
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Urban
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51 Chs

The Mess Is Real

Since the incident in the university yard with Kenan and Sam, Aim hasn't seen him again, he hasn't returned to the penthouse, and he's managed not to use his phone either. He doesn't want Aim to track and find him until he knows what to do with this boy who has his emotions running like a roller coaster.

For his part, Quincy finds himself at an impasse he never thought he would cross after what happened two years ago when he began to search for the leads he had to know the truth about the death of his parents.

This incident almost cost him his life, and the loss he suffered with Cody's near disintegration was little compared to what it would have cost him if he had lost his life in this accident. This accident led him to meet Kenan for the first time, but that's a different story, and we'll get to that soon.

He hunted down anyone who had any connection whatsoever to the death of his parents, but what he found at the time was only a tiny part of the truth. He did not yet know that this family had a son on whom he was going to fall at an inappropriate moment and save his life by the greatest chance, and that afterward, he was going to meet him two years later and fall in love like nothing in the world. Furthermore, he doesn't know that yet, given his relationship with emotions and everything that goes with it.

Chance or fate, whatever you call it, plays pretty well with him and his plans. He just wanted to find out the shenanigans that these people are carrying out to expose them to the light of day, just like he does for these victims of abused sexual and any kind of possible abuse that he tries to help as he can.

But all he wanted was to find those who hurt his family without all these inconveniences in his life. He should never have gone to that academy for high-IQ kids, and he would never have met this assistant who made a messy mess in his head and his way of seeing the world.

He never tells anyone what he experienced there, just as he never intends to talk about it, not even with Kenan. Although he told him many things about his childhood and his difficulties with the human race, and the responsibilities that await him for which he does not feel ready, he still does not want him to learn about these problems. He doesn't want him to know that he's a bit crazy and a kind of broken and fragile object.

He didn't tell those different shrinks he had to see all his life, either. He didn't tell Nodge, fearing the latter would think he was responsible for what happened to him. During those few months, he had to endure the assaults of this utterly insane woman until he couldn't take it anymore, until he understood that he could reverse the situation on his own and for his sake.

And that gave him a bit of courage to continue to fight for others who can't defend themselves in these circumstances. He said to himself if he could do it, it's because he was lucky, it's because he doesn't think like the others. It's because of his lack of tacky and savvy when it comes to human relations, so for those who only rely on these relationships, it will be difficult for them to come out under the domination or influence of someone who abuses them physically and morally.

He threw himself wholeheartedly into producing intelligent devices to help him come to the aid of others. And he goes out at night to intercept those who have been released despite complaints and evidence against them because the person who suffered the act didn't have enough guts to expose them properly.

So, when the justice system does not do its job well, or these people are too afraid to take action against their executioner, he gives them a little boost by taking the necessary measures.

That's why he often goes out at night; it's for this specific purpose to vent his frustration, anger, and the embarrassment he feels most often. So that he can calm down, he goes out when there is not a living soul in the streets.

But when the police find these people tied up in front of their police station in the morning in inhumane states, with their things in their hands, explaining their misdeeds, they have no choice but to carry out more research and to reconsider the complaints that have been submitted against them.

This does not prevent some from refusing to file a complaint, especially children against their fathers, sometimes their mothers or even uncles, and sometimes it is the host families.

Then there is the case of adults. It is not only children who are confronted with these kinds of situations; women against their husbands and husbands against their wives.

They don't want other people to learn about their humiliation, and since others wish to carry out a perfect mode of conduct in society, they are afraid that their image will be ruined if others know what they are going through every day. They have a status to protect against all odds, even if they could die in the process.

In these cases, he is content to threaten the subjects by making them understand that if they persist in their misdeeds, everyone will discover their little secret, and no one will see them as they want to be seen.

Many of them are high-ranking people who have money and power, and they do what they want with their money and power. You're nothing more than a corpse if you can go their way. But he is a ghost. He comes and disappears as he wants, as if by magic, so since he is challenging to track down, he puts some pressure on them.

Since he never asks for money for the information he holds against them, many take his threats to heart and try to walk on eggshells because they don't know if the threats are just threats in the air. They prefer to be cautious instead of reckless and stupid.

He recognizes these people as intelligent and conscientious because he is ready to carry out his threats at the slightest opportunity and the slightest misstep.

Such was the case with the chairman of the ACBC group.

A family business that values ​​the principles of family, a husband esteemed as a respectful man well known by the citizens of this immense country. They portray the perfect image of a well-respected and united family. Their enterprise earns millions of dollars, but the husband is a dodgy bastard involved in all kinds of illegal activity. He does everything to keep his wife in a morbid cocoon by preventing her from thriving.

When something goes wrong with his activities, the poor idler pays for it with her body, and her children suffer the same fate when they want to oppose him to help their mother.

