

the story is about a girl named Keisha. she was supposed to get married but didn't because her best friend betrayed her and had an affair with her fiance so she got a contract boyfriend to make it look like she wasn't sad about the fact that her closest friend betrayed her but to a twist of events she fell inlove with her contract boyfriend

HWOR · Fantasie
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2 Chs

2 we meet again

5 days later

when Beatrix and Arien were walking on the road they met Keisha

"wait isn't Keisha" Arien said

"i hope you don't mind that i stole your spot" Beatrix added

"stole my spot so you know your a thief." Keisha said

"you..."Beatrix said angrily as if she wanted to punch her

"you have no right to steal from me and you can't steal from me so you didn't steal my spot i donated it to people who have nothing in life to my surprise you told me you have nothing so i gave it to you "

"how dare you say that to my girlfriend. i know you still miss me but i have moved on and you have to move on too " Arien said

"wait you aren't even married yet . And who told you i haven't moved on or are you still hoping that i miss you " Keisha said

"you can dream. i wonder what kind of man would like you " Beatrix said and before they knew it Alex came

" Me...." Alex said and Beatrix and Arien looked at him

"who are you" Arien asked

"hi my name is Alexander Clarke" Alex replied before one of his bodyguards came

"Master the car is ready " the bodyguard said

"Are you ready let's go" he said to Keisha

"um sure" Keisha replied and stepped into the car but before they left Beatrix came to Keisha

"stop we just saw each other after 5days why don't you come to our school reunion here both of you can come together please i hope

to see you two " without saying anything they left