
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Urban
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51 Chs

What Are We Doing?

Ewen's childhood friend, Zack, has already told you about him. I'm sure of that. This friend, Ewen, was trying to run away from him so he could talk to Aim, the one his father preferred to him. You know him, right?

OK, good. Now we can continue. Right now, at this very moment, while Ewen is with Aim, Zack is on the verge of panic. He's gotten into a frenzy looking for Ewen everywhere. He even cursed that he hadn't taken him with him to the restroom. Aim was right about him. Ultimately, as far as I can see, he is a pot of glue, not just any glue.

I'm a third wheel without much importance or afterthought. I'm here to tell you the story when the main characters are busy doing whatever it is, and only God knows. So be attentive to identifying the person who will guide you throughout this journey. So have fun; I'll start from here.

Zack checked if Ewen's car was still in the student parking lot and found it in its usual place. He leaned against the car, trying to call Ewen for the umpteenth time, but still no answer.

He called Ewen's mother because he knew if there was someone who should know where he was, it was her. He told her everything. And that weird guy and his bunch of odd friends are gone too, he thought with annoyance.

He had never noticed these five before. He heard the story of the incident from the lab. He was not present on the university campus that day. And he doesn't give a damn about what happens on campus if Ewen isn't involved. But that did not prevent something from itching him each time he saw this tall, cold boy.

"But why is Wen attracted to this icy boy with a stern temper?" This is the question he constantly asks; every time he notices, his friend's striking look lingers on this damn boy, as tall as a giraffe in a zoo.

"He spends hours staring at him as if trying to get his attention. Could the conversation I overheard between him and his mother be about a boy instead of a girl? "

He started working his neurons until they overheated, trying to remember every little detail he had recently noticed in his friend's behavior.

"Pff, I'm completely delirious." "No!" he said with a slight sneer, shaking his head quickly to dismiss the idea. It's impossible; despite his delicacy, Wen has never been attracted to guys. He casually dialed Wen's mother's number while playing the script in his head over and over.

"Will he notice me one day? Will he pay as much attention to me as he pays to this guy who doesn't even see him?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously before answering the voice on the other end of the line.

"Zack, are you OK?" "Yeah, I am fine. I wanted to ask you if Wen didn't tell you where he was," he answered. " We were together all day. Then he suddenly disappeared while I was busy."

"Oh, don't worry, he's OK. I'll send someone to get his car. I appreciate your concern." Ewen's mother cooed. "I can pick him up if you send me his address when he's done with what he's doing."

"It's very kind of you, Zack, but it's OK. You can go home, my boy. I'll pick him up when he's finished, or Edgar will." And she hung up without giving any further explanation.

"Usually," said Zack, "she begs me to find Wen at all costs. I was like his guardian angel to her. And, what was that... hm, pff. OK." He left the parking lot, carefully caressing the body of Ewen's car. He walked with his head down, probably lost in his thoughts, wondering what Ewen found remarkable about this weird boy; he couldn't take his eyes off him.

When a high-pitched female voice hailed him, it was Sam, and you know that one too. Oh, she's the one that Ewen forced himself to find a place of his own to hide from her endless chatter.

Oh, she's also the one he wanted to agree on his feelings with to get Aim out of his head after the fiery kiss they shared on the roof. Do you remember that, huh?

"By any chance," Sam asked, "Do you know where Wen is?" but she knows all too well if there's someone aware of everything about Ewen. It's Zack; he is like his shadow, and his eyes don't lie. Zack shakes his head negatively while hiding his dismay. He heads towards the art department to take refuge in practical work.

"This girl, Sam, I did everything possible to make Ewen disgust her. She never gave up; she's a leech, and she knows how to hang on". He thinks with a disgusting grimace.

"Like the other girls Ewen has dated, Sam is also frivolous and worldly; she only sees him as an accessory to show off in front of her friends and then rejects him like crap. It pissed me off to see those bitchy girls moving around him like vultures. He attracts them like sugar-attracting ants."