Each time complaints have been filed by the system that Aim has put in place; the complaints have been rejected for fear of being attributed to the wrong man. Because of his position, which makes him an untouchable figure, you can't mess with him without solid evidence, especially his wife. She refuses to cooperate to protect her children from rumors and the reputation of her esteemed husband.

She always declares she does not know what or where these complaints come from and her family is living well. The children who can no longer cope with this situation have created anonymous profiles to talk about their daily frustrations, their fear of seeing their dad beating the hell out of their mother, and such. And they're tired of smiling all the time for the sake of a perfect family portrait. After all, who wants the whole world to know that the life you live, which has countless haters, is just a joke, a masquerade, huh?

The first time Aim approached him to give him his warning; he merely took the latter's warnings in derision. He believed that his wife hired him to make ridiculous threats to him because she would never have the courage to carry out her screwed-up plans. Because she's too attached to that prestigious family photo that makes the headlines every time, they go out in public.

So, once he got home, he beat the poor zany to the pulp, who still refused to file a complaint despite that. She spent six days in a coma, leaving her children in tears and inconsolable. The desolation in which they were found made them think of dangerous ideas to get rid of their problem forever, but it was not a solution.

Her husband announced that she had fallen when the press got involved in the story. A piece of anonymous news had pushed them to be interested in this model family, but he did not know that this single act of arrogance would cost him all his efforts to hide the bastard he was.

The children pitied Aim throughout this story, while the real culprit is living the good life daily. When he read their blog, he feared they would do something irreversible when they did nothing to deserve the horrible death they discussed. He said to himself if he does not help them, who else can understand and help them?

The videos of him hitting and abusing his wife and children were broadcast live as he answered reporters' questions with his face unmasked and a clear voice, while those of his children scrambled to avoid recognizing them. He was too stunned to deny the videos, and his wife, after her coma, decided to end all this suffering.

She understood that if she did nothing, she risked losing the beings who mattered to her while she tried to protect a man who mistreated her. She was grateful to Aim for showing her these messages from her children.

It was the first help he provided that he liked so much; he saved innocent lives from a bad situation; the others were just devoid of attachment. Reading the blogs of these children showed him something else, and when he succeeded, he was satisfied to be useful for once.

But anyone who knew them before would know that they were the ones, so the children were sent elsewhere to continue their studies peacefully. They did not want to be the subject of press debate and cause pity from their friends.

Aim's way of doing things was terrible, but the father has never been able to hit them since, and the children and their mother live quite well now. The wife has taken over their family business, which they created together, while he is still serving his sentence away from them.

It was too late for the latter to heed the warnings he had received, and he was surprised that his wife decided to tell the truth about the monster he was.

If the trauma he suffered during his stay at boarding school was not the direct trigger for what he does today, then we will agree to relegate him to the rank of a psychopath, sociopath, or no matter what adjective you want to affix to him.

But his surroundings know all too well that he's neither. He's just a kid trying to make things less horrible for others because of what he's been through. He is just trying as best he can to bring solutions and relief to those in need, using whatever means he has available, and all he has is money and a perfectly functioning brain.

Maybe his method is illogical and inappropriate, or maybe those people don't even need his help since he allows himself to pry into their lives without their permission. But on the one hand, he leaves them the choice to do something for their lives before taking the initiative himself before it's too late.

He would have done all that to his heart's content if he could have taken it for himself a few years ago to prevent his condition from being so deplorable today.

Nobody knows the scars evildoings can leave in the memories and minds of those who suffer from them, and even less for a child.

And maybe today, he will know better how to tell the difference between what he feels for Kenan and what he expects of him; that he won't be afraid to give the latter what he expects of him; that he won't cringe every time it crosses his mind.

He may indeed like to play with the nerves available in the latter's body to make him lose his head and control over his own body, but it's because he likes what he sees in his eyes when he inflicts him these miseries when he makes him soft under his caress.

But he did not expect this period to resurface in his memories. He sees himself left to his own with fear in his stomach and incomparable disgust, troubled and lost under the supervision of someone who should bring him security and support. He thinks he is playing the same unhealthy game with Kenan, preventing him from going further in their make-out session.

He feels like he's reproducing the same disgusting patterns when he doesn't know what he feels for him since his feelings are confused in his head, and everything is upside down. In his head, everything is an absolute mess, a nameless mess that he tries to put in place without anyone's help and as best as he can.

And at the same time, he doesn't want to take for granted what Kenan offers him without putting himself into it wholeheartedly; he doesn't want to use it to appease his doubts and panic since that's how he feels when he is with him when deep down he is unable to say what he wants from him.

On the other hand, his surroundings and I know him well enough to know that he loves the latter. Even if he does not know it yet, he is far too preoccupied with his problems to realize that he is indeed in love with the other person, and this is true no matter what he intends to say to deny this evidence.

