

Frankie, an experiment of a genius inventor and mad scientist, is left behind in a ruined castle after the kingdom's political power struggle leaves him forgotten. Despite being a successful creation, Frankie struggles to find a purpose in life until he meets a harem of skilled and seductive women who were also experiments of the inventor and scientist. As Frankie navigates his new reality and relationships, he must also confront the powerful magical threat looming over the kingdom and decide if he will use his abilities to defend it or succumb to the darkness within him.

Arctic_Wing · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Prologue continuation:

Dr.Bio-Tech couldn't risk being caught up in the war, and he knew that he needed to find a new place where he could continue his work in secret.

So, he gathered up his notes and equipment, and fled to a distant land, far from the prying eyes of the authorities, from the chaos of the ongoing war. There, he set up a new laboratory in a remote castle and began to work on his experiments once again.

At first, Dr. Bio-Tech worked alone, using himself as a guinea pig for his various treatments and modifications. But as time went on, he began to realize that he needed more subjects, and more people to help him refine his techniques and push the boundaries of what was possible.

That's when he began to take in abandoned and injured orphaned girls. He couldn't bear the thought of losing another boy like Frankie, so he focused on helping young girls heal and recover.

Dr. Bio-Tech treated the orphans with kindness and compassion, and he worked tirelessly to help them heal and grow. But at the same time, he also conducted a series of genetic modifications on them, imbuing them with enhanced abilities and powers.

As the years passed, Dr. Bio-Tech's orphans grew and flourished, becoming strong and confident young women with abilities beyond those of ordinary humans. And though they knew that they owed their existence to Dr. Bio-Tech's experiments, they also knew that they were special, that they were something more than just ordinary humans.

For Dr. Bio-Tech, it was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, to create a new breed of superhumans that would change the world. And though he knew that he would always be pursued and hunted by those who opposed his ideals.

As the girls grew and matured, they became captivating young women, with beauty and allure that drew the attention of nobles, generals, and high-ranked people from all over the kingdom. Many of them were married off to influential men, and some even rose to positions of great power and influence themselves.

One of Dr. Bio-Tech's orphans, a young woman with the ability to control the elements, was even named queen of a distant land, ruling with grace and wisdom over her subjects.

But it wasn't just the girls themselves who were affected by Dr. Bio-Tech's experiments. As they grew and had children of their own, their enhanced genes began to trickle down to their descendants, creating a new breed of meta-humans who inherited or mutated their powers from their bloodline.

These meta-humans became a force to be reckoned with, feared and revered by ordinary humans for their extraordinary abilities. And though they were often mistrusted and discriminated against, they also became a source of hope and inspiration for those who dreamed of a better, more powerful world.

Dr. Bio-Tech watched with pride as his creations rose to greatness, knowing that he had played a role in shaping their destiny.

But not all was well in the kingdom. Despite their enhanced abilities, the girls who had undergone Dr. Bio-Tech's genetic modifications didn't age at the same rate as ordinary humans. Some of them retained their youth and vitality for many years, while others seemed to age more slowly than their peers.

Some of the girls chose to hide their powers, living in secrecy as sages or hermits in the mountains, while others hid in plain sight, pretending to be ordinary humans. But for those who couldn't or didn't want to hide, life was more difficult. They were often feared and mistrusted by those who didn't understand their abilities, and many of them lived in constant danger, never knowing when they might be discovered and exposed.

Their descendants faced similar challenges, as some of them fell prey to greed and corruption, using their powers for their own selfish ends. As a result, the kingdom was once again plunged into war, with meta-humans being hunted and ordinary humans being abused by those who held power.

Even some of the girls who had undergone Dr. Bio-Tech's modifications joined the war, using their powers to fight for their own causes. They were later known as the Homonculi, for their incredible powers and seemingly undying bodies.

Unfortunately with supernatural powers and bodies that can heal from almost any damage, it piqued the interest of some dangerous individuals, neighboring countries, mainly the nobles, military, and even criminals were very curious about how Dr. Bio-Tech's girls' powers worked. Some of them were captured and experimented on by these dangerous individuals, who wanted to use their abilities for their own gain.

The girls who had undergone Dr. Bio-Tech's genetic modifications became the targets of countless experiments, as neighboring countries sought to unravel the secrets of their powers. Some nobles and military leaders saw them as weapons to be wielded in their wars, while others saw them as commodities to be traded and sold.

One particularly brutal experiment involved combining the girls' blood with that of animals, creating a new breed of Chimera-like creatures, which would be later known as Monsters.

These hybrids were used as weapons, sent out to battle and to sow terror among the population.

Others sought to enslave the girls, using seals and drugs to control their minds and bodies. These girls were forced to do the bidding of their captors, used as pawns in wars and political games. Many of them were never seen or heard from again, lost to the cruel world of experimentation and exploitation.

Despite the dangers they faced, some of the girls refused to be broken. They banded together, forming secret societies to protect themselves and each other from their enemies. They honed their powers, using their abilities to defend themselves and to strike back against those who sought to exploit and harm them.

And though they were always in danger, always at risk of being captured and experimented upon, they never lost hope. They believed in their own strength, in the power of their abilities, and in the courage of their hearts.

As the centuries passed, the Homunculi continued to exist, their powers and abilities evolving in unpredictable ways. They were seen as both a blessing and a curse, and their impact on the world was both profound and controversial.

Despite the efforts of some to exploit and control them, the Homunculi refused to be bound. They lived their lives on their own terms, forming their own communities and cultures, and seeking out their own paths in the world.

Some chose to use their powers for good, helping those in need and using their abilities to heal and protect. Others chose a darker path, using their powers for personal gain or to seek revenge on those who had wronged them.

While the Monsters were also used as weapons of war, sent out to create chaos and destruction on the battlefield. Sometime in the past, the wars subsided and over time, these Monsters interbred with regular animals, creating even more strange creatures with incredible powers and abilities. Some of these monsters could even enhance their natural gifts, making them even more different and dangerous to the world.

These are all just a peek at what had happened in the past, to what and or how the Homonculi and the monsters would affect the progress of Frankie's life, only time will tell.