
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Urban
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51 Chs

A Wonderful Day

It was not a date like all the others, but it was the best date of my life. When you go out with someone with around a two hundred and sixty-five intelligence quotient, expect to be amazed, disappointed, relocated, excited, and other.

It's a real roller coaster of emotions and feelings. You have fear in your stomach at the idea of ​​hearing him upset a person without him realizing it, and at the same time, you want to see the others throw him glances of admiration each time he opens his mouth.

Today, he took me on a tour of his own world, a wonderful world, one that I really like.

We have been to some of the most renowned and luxurious showrooms and salons close to the general public because they have a well-made clientele.

I was immersed in a world of cars, not just any vehicle, but the rarest and most expensive. It is extraordinary. I could have done this thing before, but I had no one who shared my passion.

There are terrific cars, unique models, and other super rare ones found by renowned collectors, cars as powerful as each other.

He knew this branch like the palm of his hand. He enthusiastically discussed it with the dealers; anyone could read his passion on his face. He not only has the money to afford them, but he is also a good critic. He understands them and can tear them down right in front of your eyes in the blink of an eye.

It looks like he's a regular at exhibition houses, but we all know he doesn't use to go out. He's participated in different auctions. One of his finest gems is the Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. He shouldn't have been more than ten years old when he got it at the most excessive and confusing price. He is not shy when it comes to spending.

It's fascinating to see him in his element and how people come up to him when his name is announced, Aim Williams.

I didn't even know there were others, and I thought the ones I saw were the only ones. He places orders with specific characteristics that he himself drew; it's breathtaking.

You used to see or hear about people with high intellectual potential, right?

Sometimes they are complicated and very closed people who have been treated with apprehension. They are people who can be out of place in society; that is what they say.

Why? Because they haven't had the proper guides or tools, because they don't know who they are. And more often than not, they diagnose them with attention deficit disorder and other issues that go along with it.

With Quincy, it's not like that. Apart from the anxiety and panic attacks he has to deal with and his inability to understand the nuances of everyday life, he is a highly unique and fulfilled person in the areas in which he excels.

He doesn't have a self-effacing demeanor or shows any signs that would qualify him as unfit, or however it looks, he communicates well when it comes to specific topics, and I got the proof today.

This security he exudes is perhaps due to the way he was raised. His parents already knew ​​how to manage him since his father came from the same specimen. So he was pampered, spoiled, and well-guided.

No one, at first glance, will think he has one of the most extraordinary brains of the human species. Not to mention Nodge's efforts to keep him fit and healthy, all those workouts to help him channel his genius and inability to understand everything around him, and that environment helped him be less disoriented. He felt understood and well-surrounded.

He has a penchant for danger, which worries me a bit. I don't understand how someone well aware of the risks of the road can be a power junkie.

He can write you an encyclopedia on racing cars and all the dangers that lie in wait for you, but he still stubbornly ignores them anyway. On the contrary, he does not stop buying them and looking for ways to improve them to his liking.

And I can't wait to touch the body of the Veneno.

I know I'm not the best person to discuss this case, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. My Audi is beautiful and indeed a pretty piece, and I love it. Also, I like racing powerful cars, but I don't collect them like candy.

I don't imagine this child with all his nervous capacities balanced, which means an intelligence quotient in the normal range and an emotional quotient that functions well. He would be a danger to the rest of us. It would be like a Don Juan, a heartthrob.

Mercedes works like miracles, and dealers sell us dreams. He took me from salon to salon, one as extravagant as the other.

I liked his enthusiasm and realized that I sometimes acted as his father. I proudly watched him discuss and offer solutions or give ideas without realizing it, while others took notes or listened to him with the same pride as I did.

He has a funny way of introducing me to the directors of these companies, who are surprised at his outspokenness.

When he arrives at each room, we see the director rushing to meet him when the secretaries announce that Mr. Williams is there.

Sometimes they are surprised to see him so young, but when he starts talking, they all tell themselves that it is Mr. Williams. It's so comical to read the astonishment on their faces as they give way to amazement. We came home with more than a dozen brochures on the upcoming auctions.

We went to one of the upscale restaurants in town. I don't know how he managed to reserve a place there; usually, reservations are made months in advance, depending on the event, and it can take months to find a place.

It's Cody who probably took care of the reservation. I wasn't even dressed for such a fancy place. A waiter came to pick us up at the entrance. After leaving the car with a young valet, a doorman opened the door for us. Aim grabbed my hand under the curious gaze of the latter, who kept staring at me; embarrassed by the menacing, unpleasant gaze Aim gave him, he turned his attention elsewhere.

The atmosphere was pleasant and bearable, especially when you're not in the company of a father who requires you to look fiercer instead of a malnourished and shy little girl because there are far too many influential people in the room watching him.

Some people nodded, and others congratulated us. There were two young couples present on time. The others were middle-aged people, and our table ended up right next to the young straight couple who seemed to be celebrating. But, today, I am the vital person in the room, and I am not even dressed for the occasion.

While people were greeting us as if we were the evening stars, Aim looked at me. He was interested in no one but me. He didn't mind my outfit; he ignored it.

