
I Get Married With My Supernatural Roommate

She is a doctor, and he is a roommate of hers. She doesn't know his identity, but he doesn't want to let her go. It is a love story where two-person fall in love with one another. When she knows he has superpowers, what will she do? Will she love him like before? Let him go, Or don't let go of him. Want to know, then read the story.

Starry_Lotus · Urban
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3 Chs

He is not an ordinary person.

When I came home today, I saw he was waiting for me.

"You came home early today. You didn't have the surgery today?"

Roan asked me.

I didn't want to talk with him.

"Don't go to your room today. I want to ask you something."

He said.

"Ask quick. I don't have time."

I said.

"Are you angry with me?"

He asked.

"No. I am not angry with you."

I replied.

"Then why are you avoiding me? Did I do to you something?"

He asked.

"No, you didn't do something to me."

I replied with a calm face.

"Then why are you doing this to me?"

He said with a sad face.

Like a puppy, that was abandoned by its owner. Why are you like this? You didn't want to live with me, so you gave an excuse for my marriage. Now you behave like you are the victim.

"Why don't you say anything? You don't want me to stay here?"

He said.

Hearing him, I am angry.

"You don't want to stay here with me, right? Then don't stay. Why are you accusing me I did something to you? You are the one who said I need to get married. Then you can be free. Listen, you don't need to wait for me to get married. You can go when you wish. I marry or not, you don't have to worry. So don't behave like a victim. Don't talk with me. I don't want to see you anymore."

I said angrily and entered my room.

"Today is the first time we quarreled when we started to live together. I am so sad. How can he say he doesn't want to stay with me. Why will he stay with me? He said we are not family. I am only a roommate. If I am a roommate, then I will stay like a roommate. I won't bother him anymore."

I said and lay down in bed. When I fell asleep, I didn't know. The next morning I get up early and cook something for myself. I couldn't eat and keep some food for roan. Then write some text on paper and put it on the table. I went to the hospital. When I came from the hospital, I went to a convenience store to get some food. I bought some food and came back home.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Roan asked.


I asked.

"You don't need to cook for me anymore."

He showed me the text I wrote for him.

"Nothing. You are my roommate. So I thought, I will treat you like a roommate. Like how other people live with their roommate."

I said.

"If you don't want me to stay here, then I will move out from here."

He said.

Again same talk. I don't want to argue with him anymore.

"If you want to move out, then move out. You don't need to tell me. But when will you move to tell me."

I said with a calm face.


He asked.

"Because I will bring another roommate. I was staying with you this one year. I think it will be good if I bring another roommate like you. If you don't want to stay here, then I don't need you anymore."

I replied.

"What? You want to bring another roommate?"

He asked me with an angry face. Suddenly his eyes became red, and I went to my room from there. Then I freshen up, eat some noodles I brought from the store, and then get ready to sleep. Suddenly I hear something. First I thought it was outside. But again I heard something. This time the sound was deep. Then I came out of my room. When I came to the living room, I realized that sound was from Roan's room.

I entered his room. I saw his room was a mess, and he stabbed his heart with a knife. I got scared.

"What are you doing, Roan? Are you mad? How can you treat yourself like this? Get rid of that knife from your heart quickly."

I said to him.

But he didn't hear me. He was in a state where he doesn't know me or care for me. He was completely unconscious. He wasn't usual him anymore. I don't know this Roan.

"What are you doing? I said get rid of the knife from your body. Why don't you listen to me? If you don't get rid of that knife, then you won't see me anymore. I will go from your sight, and you won't find me forever. You won't listen to me, right? Then I don't need to stay here anymore. I will go now from here. I won't come to see you anymore."

I shouted.

Then I wanted to go from there. But Roan hugged me from back and said,

"Don't go and leave me alone. I don't want you to stay away from me. Please don't go."

"Okay, I won't go anywhere. Then will you get rid of the knife from your body?"

I said.


He agreed.

Then he pulled the knife out of his chest and threw it from his hand. I bring a first aid box so that I can treat his wound. But when I took off his shirt, I didn't see any wound on his chest.

What! Where is his wound? How there isn't any wound? I touched his chest and didn't find the wound. Not seeing his wounds, I asked him,

"Where is your wound?"


He answered like a good boy.

"What! How can it heal by itself? I saw a lot of blood but now nothing. It looks like there wasn't any wound. The wound doesn't exist."

I said.

"It's my power. If I get wounded, then it will heal itself. So don't worry. I want to sleep now. You won't leave me alone right?"

He asked.

"No, I won't leave you alone."

I said.

I am not going anywhere today. Even if you have superpower that healed your wound. But if you get wounded frequently, you will die eventually. So do you think I am crazy enough to leave you alone today?

Wait. He has superpower. But I didn't know anything about it. I thought he was an ordinary person. Now it looks like I didn't know anything about him at all. What would I do? No, how would I behave in front of him? He has superpower, and I am an ordinary person.

"Don't leave me alone. I am afraid to be alone."

He said while sleeping.

No, he is like an ordinary person. Why would I be afraid of him? We are living together for one year now. He didn't do anything to me and heard all my requests. He did all the housework for me. If I treat him now differently, then he would be sad. He is my roommate. So I will act like I didn't see anything. If he doesn't want to tell me then, I won't ask anything about him.