"Pff, that's not possible," Zack said, sitting behind his work table.

"And as long as I'm here, I won't let anyone take advantage of him. Like his former exes, I will hunt down any new candidate."


Kiara, Ewen's mother, seemed very sure of herself when she spoke on the phone with Zack, but the latter, in reality, has fear in her stomach, but that does not mean that she was going to let Zack realize it afterward. All she knew was that Ewen had trouble getting away from this one to talk to the one who kissed him. so she played along with it, and if whatever she was thinking was what happened, Ewen wouldn't need Zack to show up at his appointment as the disciplinary police.

"Why isn't Wen on campus? I hope Zack doesn't call his dad; this boy is acting weirder and weirder toward Wen. Sometimes I didn't understand him; I was afraid they would end up together at some point, but Wen didn't ever see him that way."

"The poor thing is torn between two feelings: that of pleasing my husband and what he feels towards my precious kid. It's a pity that he found himself trapped in that crossfire."

As long as he is not an element of embarrassment and discord, I have no problem with him, but my son deserves someone better, strong mentally, and endowed with a strong personality.

Before pleasing others, you have to know how to please yourself. After all, you live with yourself permanently. If you do not accept who you are, who will take your feelings into account? I know our world is horrible; it's our burden.

But you need to know that no one will give you 100 percent of what you need; only you can. Otherwise, you will be abused and used for purposes that will not be favorable to you.

"And my son is a gem, a rare gem. Even if his parents try to knock him out, he stands up to them and doesn't care how they see him."

Ah, the pretty lady is all about self-esteem. If we don't like who we are, no one will. We're living with ourselves day and night. Please take note what she said is pretty good.

The phone rang unanswered. She hung up and called Edgar so he could pick up her son's car. She still left a message for her son, asking him to call her back immediately and let him know about the vehicle.

Yeah, she knows about the car because she tracks it. Her son's safety is her priority. Even though she knows he will tell her everything, she is never careful enough. At least if something happens, she'll know where to find her son without a problem.

So when she saw Zack's call, that was the first thing she did before answering the phone call; she checked the car's location.

She returned to her desk a little worried; she also had the idea of ​​tracing Wen's phone but changed her mind, giving her son the benefit of the doubt and some private space to breathe. She knows what kind of child she raised, and her fears are allayed.

But one question remains unanswered in her thoughts: "why didn't he call?" Usually, that's what he does before going out with his friends; he calls me first to let me know. I hope he's with that friend who kissed him." a little glint passed through her eyes.

She must be very interested in ​​her son being with someone who appreciates him for who he is, or maybe it's the idea of her son dating a boy that is appealing to her.


Ewen jumped and cringed when he heard what Aim whispered in his ear. He wasn't expecting this at all, and by reflex, he stepped back, but he couldn't get away from Aim's muscular body since the latter was holding him, prisoner, in his arms.

He detached himself with difficulty from Aim's arms and placed his two hands flat on his firm chest. He wanted to kiss his bare chest, where the shirt was no longer buttoned. He pushed those crazy overflowing ideas out of his overheated mind to focus on what he had just heard.

This is all going too fast for him. Aim's warm breath, which smells of ripe fruit under a soft spring sun on the lobe of his ear, excites him to such an extent that his body refuses to understand that all this is going much too fast for him.

He feels like his own feelings imprison him, which prevents him from staying focused for a long time on why he wants to get out of the sensational warmth of Aim's arms. His whole being reaches out feverishly towards this blue-eyed giant boy swathed in this magnificent body, who almost devours him alive standing in front of him.

He is so into what he has in front of him that his whole body asks only one thing—crazy and insane things—that this boy fucks him and makes him his own. He wants him to take him and do whatever he wants, then and now. But no, he shook his head violently, closing his eyes.

"We have to stop; it's all crazy." He whispers tenderly with a hoarse voice as if he is already far into the act. Aim's rigid and dangerously oversized member obeys no rules; as soon as he sees this almond-eyed boy approaching him, he gets bigger and becomes almost unbearable for Aim to handle.