The young couple started staring at him at one point, and the boy had to switch places with the girl to get her attention. A gesture that I thanked with an inner smile.

Aim's eyes left me only when he placed his order after we spent the evening talking, smiling at each other. I was thrilled. At one point, I pinched my leg. I wanted to check if it was really me.

The server was incredibly patient. Aim couldn't find anything that suited his taste on the menu to eat, and he had to take it back to the Chef who came over to have a word with Aim.

At one point, I was afraid he would turn sour. But I was amazed at how he handled it, and the Chef sat down with him for a while to discuss what he wanted. They agreed on a mixture that the Chef called "Aim's taste."

He went to the kitchen to come back later with the most bizarre dish that seemed worth it. He stayed a moment while the latter tasted his dish before raising his head towards the other, who was humorously awaiting his sentence.

"So, Mr. the difficulty," said the Chief grimly, as if talking with an unruly child.

"I don't know..." Aim said with a pout that reminds one of a six-year-old. He couldn't finish his sentence; the Chef retorted:

"No," said the Chef, "you're going to eat it. I concocted it for you; no way you're telling me it's not good. " They spoke in a low voice, and even though I had difficulty hearing them, you could see that they were having fun with the situation.

Like all the other people present, I attended the scene with stomach cramps. I was afraid he would have a fit or a sudden movement, but none of that happened, not even a sign of annoyance.

" I haven't said anything yet," Aim said, still with that childish pout. He's a real baby when he wants to be. I didn't intervene. I let him manage his stuff like the big boy he is. I just watch and follow them carefully.

"Ok, sorry, tell me, it's good, isn't it?" The Chef asked him with apprehension.

"You never disappoint me," he replied, smiling, revealing his pretty teeth.

This sentence confused me a bit. Do they know each other? The head Chef on his side smiled back, greeted him in a curtsey, and returned to his team with a silly smile.

I didn't ask any questions to be sure of what I heard, and I drank so many glasses of wine, waiting for Aim to finally make up his mind, that I thought I had misheard.

And all the time the Chef spent with us made us even more visible in the room.

We are two boys in a fancy restaurant, where there are businessmen and women, celebrities of all kinds, and other wealthy or royal people. We don't need to tell others that we're in a relationship for them to understand. The only way he looks at me says it all, and no one has looked down on us.

Because of us, the Chef had to quit his post without mentioning that one of the boys is as tall as a skyscraper with a bun that makes him incredibly sexy and everything that makes him an apollo of this century. Then there is the other one, petite, slanderous, and breathtakingly beautiful, which makes them wonder if he is a girl or a boy.

Do you see the painting there?

Fortunately, all this did not harm us, and we had a good time. Aim played with my fingers over the table, in plain sight.

Ever since he's been here, he's been acting like a child, completely forgetting that we were in public. To tell you the truth, it's not unpleasant, and even if he weren't as handsome and this wealthy, this moment would have had the same value for me. I feel divinely well. For once, I feel like I matter to someone other than my mother and Zack.

For once, I don't have to care about others' gazes on me. I don't need to act, though, to please someone else.

We left the restaurant at eleven o'clock, and the straight couple not far from our table also got up. The server, who had come to meet us and taken care of us throughout the evening, accompanied us to the exit, followed by the other couple. Discreetly, I took care of the tip when the latter said goodbye.

The valet rushed to get our car, and the doorman didn't even dare to look at me this time; Aim's gaze forbade him.

I told you when he wants, he can be terrifying. Casting a murderous glare with those grey-green eyes isn't much help. I caressed the back of his hand with my thumb to relax him. He received the message very well.

He looked down at me, and the next moment I was clinging to his neck for one to three minutes, a brief moment compared to the times we kissed.

" You are lovely together," said the girl, with a touch of irony.

"Leave them alone," intervened her boyfriend.

I slipped out of Aim's embrace, keeping his right hand tied around my waist as I turned to face the girl.

That's when I noticed who she was: Mandy Dobes! One of my ex-girlfriends. I gasped in surprise, stomping on Aim in my tracks. He supported me with one hand without blinking, I looked up at him to apologize, and he smiled and whispered to me:

" It's fine, don't worry," without letting go of me for a second.

"Well!" exclaimed Mandy, "I see someone remembered."

" Good evening, Mandy," I replied, indifference abounding.

"Are you introducing me to your friend, or do I have to do it myself to him?" Oh, by the way, I always knew you were a fag, because who would have had me as a girlfriend and let me slip without doing anything to hold me back, hm? "

The young man, who couldn't stand her behavior anymore, grabbed her arm and pulled her a little aside. They started talking for a while, and then the young man came back to us, apologizing for the inappropriate behavior of his partner.

Aim looked at him indifferently for a moment, then spoke to him in an emotionless voice.

" You should owe her a lot for accepting someone with such manners as a partner. I don't want to lecture you, I don't have that right, but she's far from the ideal companion for you or anyone else. You need to re-evaluate your list of criteria and priorities, then ask yourself the right questions. "

" Baby, don't be so harsh. It has nothing to do with him. " I said, looking up at Aim to make out his expression. He looked at me and smiled.

