
I Fell In Love With The Werewolf Duke

After wearing a cursed necklace, Aurelia Winters is transported into a fantasy world of dragons and monsters. There is only one twist however: the population is 100% male. There, she is greeted and taken care of like royalty. She soon discovers however that if her lips touch the skin of any man, they will immediately fall in love with her. Three men eventually become completely enamoured with her: a cold-hearted werewolf duke that happens to be immune to her power, a flirtatious prince who will soon inherit the throne, and a genius magician who remains in his tower. Will she be able to break the bond that is wrapped around their hearts or will her own heart end up stolen as well? And how will she survive keeping her feelings and thoughts to herself while living with the one man that can make her heart flutter?

Raelle_Lucie · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - Sweet Welcome

After the Prince returned with some tailors, I truly believed that I was in another world. The way that they circled me, taking my measurements and scrolling through racks and racks of dresses and diverse other white blouses and bottoms.

The male tailor seemed quite old, and walked with a cane everywhere. He seemed excited when he first saw me and immediately got to work.

"Why do you have so many dresses if there aren't any women in the population?"

The old man chuckled while sorting through some swatches of fabrics before giving it to the little child next to him. And how is he old? I thought that they stopped ageing at 21 or something like that?

"You see, My Lady, blessings like yourself are treated like royals in our country. Your choices are respected, and that includes your fashion choices. From your measurements, you have the choice between these three dresses or this blouse and these trousers."

I walked off of the small pedestal that he had me stand on and walked towards the dresses. I touched the fabric and looked at the designs. If I'm being honest, I've never been a dress-type of girl. The only reason why I was wearing one on arrival was because it was my birthday and the restaurant that my friends and I went to had a strict dress code.

My eyes then gravitated towards the white blouse and black trousers, which seemed like leather. There was even a stray strap, and I reached out to touch it.

"That strap is for sword holsters. Many seasons ago, a woman who was an extremely amazing swordfighter arrived. Her name was Rosa, I believe. Nevertheless, she was an amazing woman with many talents. What a shame..."

"Shame?" I asked, confused. He nodded. "You see, she went missing about five months into her arrival. Some ruffians kidnapped her. If I'm being honest, she was quite close with the Duke."

With Aaron... close to a woman? No way. I could never see it. He seems to bare a complete biased hate towards us for some reason. I turned towards the man and smiled.

"I'll take this, thank you."

Allowing me to take it off the rack myself, I turned and headed behind the screen to try it on. Surprisingly, it fit perfectly around my waist and snugged me in all of the right places. I wasn't trying to dress up to impress anyone. the only reason why I chose these is because I've always felt more at ease in trousers and a simple top.

After eventually walking out from behind the screen, the tailor smiled at me and pulled on some strings around my waist before curling the inside part of it in. Wow, I can really move around like this.

High-waisted leather pants, a poufy white blouse, and my hair brushed into a high ponytail. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

"Lady Aurelia? May I come in?"

Before I even had the chance to tell him yes, Rhen kicked open the door and looked around before finding his eyes on me. The Prince saw me and smiled. "And here I was expecting a beauty in a dress, but I'm even more surprised by how attractive you look without one on. That goes to prove that no matter what you wear, you'll always shine like a jewel."

He knelt down and kissed the back of my hand, all while me and the tailor cringed. He's really taking charming to the next level. I pulled my hand away from his and gently picked up the gloves that were laid across a coffee table and turned around.

"I'm hungry now."

The Prince's eyes sparkled as he gestured towards the door. "Food has been prepared for you already! Here, let me escort-"

I walked right past him and rolled my eyes. "I'll find my own way there, thanks."

The Prince froze in his feet for a second, while the tailor walked towards him, sympathetic.

"Your Highness, she isn't in her right mind right now. She's just arrived, give your relationship-"

"Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHA! She's perfect, the cold way that she treats me... she's like no one else. I think... yes, what is this feeling called again? Ah yes... love!"

He pressed his hand against his cheek, humming slowly under his breath. The tailor took a step back, almost as if he thought it was illegal to listen to his Prince ramble on like that.

"You..." the Prince declared coldly. The tailor stiffened and straightened his back. "Y-Yes, Your Highness?"

"Make as many outfits as you possibly can for Lady Aurelia. Charge it on my personal account." the Prince declared, smiling to himself. "After all, I can't let my future Queen dress like a peasant, now can I?"

-End Of Chapter 5-