
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Urban
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51 Chs

The Invisible

In this torrential rain, where everyone rushes in great strides towards a shelter to avoid the rain, two young men measure themselves against each other in a verbal clash. No one understands the meaning of these words that they throw in their faces ruthlessly, but the rest of the gang, which follows them with scowling and almost guilty faces without saying a word, seems to have an idea of what it is.

"Are you sure that's just what you wanted to do? You're not planning to impregnate me when you're at it after getting me that deep, huh?

Don't be embarrassed. As long as you're enjoying it, make yourself comfortable. I'm ready to let you do whatever you want with me; I'm your bitch, am I not? "

"When I thought I could trust you, you were a friend, but all these nice words were just specks of dirt, gibberish to better pluck my feathers."

"You didn't mean them. I gave you time to catch up, but you persisted in wanting to fuck me; that's all that mattered to you, so don't complain when you face the consequences. "

" If you're afraid to fuck me until the end, I won't hesitate to do it while putting a rope around your neck, and believe me, when I'm done with you, you'll only have one desire, and it's to hang yourself like the shit you are with that damn rope."

"Of course, that's what I wanted."

"Do you think you could buy their love and compassion because you do everything to watch over those around you? Let me tell you, man, that's a fucking big No, shit, gather yourself... get the hell out of your little word. "

"We are not all here because we like you. We each have our own mission, so I accept my defeat. I was too greedy to be patient, and you caught me first, but believe me, the others will show you their real faces soon. "

"So, is that what it is?"

"Of course, that's what it is. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and face me. I know who you are; you can't deceive me by using your superior little air and frightened dog innocence; you're just a piece of shit like all the others. "

Hold on, hold on, guys, it's going too fast. If you don't know how it all started, you wouldn't have any idea how to handle this mess. Let's recap it all.

Chuckles, giggles of joy and frustration here, sarcastic and satisfied cries there, bursts of laughter, discussions on interesting or meaningless subjects, bets on senseless or non-debatable games. Thus, the entire campus is charged with various tensions, with multiple activities that teenagers can invent to amuse themselves or to drive adults insane, which are indeed the distractions in which these young people are investing.

You can see the desperation that, over the years, has gripped the smug faces of teachers and other members of the administration or faculty of the various departments on campus.

The only place where you can spend some time in peace is the library; sometimes, it's incredible and almost unbelievable to see the silence that settles there when you think of the atmosphere that reigns in every corner of the university ground.

But one thing is sure; the experience is worth it.

You will learn to rub shoulders with many people with abilities, personalities, and other skills that are different from others and unique to them.

People are fascinating and highly confusing simultaneously; sometimes you want to get to know them, just like sometimes you can't do anything but walk away from them like they have the plague; you never get used to them.

There are always hidden things that can destabilize you, secrets that can hurt you, and above all, you must always be on your guard and have an alert mind.

This is what I learned and understood by going to class every day and meeting the noisy people around me.

Intelligent and quick-witted people can listen to you and give their opinions; some don't care about what you think or don't even listen to you. It's not always easy to find people who share the same views or ideologies as you. But we can discuss and debate it; it is the attractive side of this little world.

So, I somehow learned to tell the difference between those you can bother to chat with, those you can trust, and those who know how to listen. Ah, yes, it's true; sometimes the people you can chat with or reflect on all kinds of stuff with can't understand you, and those are two different things, and I figured it out on my own.

These teenagers, or all these children who, like me, have difficulty staying focused on the same subject for more than five minutes, have almost no place in this beautiful little world I try to fit into.

These children, who somehow are always looking for things that can keep them awake, stimulate them, and seek thrills all day long, live in a world apart and are very cheerful. They understand each other, share interests, and often have much in common.

It's not the same thing for me, but despite myself, I am also a teenager. I'm not part of any group; I'm not used to having my smears rubbed between friends; I'm a loner if you can use this word to describe me.

Some would even say that I am a social case, and they would not be wrong, nor would it be mean. I am a social case, but whoever will say it aloud except me will do it to hurt me, but I don't know anything about that.

I am considered one of those children who have high potential. By this, I mean the children who are classified as gifted, with a high intellectual capacity and special needs, who cannot find their place in class or any meeting of children, and those who get bored quickly.

So you're probably wondering what I'm doing in this place. You'll understand very quickly later on.

I am lost in my thoughts with all those reflections that assail me. I do not hear the sounds of footsteps approaching my resting place.

My escape, my sanctuary, that's more appropriate. When I can no longer bear the suffocating atmosphere on campus, I take refuge in the premises of Engineering. There is a kind of peace on the rooftop that you won't find anywhere else on campus. I made my shelter there when I had my dose of absurdity.

It's weird because, apart from me, nobody else comes here. Not even the students of this faculty. So who would have thought that a science student would take refuge there? Apart from me, no one is interested in the university's rooftop, but I always seek a way to be alone in my bubble.

Yeah, I made my nest there, a cozy nest at that.

Dear reader, I know you are not many here but I am delighted to have you all. this is my second book in English that I try to write correctly.

Loll, then, I would like to ask you to leave me your opinions, comments, and anything that crosses your mind that will be useful and informative that can help me move forward and improve the novel to give you a better job every day any further.

So have fun, I'm waiting for your comments and suggestions. big hugs I love you guys.

Quentin_ikanucreators' thoughts