
I don't want to be Mc, I'm just an Extra

Raqnid and his classmates found themselves transported to a mysterious new world, tasked with the formidable mission of vanquishing the dreaded Demon King. Among them, Raqnid stood out as someone who preferred a life of ease, shying away from the spotlight and evading the weight of responsibilities. He yearned for a simple existence, free from the burdens that awaited him in this unfamiliar realm. Little did he know that fate had something extraordinary in store for him, unraveling a series of events that would defy his every attempt to conceal his true potential. As Raqnid embarked on his journey through the new world, he soon discovered that his life was far from ordinary. Extraordinary encounters, perilous challenges, and unexpected alliances marked his path. Despite his efforts to keep a low profile, the universe seemed determined to thrust him into the forefront, compelling him to confront the trials that lay ahead. However, amidst the chaos and unpredictability, a figure emerged—a woman named Shara, hailing from the esteemed Elf kingdom. With her arrival, Raqnid's quest for survival took an intriguing turn. Shara's presence became both a source of assistance and an impediment to his desired anonymity. Their lives intertwined, and Raqnid found himself entangled in a complex web of alliances, rivalries, and conflicting aspirations. As Raqnid navigated this captivating new world, he faced a critical choice: Would he remain a mere additional character, content with the sidelines and the path of least resistance? Or would he rise above his own expectations, embracing the challenges thrust upon him and becoming the unlikely hero this world desperately needed? In this thrilling tale of self-discovery and destiny, Raqnid's journey was destined to be a transformative one. With each step, he would unravel his true potential, testing the boundaries of his capabilities, and ultimately deciding whether to embrace his role as a supporting character or seize the spotlight as the unexpected protagonist in this extraordinary new world. Genre: - Action, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy,Comedy

Spec_Eye · Fantasie
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55 Chs

Chapter 23 - Sayonara

Today is Sara's last day in Human country.

*Do I need to help her win today?* Raqnid jumped from one tree to another, searching for Sara.

He spotted Sara standing amidst an area surrounded by trees. She seemed unprepared for a fight.

Raqnid approached Sara and greeted her, "Sara, what are you doing? You don't seem ready to fight today!"

Sara remained silent and then walked away from the scene.

Raqnid was puzzled by Sara's reaction. *What's wrong with her?* he wondered.

That night...

All the members of the group gathered, as did all the Elves. They celebrated the last day of the Elves' stay in the country and their departure the next day.

Raqnid and Fat enjoyed the various dishes provided for the celebration.

"Now is our chance, Raqnid, to eat to our heart's content... Mmm!" Fat exclaimed while chewing on a piece of chicken.

"Uhmm... mmmm," Raqnid's mouth was full of food.

Albert and Sara could be seen approaching them from a distance. Sara walked with her head down.

"Uhuk... uhuk," Raqnid choked as he tried to quickly finish the food in his mouth.

They stopped eating and waited for Albert and Sara to reach them. Sara suddenly halted.

*I can't face Raqnid! No! No!* Sara thought to herself.

"Why, Sara?" Albert asked.

Sara signaled that she needed to use the restroom, using this as an excuse to avoid meeting Raqnid.

"Alright, be careful!" Albert said.

Sara left without looking back at Albert.

"Where is Sara going?" Fat wondered.

*What's up with Sara? She's been acting strangely since noon,* Raqnid thought.

Albert then approached Raqnid and Fat.

"Hello!" Albert greeted them both.

"We're good!" they both replied.

Albert looked at Raqnid with a serious expression.

*Gulp! Why is this old man looking at me so seriously?* Raqnid felt uncomfortable.

Albert then hugged Raqnid tightly.

"Hehehe! Thank you, Raqnid, for taking care of Sara for these 3 months!" Albert said with a hint of sadness.

*Oh no!* Raqnid thought.

"You're welcome!" Raqnid replied, patting Albert's back as they hugged.

Many people observed their hugging.

"Sir! Can you please let go of me? I think that's enough, people are looking at us strangely!" Raqnid said.

Albert then hugged Raqnid even tighter. "Have you not touched or asked Sara to do anything inappropriate?" his previously gentle tone turned stern.

(Gulp!) "No! No!" Raqnid nervously replied.

Albert finally released Raqnid from the hug. He thanked Raqnid for being Sara's partner for 3 months.

"Sir! Where did Sara go earlier? Why didn't she come with you?" Fat asked.

"Oh! You don't need to know that! It's women's business!" Albert answered with seriousness.

"Haha! Alright, understood!" Fat replied.

Raqnid remained lost in thought about Sara's strange behavior.

"Alright then! I'll leave now. If you ever get the chance, come visit the Elf country. I'll provide the best hospitality." Albert then went to enjoy the food.

The night party was lively, with torchlight illuminating the area. Music played by invited musicians filled the palace.

"GARHHHGHH!" a roar echoed.

"Huh!" Raqnid heard something. He told Fat, "Did you hear that growl?"

"Huh? No!"

"It's a loud roar!"

"You're being strange, Raqnid. There's no such thing! Just ignore it. Maybe it's the howling of wolves."

"Garggghh!" Raqnid heard the sound again. While others didn't hear anything due to the noisy atmosphere, Raqnid's heightened senses allowed him to pick it up.

"Where are you going, Raqnid?" Fat asked his friend, who suddenly walked away.

"I have a stomachache! I need to go to the restroom!" Raqnid replied.

"Oh, okay!"

Raqnid then hurriedly headed towards the nearby forest. He felt that something was off.

