
I gain power by absorbing monsters

Isaac was just an ordinary man, with no great future ahead of him, and one night he died a miserable death. Yet one day, light replaced darkness and he found himself in the body of a young boy in a frightening world. Humans are at the bottom of the food chain, hunted by ferocious beasts and despised by other races for their weakness, their extinction is near. Isaac has only one goal: to become stronger in order to survive.

Le_Merwen · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 :

Isaac thought quickly as he fled.

His feet sank into the sand, slowing his speed, and his mana bullets didn't even leave a mark on the scorpion's armour. To say he was in a very bad position was not even an exaggeration.

The scorpion's giant stinger then struck with immense force. Because of its immense size, accuracy diminished and although Isaac didn't even have time to react to dodge, the dart missed him by just a few hairs.

The dune exploded and the blast of impact ejected him several dozen meters.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of sand, Isaac looked at the Scorpion King.

He wasn't even in a hurry to kill his prey, revelling in his fear, and playing with Isaac brought him great waves of pleasure - the pleasure of dominating was a primal pleasure for all ferocious beasts.

[Panoramic vision activated]

Isaac's vision expanded, and details he had missed with his normal vision now appeared clearly.

"What on earth is this?"

Where the scorpion's claw had struck and where before a huge dune stood, a crack in the rock was now present, revealing a small hole.

"AHAHA I hope my guesses prove correct"

Isaac stood over the hole before making an obscene gesture to the Scorpion King.

The latter, who had originally intended to play with his prey, became completely enraged.

His two claws struck out at Isaac in an attempt to crush him like a potato.

Isaac concentrated all his power into a mana ball and fired.

The force of the power expelled his skinny, weak body backwards, dodging the Scorpion King's fatal blow in the process.

It was the only way he could dodge the blow quickly enough.

Isaac felt an immense weakness run through his body and mind, he felt drained and a headache made his head buzz.

The stone that had received the full force of the Scorpion King's blow suddenly collapsed.

His immense body suddenly disappeared.

The small hole concealed an immense cavern dozens of meters deep.

The scorpion's scream echoed for several more seconds before a huge BOOM echoed through the desert.

Isaac was panting heavily. At the edge of the precipice, he glanced back to where the scorpion had disappeared.

The scorpion was still alive, though weakened by the long fall.

In the cavern below, a sound of friction was heard. Moments later, an immense sand worm appeared.

The Scorpion King in his condition didn't stand a chance, as the sand worm literally slaughtered and devoured him before poor Isaac's stunned eyes.

He paled with fear and struggled to his feet, running with all his might towards the city.

"It's a hostile world out there, even near the walls. I've gained nothing, I'm wounded all over, what a shitty day!" he growled as he limped towards the city gates in the distance.

Unfortunately for him, by the time he reached them, the sun had already set and the gates were closed.

At night, the number of beasts trying to penetrate the city was enormous, so this was the most dangerous place to be.

Isaac turned back, and according to the map he'd found online, a forest lay 4 kilometers to the west.

"Standing high up in a tree might reduce the danger," he said to himself before heading off.

40 minutes later, he finally reached his destination.

It was getting darker and darker, and roars were beginning to be heard.

The menacing forest loomed majestically under the pale moonlight, evoking an aura of darkness and mystery. Gnarled, twisted trees rise skyward, creating a dense canopy that swallows up all traces of starlight. Their gaunt branches, like clawed fingers, seem ready to seize any intruder daring to enter their domain.

The leaves of the trees, which once danced gently in the breeze, are now motionless, as if holding their breath, heightening the oppressive feeling. The wind, blowing intermittently, produces eerie whispers that echo through the woods.

The ground is covered with a carpet of dead needles and decaying leaves, creating a soft, silent path. Gnarled roots stretch across the ground, forming twisted obstacles that challenge anyone venturing onto these dark lands. Shadows play with the moonlight, moving like living creatures and giving rise to unsettling illusions.

Gleaming eyes watch from the dark recesses of the forest, fierce beasts lurking in the depths of the darkness, patiently awaiting their prey. Their shrill cries and ominous breaths rise sporadically, filling the air with a mournful symphony.

By the time Isaac had reached a height at which he felt safe, the forest was shrouded in an eerie silence, interrupted only by distant creaks, the sound of crumpling leaves and the disturbing rush of wind through the branches. An electric tension hangs in the air, creating an atmosphere of apprehension and unease.

Isaac, on his branch, didn't make a sound. Repressing the pain of his multiple scratches, he activated his panoramic vision.

His view widened and he now saw shadows speeding below his tree.

"How the hell can such strong beasts be so close to the city?

Luckily for him, nothing happened, his weakness may have saved him, making him look laughable to these ferocious beasts.

Isaac didn't sleep all night, fear and stress keeping him awake all night without difficulty.

When the sun finally came out, he climbed down from his tree and headed back towards town. He'd had enough and just wanted to get some decent rest.

Isaac walked cautiously through the forest, hiding as soon as he heard a noise, moving only from bush to bush.

After the umpteenth bush, he tripped over something unfamiliar and fell flat on his face.

"What's this?" he asked as he quickly got to his feet.

A hard-skinned golden monkey lay on the ground, in a terrible state, no doubt after a hard fight during the night. Its golden coat, usually shiny, was smeared with mud, scratches and traces of dried blood. Fragments of his tough skin are cracked, testifying to the violence of the assaults he suffered.

His limbs tremble with pain and fatigue, showing the after-effects of his relentless struggle. His eyes, once bright and mischievous, are now clouded by suffering. His breathing is jerky, testifying to the exhaustion that consumes him.

Signs of battle are evident in his immediate surroundings. Broken branches and trampled leaves attest to rapid, desperate movements. Deep marks on nearby trees bore witness to the percussive attacks made by his adversaries.

His breath was getting weaker by the second, and Isaac was still looking at him with a sidelong glance.

He came to his senses and for a few seconds their eyes met. A glimmer of will still shone in the monkey's golden eyes, a glimmer that testified to his will to live.

"Sorry buddy, but today you're going to meet your death," Isaac told him.

He took out his shabby kitchen knife and plunged it into the monkey's wounds.

A final cry of pain and the monkey's last glimmer of life was extinguished.

Isaac stood there for a few moments, his gaze staring blankly into the void.

Finally, after a few moments, he sighed, his hand touching the monkey's fur...


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