something was not right and quickly waved my hands and said:

"Don't say that, I don't know any of your Corpse Chaser techniques. If something really happened to the body, I wouldn't be able to help at all."

As soon as Lu Mingwei heard this, fearing I might feel pressured, quickly comforted me:

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm aware of that, my people are already waiting at the station, and as soon as we get off the train at four in the afternoon, we'll hurry over there. Now it's three in the morning, and we should get there around one or two a.m. tomorrow."

After considering Lu Mingwei's words and exchanging a look with Master, I finally spoke up...

"This is your family business, and I really shouldn't be meddling, but Xiao Guai, this chubby little guy, is really likable, so I'm going to say something. In the end, it's up to you to decide. Logically, your elders shouldn't have said such a thing. While it's true that a child's body can ward off evil, the protection is really not that reliable. The truly stable ones are children bound to immortals, and Xiao Guai doesn't have that. "

"Especially knowing that your eldest is no longer a child in spirit and your second is always sick, if Xiao Guai were to go... Xiao Guai is so young, and this is the very time that filthy beings prefer. If your second son is frail and falls ill, it would more likely be bad luck than good. Forgive my bluntness, but you don't have any grudges or disputes, do you?"

Lu Mingwei was stunned by my words and hung his head in thought for a long while before stepping out to make a phone call. When he came back, his face looked grim.

I didn't say anything more; that was their family affair.

Nine times out of ten, there is a relative who wants to harm him.

For a half-trained Corpse Chaser to perform the task is already a life-and-death challenge, and to bring a small child only increases the chances of evil beings noticing them.

If they hadn't met me today, they probably wouldn't have survived.

I calculated the time; we still had a few hours to go, and sitting staring at each other was pointless.

"It looks like we'll be there soon, so let's take turns sleeping. You sleep first, then we'll swap. If the two of us stay up together, if something really does happen, we'll be out of strength."

Lu Mingwei nodded, his mood slightly lightened after a breath, and the tension on his face eased somewhat.

Having been so tense, as he relaxed, he became sleepy, did not climb up to the upper bunk, but slept on the lower one holding his chubby son.

The train attendant came by once to check if everything was alright. Seeing Lu Mingwei and Xiao Guai sleeping soundly and the elders without any issues, she was relieved.

Once I was sure Lu Mingwei had fallen asleep, I sat on the upper bunk and began toying with the weapons in my hand.

The Peach Wood Sword and Immortal-binding Rope looked very different now that they had bonded with me through my blood.

The sword's body originally had carvings of stars, moons, and other symbolic designs without color, but now they shimmered with a faint red hue.

The halo was radiant, twinkling like flowing colors.

And the gold threads of the Immortal-binding Rope were also glowing with a light red shine.

"Once this is over, I'll transfer 20,000 yuan back home, then I can have Grandma improve her lifestyle a bit. It will spare her the reluctance to spend on food and clothes."

Little Black Ball turned onto its side without a trace, muttering:

"You really don't get it, girl. Transferring money won't cut it, you need to buy stuff! And buy those things that will spoil if not eaten. Otherwise what kind of frugal person do you think your grandma is? If you give her money, she'll definitely save it for you. Do you think your grandma didn't want to tuck some money in the bundle at the start? That was stopped by my aunt, saying it would be of no benefit to your cultivation."