He brushed against Ewen's belly, which hardened at the touch of the hard penis, and Ewen involuntarily let out a little cry of sensual pleasure. At the same time, a sudden wave of sensations began to run up his spine like electricity that this piece of wood-like organ sent throughout his body.

"We need to stop before it's too late," he started whispering again; it was more like little hoarse grunts. His voice, typically too soft for a boy, as they say, and too sweet, becomes incredibly sexy and intoxicating, turns on Aim, even more, making his breath itchy. "Quincy, please open your eyes and look at me."

And this one, fortunately, didn't let him repeat his word. He slowly opened his eyes, and Ewen took a dip in a deep ocean of tenderness and beauty.

His gaze has this thing that attracts and destabilizes him to an extent, and their color is incredible. We won't even talk about their expressions and what Ewen read in his companion's blue eyes.

The minute their eyes met, he thought, "I should never have asked him to open his eyes." And he, without knowing how and why, tipped over helplessly in this ocean of tenderness despite himself.

He rose on his tiptoes and kissed him softly on his kiss-swollen lips, red as a threatening rose. He kissed him greedily, taking his face between his two hands, bringing him down to him, which he tied around Aim's neck while begging the sky to give him the strength to detach himself from him again.

Aim, who has become stingy of this mouth, and this boy, who is driving him off the rails, leaned even closer to him to give him the possibility to hug him better, to stick to him better. Ewen moaned and arched against him, greedy and thirsty.

Aim broke the kiss to let his mouth roam the length of Ewen's neck, snatching a groan of pleasure from him. Aim took his hands off his neck to twirl him around while giving him little kisses in the crook of his shoulder, on his nap, and on his earlobe.

He ran his hand through his hair, which freed his neck. He put his mouth there tenderly on the location of his atlas and continued slowly to kiss him, nibble him, and lick him simultaneously like a cat until Ewen couldn't take it anymore. He moaned joyfully while the other continued to make him lose his footing.

He slipped his hand behind his back to touch Aim's manhood out of curiosity, which kept growing in volume behind his back. He cried out of terror when his hand felt the beast he would have to face if they didn't stop now.

"No, really, no. I'm not ready for such a device yet. I am still determining how and where I will put it." He thinks in an undisturbed panic.

The warmth of his hand on Aim's greedy member makes him growl with a grunt that Ewen is very proud of, so he continues to touch him, pressing him a little, stroking him under the fabric, making him dirty the Bermuda he wore with the drip of pre-seminal fluid.

Ewen quickly removed his hand and turned to face a greedy Aim.

He was scared after what he had just touched. It was imperative that he stop and now, very quickly. He pulled away from Aim abruptly and began to walk backward, with a furious Aim chasing after him without taking his eyes off him.

"Oh no, it's not good at all. I need to be in a better position. I'm severely screwed." He said in his little childish voice, which almost returned to normal when he realized the new reality in which he was bathed carelessly.

Right now, he would like Cody to appear, but it seems like nothing he wants will happen, not today anyway. He stopped short when he saw the devilish smile on Aim's face and realized that he had just trapped himself.

For whatever reason, the big bed was right behind him, ready to welcome him. There was no escape.

He hadn't even noticed he had crossed the threshold of the bay window and that he had traveled the long distance between the terrace and the bedroom. He closed his eyes, clenched his fists in fear, and began to tremble. He feels like a mouse in the claws of a vicious, evil, and ruthless cat, like Lucifer playing with GusGus's nerve.

Aim stopped before him and looked deeply at this innocent, gentle, and devastating feature with great attention. He has no flaws; his cheeky nose, sensual mouth, dazzling eyes, and delicate jawbone lines are well drawn and proportional, tickling his head like a predator side by side, admiring the painting closely.

And no matter how much he wants him there now, he is not ready to rush him. He wants to take his time and allow this feeling to remain longer.