"Finally, I believe that Kenan is not a good thing for you. You are seriously starting to lose track, kid, and your problem of keeping your calm and anger is three times worse now. It looks like your traumas are taking over, so you will make the same mistakes two years ago. "

"And what did you do to him? Why isn't he back? His mother asked you to watch over him. He knows you can locate him with his phone, but he no longer uses it. And during that time, what did you do, huh? You set fire to a few warehouses full of contraband goods. And if there were people in these warehouses, what would you have done, Aim?"

"Cody, please stop dramatizing everything. I should be doing all these scenes, and your role would be to tell me this was the right thing to do. I am a human, and you are a humanoid, my boy, so stop behaving like a human. It's not worth it. Not a single one is worth it. "

"Nonsense. Some are worth it. We both know a few of them. Hey, look at me. What else happened with Kenan? Answer me, please."

"Ah, that, hm, don't worry, nothing happened. I saw him a few days ago. He may have left with this girl. I think he made the right choice to stay away from me and not come back here. The atmosphere here is not very good for him, and we can't inflict him with all that too. I am a mess, Cody; I'm good for nothing. "

"More nonsense, brat. You're not a mess, you're far from being one, but I think I understand better why you just do stupid things without thinking about the consequences. It's Kenan, the basis of all this. "

"When I thought your relationship would make you more malleable, I think it goes beyond the humanity we hoped for. We wanted you to become emotional, understand what goes through people's heads, and feel what they are feeling, but that's something else; it's a total mess, but you're not a mess. "

He wants to make that clear to him. He doesn't wish Aim to think he's a mess, but his state of mind right now is the jam.

Aim burst out laughing as he listened to Cody say those words. A bitter, joyless laugh without any emotion, a laugh without being one. Cody backed away and scowled at him for a moment, unable to comprehend the devilish outburst of laughter. He shook his head and began thinking about something as he reviewed their plan.

Their goal was to find out what Friedrich does and why he is the one who runs the company while his son is the one who signs all the documents that have a direct or remote relationship with the company. Still, here he is, making a mess without a name in the latter's business.

The discovery was not the most pleasant, and Aim was also not in the mood to think in a civilized way. He does not have the spirit to remain courteous. He just wants to make a big mess out of everything and leave everything behind, a nameless lot like he feels he is.

"I called Nodge. Since I can't talk to you, I think it's time for you two to talk a bit before you completely go off the rails and become like them."

"What? Are you crazy or what? Did you tell him about what I did?"

"No, no, I still have all my clarity, buddy. I don't think I will be as lost as you one day by doing nameless nonsense, but hey, I grant you that since the human body needs some rest from time to time. "

"You are not a machine like me; you are called upon to make mistakes and act with emotions. At least on this point, we know that these times spent at university decked out with your friends are not in vain; they bear fruit. "

" It didn't bring anything good. I have become like them now, and I get angry easily, I insult my friends, and I act like an asshole around them. I'm an emotional bomb about to explode, and it's neither my type nor my thing. "

" Well, whatever you already called Nodge, I think you will have to keep him company because I'm not in the mood. Man, I'm going to try to sleep; I think I need it this time."

"Hmm, but I believe it comes from someone else, someone who knew how to lift your shell. Well, well, it's a good thing you feel tired. Anyway, he hasn't arrived here yet, and by the time he does, you can try to sleep and think about your life. "

"And above all, you must think about how to go and get back this little thing missing from your life to set the record straight. You know what little thing I'm talking to you about, right?"

Quincy was already very far away when Cody spoke to him. He went straight to his room, where he went to take a bath, and without bothering to wear anything, he slipped into his bed with his bathrobe as his only clothing.

He feels tired, and it's his first time feeling fatigued falling on him like this, but he doesn't believe it's his body that's falling from fatigue. It's his mind instead.

And what Cody is asking him to think about isn't doable right now; it's a way to tell him to get Kenan back because he is that little thing missing at home. After all, he is starting to miss the little one, too.

He knows what he's talking about very well, but he doesn't believe he wants to give him a thought just yet. He's not in the right frame of mind and should stop interfering in his life whenever he feels like it.

"If he feels the need to get away from me, that's a good thing, so I'm going to respect his choice and leave him alone," he said in a weary and melancholy tone while sinking into a dreamless sleep.

However, he is not the only one to be so tormented by the turn of events that have occurred in recent days. He has just set fire to an anthill, and sooner or later, he will face the consequences, but there is more than that.

"Hart, when will you give me the information I need?" raged an angry voice at the end of the phone.

Hart took the receiver away from his ear with exasperated calm, and without answering, he hung up before tossing the phone to the other end of his bed and diving into it himself.

He said, with a devilish smile, "I have what I need. It's up to you to get out of this shit now, old fool. I'm not his guard dog that I remember, so why does he always insist on venting his nerves on me, yelling like it's going to fix something? I don't have to worry about your shit Friedrich. Our deal ended a long time ago."

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