*Why did I run away from him? He probably thinks I dislike him!* Sara strolled around, lost in thought until she entered the forest. Unaware, she walked deeper into the woods.

Suddenly, a gigantic minotaur appeared in front of Sara, five times larger than a normal minotaur. The minotaur looked terrifying as it held a massive sword in its hand. Sara was shocked by the sight of this enormous creature.

*What kind of minotaur is this?* Sara thought to herself.

Without delay, the minotaur swung its sword at Sara.


Sara managed to dodge the attack, but the impact of the minotaur's strike caused debris from the ground to hit her due to the resulting Area of Effect (AOE) explosion.

Sara fell to the ground, her back hitting the earth.

"Ouch! Can I escape? I can't fight without my bow. But even if I had it, I doubt I could defeat this minotaur. My only option is to run."

With determination, Sara readied herself to flee, her two feet poised for action.

"GARGHHH!!!" The minotaur roared.

*Huhhh!!* Sara's legs suddenly weakened. Trembling in fear, she fell to her knees before the minotaur. She couldn't move an inch.

*Is this the end for me?* Sara thought, looking at the minotaur about to strike once again.

*Raqnid!!!* Sara closed her eyes, screaming his name in her mind.

"Ting!" A sword clash sound rang out.

"Hey! Monster! What are you doing here, huh?" Raqnid blocked the minotaur's sword strike with the small dagger he always carried at his waist.

"Fox Claw XIV!" Raqnid launched a serious attack.

The minotaur couldn't fend off the swift attack. In the blink of an eye, the skill unleashed 14 strikes. Each strike sliced through every corner of the minotaur's body, up to its neck.

Raqnid then turned to check on Sara's condition.

"Are you okay, Sara?"

Sara slowly opened her eyes, relieved to see Raqnid before her. She attempted to move her legs to stand.

*Ah!* However, her legs remained weak, and she fell. Raqnid caught her before she hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" Raqnid could sense Sara's trembling fear.

Without hesitation, Raqnid lifted Sara in his arms.

*Huh!* Sara was startled by Raqnid's sudden action.

Raqnid hurriedly left the area to ensure Sara's safety. She didn't get a chance to witness what happened to the minotaur.

Sara, for the first time, saw Raqnid's face up close. Her heart raced. She traced Raqnid's features, knowing this might be the last time she could see him.

*Now I understand why I'm so drawn to him.* Tears welled up in Sara's eyes. Memories of her time with Raqnid flooded her mind.

*The answer is so simple!* Under the full moon's light, Sara finally found the answer that had been playing in her mind.

*Since the first day I saw him, I've been in love with him without realizing it.*

*Every ordinary thing he does might seem regular to others. But to me, those ordinary actions are what captivated me to know him on a deeper level. After getting to know him, it turns out our paths won't cross. The differences between us are like night and day. We're living in different worlds. But I'm glad to have known him.*

Raqnid led Sara to a high vantage point to escape from the monster threat.

"Are you okay, Sara?" Raqnid gently set Sara down. She slowly tried to stand with Raqnid's assistance.

Sara faced away from Raqnid.

"Are you injured?" Raqnid asked.

Suddenly, words appeared in the air, written by an unseen hand. The writing appeared behind Sara, meant for Raqnid to read.

'I'm okay! Thank you for saving me!'

"No problem at all! Uhmm, are you angry with me? Because today you seemed like you didn't want to meet me?"

'No, not at all! Why would I be angry with you? You've never done anything wrong. I should actually be thankful for many things.'

'Thank you for being my sparring partner. Thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for putting up with my quirks. Thank you for entertaining me. Thank you for keeping me company even on weekends. Thank you for...'

Sara wiped away the tears that streaked her face.

Sara turned to face Raqnid. For the first time, Raqnid saw Sara's beautiful eyes. They were blue, resembling the moonlight that illuminated the night.

'Thank you! I'm lucky to have met you. I'm happy to have gotten to know you. I enjoy talking to you.'

Sara fought back her tears.

*I wish I could fight alongside you longer! I wish I could dine with you for longer! I wish I didn't have to part ways with you! I wish I could stay here with you! I wish I could be with you forever, Raqnid!* Sara confessed silently in her heart.

Sara then turned around, facing away from Raqnid. She wanted to leave him behind, unable to bear gazing at his face any longer. The longer she looked, the harder it would be to leave him.

As Sara walked away from Raqnid, he suddenly heard her voice for the first time. Her first and last words to Raqnid were...


Sara left Raqnid.


The next day...

Today marked the day when all the Elves who had come to the Human Country three months ago would return to their homeland.

Everyone who had been partnered with an Elf three months ago gathered to bid farewell, including Raqnid.

"Haven't you seen Sara?" Fat asked.

"No, I haven't!"

"She didn't say goodbye, did she?" Fat wondered.

*So, the goodbye last night was the last right, Sara?* Raqnid thought.

"She might be in one of those carriages, right?" Fat speculated.

"Yeah, maybe!" Raqnid answered.

*See you again, Sara!* Raqnid thought.

Afterward, the group of Elves began their journey back to their homeland.

"Knock, knock!" a knock sounded at the door.

"Who's there?"

"It's Albert!"

"Come in!"

Sara gazed out of the carriage window, lost in thought. Her expression was somber.

"Are you okay, Sara?"

Albert then slapped himself.

"Forgive me, we're alone."

Albert bowed respectfully, placing his hand over his chest. His tone transformed into one of reverence.

"Are you well, Princess Shara?"