He wants him, he knows that, and he said it, but it's up to him to beg him to take him and make him his completely...

He's like that; he has his way, even if he seems innocent and stupid to you sometimes. He slipped his fingers through Ewen's silky hair and lifted his delicate chin with one finger towards him. Ewen slowly opened his eyes and encountered a clear blue sky after the rain without any threatening clouds hanging around dangerously, a pure and clear blue sky.

He felt relieved and gave him a shy little smile.

"You're back to yourself again," he said in a small voice, in that small voice of his, while avoiding Aim's clear gaze. " When have I not been myself? " Aim asked him mischievously.

Ewen avoided his gaze by looking away, and Aim forced him to face him.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze, Ken?" he asked in a disconcertingly deep, sophisticated voice. "Your look is penetrating and very disturbing. I have this impression that you can read my soul." Ewen cooed, almost mumbling.

Aim smiled softly, his eyes shining with joy. He feels so good in the company of this sweet and delicate thing. "Do you want to come with me? I have to change. Someone completely messed me up."

Ewen felt his cheeks melt so much he was blushing. He felt like he looked like that little emoji with his head all red right now. He wanted to turn away from Aim, but the latter blocked him with his body, preventing him from moving.

The only way out was the bed, and Ewen was not ready to touch that damn bed today. He refused to let even one of his little fingers touch this bed as long as this vicious monster was in the same room as him.

"I love it when you are blushing. It's so pretty, and I already told you, didn't I? Pink looks good on you, so don't turn away from me." The villain, Little Aim, told him.

After a few seconds of gazing at him without saying a word, making him uncomfortable with his doe eyes, he grabbed his wrist and forced him to follow him to the bathroom.

It is now that Ewen begins to notice the room he is in. Indeed, he was right; his room was a jewel. When he arrived at the bathroom, he uttered a little scream of admiration, turned toward the giant next to him, and purred: "You are something else! when I thought my father was extravagant. Next to you, he is only an amateur."

The jacuzzi that sat majestically in the middle of the room attracted him like a magnet. The water gave off a good smell of vetiver, like the one he sniffed on Aim's skin. So he turned to him and asked shyly. "Can I use it?"

Aim nods yes while unbuttoning his slightly crumpled shirt. Ewen looked sharply away from him.

He grumbled with this nameless attraction and senseless temptation. "I must fight it at all costs," trying to hide his body language. "Do you want me to help you undress?" Aim proposed to him. "No," Ewen replied hastily, stepping away from Aim. Maybe it was because he was too close to him that he dared to offer him help. He put a little space there so that everyone could enjoy their intimacy.

"You don't have to worry; I'm not an animal, and I know how to control my impulses from time to time." Then, he went to the shower. He took off his Bermuda, which he left trailing behind him with his damp underwear. He found himself naked, entirely in his element, not a care in the world.

Ewen coughed, seeing the enormous size of the thing he carried between his slender, muscular legs. Even at rest, the item was fucking impressive.

"Definitely," he said, "this boy doesn't own anything tiny." I was entirely in the dark when I thought I had encountered a poor, injured animal. And look at him, utterly different from that boy I'm used to seeing.'

"That will certainly teach me to take care of my business in the future."

Aim peered at him out of his eye, amused by his frightened expression. "Don't worry," he mumbled, "I'll take my time with you."

He turned his attention to the touch panel with the direction and motif in front of him and turned on the tap, water gushing over his firm, muscular body.

Ewen undressed shyly, taking advantage of the fact he had his back turned. He still kept his underwear on and went to slip into the jacuzzi. Aim's smell permeated all his senses, and he closed his eyes to savor it and think about what just happened; he was definitely under this boy's crazy charm. He was deep in thought...

He didn't realize the water wasn't flowing anymore in the shower, and unfortunately, he didn't hear Aim approach him. It was only when this one pushed him that he suddenly came out of his thoughts in a panic...

"Shit!" he uttered. I spoke too quickly. "I am going to regret it." This boy is not really what I think he is."

