
I Go Back 24 Hours Everytime I Die In The Apocalypse

~~~Gold Tier Winner Of WPC #146 - TIME ~~~ One day the entirety of earth experience a massive change that turned it upside down, the day of the GREAT APOCALYPSE. The earth was infested with zombies, there's also zombies that held supernatural strengths. But then humans also started to gain abilities, followed by a status panel which will then be famously called as "GIFTS" and people with it are called "AWAKENED BEINGS" And then a not so really important person in this vast planet obtain a gift that let him go back in time for exactly 24 hours everytime he dies. You guess it right he's our MC. ~o~o~o~ PS: Cover's not mine PPS: English is not my main language.

Crixzivion · Urban
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31 Chs

Weapon master and some aura thingy + The Thought

I had short conversation with the woman that seems to be their leader, as they explain their overall situation in this part of the district.

I glance at everyone and observe them briefly as I saw the reverence they held on their eyes.

I then proceed to go inside, and...

what is this?

a lot of necessities ranging from sacks of rice grains, canned foods, instant noodles and many more.

"This is our offering."the woman says to me.

offering for what? but I'll be gladly taking it.

"We heard that you offer protections in exchange of rations."The woman added.

Well I don't

but I guess that's how rumours came out to be.

so should I role play of some sort now? I guess?

"Ah yes I do, but please take in mind that my summon can only protect you from tier 1 and tier 2 zombies, but there's hardly tier 2 roaming around much less for tier 3, if you are unlucky enough then you might encounter tier 3, for the meantime you can survive just fine with my protection and wait until the government reaches out to you."I said.

I said and with a wave of my hand the rations disappeared as It went inside my storage.

the woman's eyes went wide as she process what just happened.

"Don't sweat it, this is just one of the perks of having legendary grade special ability, where do you think the other places offer go? when even me myself don't carry a bag?" I said as the woman understands and only increases her respect on me.

this is a person with a legendary grade special ability.

anyone with that will have incalculable potential in the future amidst of this Apocalypse.

the woman now knows the insurmountable gap between the normal people and people such as The Grand Summoner.

it's only just a few days since the Apocalypse started but there's already existences like the lightning emperor and the one who's right here.

in the future not only will they protect these rundown places but instead they will protect the whole country.

the woman unknowingly puts her trust into those people.

hours passes by and night arrives once again.

every night Jeon-il would go out as lightning emperor and keeps on improving his mastery of weapons.

[Congratulations you've received a passive skill for reaching high mastery on multitude of weapons.]

[You've receive <Weapon Master(Passive)>]

[Weapon Master(Special)(Passive): Everytime you held a new weapon you will instantly gain familiarity on it like you have trained in years, after practicing for a bit you will eventually gain master level up to grandmaster level and even beyond.]

[You've receive <Weapon Aura(Passive)>]

[Weapon Aura(Special)(Passive): A unique energy that you will be able to tapped/harness and imbued your weapon with it, it makes the blade more sharper and can even use aura blades with practice, the potential of this special energy only relies on what is the user's capabilities.]

suddenly I felt that my talent on weapons increases in astronomical value.

I killed a few more zombies and just like I thought, my passive enters the equation as I keep getting ideas on my mind on how I can still improve my techniques.

this aura thing is even more baffling, as I slices a zombie and even doubt if I actually slice one, I didn't even felt any resistance almost like I just casually slice the air.

I tried an idea that seems plausible, it never said that I can only use it on my weapons, but only said that I can tapped/harness into it.

I focus on these new energy that seems dormant inside my body, I then will it to flow through my hands, with my increase in perception and concentration, I can evening control 10 objects at once.

controlling these new energy was only a piece of cake for me, the invisible and intangible aura yet able to cause such penetrative and frightening prowess proceed to cover my hands.

I tried to cut a zombie with it and guess what?

did I even cut one?

I even doubt if they are only my hallucinations but if I touch them without the aura thingy they can be touch.