Maybe what he whispered is true, maybe not; who knows? The trauma Aim experienced in his early life completely took over him.

But this one pushed him to examine his sore back, but Ewen panicked, believing that he was the subject of rape. His expression amused Aim a bit, but it was, unfortunately, not his cup of tea. He is a gentleman, not a shameless monster, devoid of conscience and respect. He doesn't play on these grounds. He has his share of demons but not that.

" What are you doing? Shouted Ewen, almost trembling but ready to give battle, on the verge of tears. He has tiger syndrome; someone once said that.

"Hey! "Calm down," Aim said, "I want to see your back."

When he noticed that Aim had put on a bathrobe, he took a deep breath and hid his face between his hands, his little fingers still trembling and his heart racing.

"Who did this to you?" Aim asked authoritatively, his voice distorted with a fit of anger he was trying to contain, at least for now. Ewen jumped at his tone and turned to him quickly, forgetting his embarrassment immediately.

"It's nothing," he hastened to say, "I just bumped into something; I had even forgotten all that."

"Come with me." He pulled him like a leaf from the jacuzzi and dragged him into the bedroom without worrying about the water dripping on the expensive carpet, which must have cost a fortune, like everything in this house.

"Wait for me here," Aim said. He called Cody in that same almost scary voice, and Cody didn't have to be asked twice to come in. "Is something broken?" Cody scanned Ewen's sore, aching back and nodded.

"Why are you shaking your head?" Aim shouted, making the other two nearly deaf.

Ewen grabbed his index finger and smiled nicely at him, saying

" Hey, don't panic; it's not too bad, I just sprained my back, a little balm, and I'll be fine."

"That's what I meant," intervenes Cody, a little surprised at Aim's behavior. He knows he can't deal with emotions, but he's never seen him show them for anything; he usually keeps everything inside of him. Sometimes he went for a round to calm down.

As Aim pulled out his first aid kit, he applied lotion to the delicate, sore skin. Without asking any further questions, as usual, or trying to explain some stupid thing, Cody went to get a bathrobe, which he handed to Ewen.

"You don't have to worry about any side effects. Your skin will be as delicate, soft, and intact as before. " He explained it to Ewen, who was looking at him.

Ewen doesn't say a word; he only thinks of that beautiful wet-haired face worrying about him and knows he will need him for the rest of his days.

He has needed someone to worry about him for a long time, take care of him, and share what he has in his heart. He thinks he found him, even if some things about this person are not very clear yet.

Cody asks them to break this romantic and sexual atmosphere that reigns in this room where they are all three locked up. "Will this dinner wait a little longer before you remember it?" he turned to Ewen and said calmly, "You need to call your mother."

"Oh fuck! My mom!" exclaimed Ewen, snatching a grimace from Cody. He didn't expect him to be the type to curse and use high-sounding words at all; he was too beautiful and sweet for that.

Ewen had forgotten entirely about his mom, which was new for him. First time in his life, he has failed to think about his mother. He started looking for his phone when Aim stopped him, "Get changed first," the latter ordered him, "Cody will find your phone for you." He grabbed the remote control of his closet and gave Ewen access to dig into his dressing room.

"Find something comfortable to wear," he ordered the latter, who was watching the door sliding apart before his eyes to give way to a beautiful world. "Comfortable, you say? Are you kidding me?" he purred at Aim.

"No," replied the latter ignoring that the word he used was too plain for what Ewen had under his eyes. "Don't be modest." cooed Ewen before stepping in.

This time, he kept his excitement inside, even if he twisted his fingers to stay calm. He still ended up emitting a slight whistle of admiration.

"Waw, that's fantastic!" He says calmly while in his head he is running in all directions, but he manages to keep a face without emotion, which is not likely to last long, as he lets himself be absorbed by what he has under his eyes.

When he thinks of his walk-in closet, which he is so proud of, he wonders what feelings Quincy must go through when facing this masterpiece.

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