so I guess this is the real deal.

just before I went back at the settlement, I proceeded to charge myself up first.

the next day arrive, I summon another batch of wolves and that increases their total count to 168, but at the moment I only have 142 on me, well actually 139 since I will left 3 wolves here.

I once again took a look at my status before departing.

[Kim Jeon-il]

Level: 7

Age: 17

Race: Human

Constitution: 20(50)

(Strength, Lifting power, Vitality, Physique.)

Dexterity: 16(30)

(Agility, hand and eye coordination, reflexes, speed)

Intelligence: 40.3(50)

(Mental capacity, mental power, mental strength.)

Skill Energy: (0/1400)


[Strength enhancement(Active)(F): Gives a 20% increase in strength after activating. 20 Skill energy consumption.]

[Summoned Wolves(C): You are able to Summon three enhanced wolves, each one of them is 3 times stronger than a normal alpha wolf. (Cost: 100 Skill Energy.)] [168 wolves.]

[Accelerated Perception(D)(Passive): Your mind and perception can now perceive several folds compared to a normal human being.]

[Weapon Master(Special)(Passive): Everytime you held a new weapon you will instantly gain familiarity on it like you have trained in years, after practicing for a bit you will eventually gain master up to grandmaster level and even beyond.]

[Weapon Aura(Special)(Passive): A unique energy that you will be able to tapped and imbued your weapon with it, it makes the blade more sharper and can even use aura blades with practice, the potential of this special energy only relies on what is the user's capabilities.]

Special abilities:

[Time Teversal(Unknown): The ability to go back in time by a factor of 24 hours after meeting certain conditions.]

[Telekinesis(Special): Influencing objects/matters with mind.]

(10 objects, 600 kg)

[Electrokinesis(Special): User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons)]

(Ability/Skills: Electrical Discharge. Electro Enhance Condition(Passive), Electricity Absorption, Electricity Regeneration(Passive), Electricity Solidification. Bio-electrikinesis, Bio-electric armor, Electrolocation.)

[Inventory(75): 10 chakrams, 1 spear, 1 javelin, 1 battle axe. 10 sacks of rice, 10 bags of instant noodles, 10 bags of canned foods, 10 bags of clothes ](53)

[Personal weapon: Kim jeon-il's Master bolt.]


I wonder on what other ways I can still increase my skill energy.

anyway let's go now.

a few hours passes as I found a stronghold of some sort.

I wonder what district I am now.

it seems like that this is a military base.

an amusing idea struck my mind.

I recall all my wolves as I change my clothes and wears a blindfold that has a colors of black and gold with some carvings and intricate designs on it.

I got this on one of the shops I've come across along the way and thought that it looks goods to be my blindfold.

I wore a majestic black and gold robe that I have also come across on one of the shops along the way.

with that I flew in the sky and float at the top of the settlement as I slowly descended.

some people notice me in the sky and wonder what I am.

it's a bird

it's a plane

it's me di--ehem

this is a grand entrance indeed.

they asked who I am.

guns pointed at me well I don't actually see it since I'm in a blindfold but I'm constantly using electrolocation.

I think the higher ups haven't shown themselves yet.

I landed outside of their base as the commotion increases.

some zombies approaches my direction because of the noise.

they asked me again with their guns pointed at me, I'm not even in the slightest a bit worried about that toy in their hands.

anyway this is my turn on naming myself personally.

"I'm The Thought."I said.

"The Thought? What's that supposed to be mean??"Some middle age man with an eye patch and X scar on his face emerges suddenly from behind as the soldiers makes way for him.

it was at this moment that a few zombies was only meters away behind from me.

"Because....." I said as I raised my pointy finger.

as the zombies was just a few feet away from me I instantly twisted my finger.




the next second they knew, 3 zombies landed on the ground with their necks fully twisted.

"Because I can kill with a thought."