"That's not what I said, honey!" He said this with tenderness, without paying attention to how he called me as if it was a simple fact; then, he turned his attention to the young man who stood up without saying a word to look at us.

"If I understood correctly, you were here to reconcile. You had changed places with her to attract her attention. But instead, she spent the evening looking at me without listening to what you said. Nothing changed at all since she just asked for the wine my boyfriend ordered on the wine waiter's recommendation. He didn't even notice her, because he was too petrified that I would freak out if I couldn't find something on the menu that suited me. Because of her, you spent a small fortune in vain here tonight without even solving your heart issue."

I can't tell you how surprised I was when I heard him enumerate the events of the evening. I was speechless. I don't remember seeing him caring about anyone else, and how did he know I cared about him? Was it so obvious that I was freaking out, hm?

Who is that man? At that very moment, I understood that he was someone dangerous. He has perfect control over his surroundings, even if he gives you the impression of not seeing you. If he ignores you, it is that he did it on purpose. I really have to pay attention to him.

The young man stood looking at him for a moment, stunned and confused, too, after he finished speaking. Then he took a few steps toward us with an outstretched hand.

"My name is Juke," he said. "You should be Ewen; Mandy has often told me about you." She said you were gorgeous and felt sometimes obliged to go out of her way to make others notice her when she was with you. She wasn't wrong about that, and you're really very handsome. "

I shook the outstretched hand in front of me and answered, a little stressed at Aim's reaction. But he did nothing. He is a surprising kid.

" Nice to meet you, Juke, and this is Aim, my boyfriend."

"Good evening, Juke," Aim said, giving him a nod, which the other returned.

He was going to add something, but when the car arrived, Aim went to open the passenger side door while waiting for me to get in, and the valet gave him the key. He went to sit behind the wheel and transformed the car into a convertible.

He waved at Juke before turning on the ignition. Mandy stood dumbfounded. I took the time to watch her expression.

I wondered what she would have done if Aim were her boyfriend, and the idea sickened me. She was the worst of all my exes; she projects the image of a "saint-nitouche" while deep down, she is the devil incarnate. I said it because I lived it. Zack helped me get away from her while she pretended she was the one who left me.

She's an absolute ball of nerves, and when she can't find what she wants, she's capable of anything. I loved the expression on her face. Oh, that's right, she said I would never again find such a good partner like her all my life as if she were a blessing. tsk

Juke waves us goodbye while nobody cares about her. A jeep parked in front of them; Juke climbed into the vehicle and waited for Mandy to engulf herself in her turn.

I don't even want to imagine the atmosphere there. I turn to my boyfriend with a big smile. I feel lighter than ever, and I want to tease him.

"How did Monsieur call me?"

"Which Monsieur?" said the latter, trying to play the fool.

"Don't do this, baby; you know what I'm talking about," I replied with a childish pout.

He smiled and peeked at me before returning his attention to the road. Then, with one hand drawing me to him, I let myself go like a cat. I laid my head against his chest. He stroked my back and kissed my hair before whispering, "You are my darling!"

I don't know what I've done to deserve what's been happening to me these past few days, but I have no intention of preventing it. On the contrary, I am ready to embrace this new love situation with all my being.

We stayed like that. I slipped a hand into his open shirt to touch his skin, as soft as silk itself, as the evening breeze cradled us, making the moment magical.

"I want to stay like this all my life," I tell him without moving."

" As long as we live, as long as I am here, as long as you wish, I am yours, willing and available."

I smiled against his chest, and the warmth of his hand on my back pushed me to close my eyes and pulled me into Morpheus' arms.

I woke up feeling like someone was kissing me on my neck, and this good smell tickled my nostrils. I found myself in red silk pajamas, and the sun, already very high in the sky, entered the room through the large bay window, whose curtains had been drawn.

I jumped out of the big bed, a little lost. Aim was already dressed, his wet hair cascading down his back like a mermaid. I have the feeling he got dressed in a hurry.

I don't even remember when I got here. I don't remember anything after he told me he was available for me.

" I took you to the bedroom, bathed you, and put you to bed." He said, seeing the face I made.

" I bathed without waking up." I cried, disappointed.

" Correction! "I bathed you," the latter said calmly.

"That's what happened: Cody arranged for the water to be at the same temperature as your body then, and I washed your hair, dried it, powdered, perfumed, and put you to bed." That's the time you wake up. I didn't want you to sleep like this after that day, and I did well. "

" And then I am the one nicknamed "baby" in this relationship."

"Oh, Lord! My mother, baby, she's going to kill me. She's going to kill us. "

I called him " baby" for what he just said, but he seemed to like it while complaining.

" Oh, don't worry, I called her... uh, for that, I had to go through your phone. And I sent her a photo of you to confirm that you were safe and alive. "

"Oh, you are an angel, my bunny!"

He burst out laughing, throwing back his head, which splashes me in passing with his wet hair.

" But how can I simultaneously be an angel and a rabbit?"

" It's like that. If I want it that way, it will be that way. " I said boldly.

"Ah, I see the feline I met on the roof is back."

There it is for me to laugh heartily.

" A feline, me?"

"Of course, it's you, a cheeky feline indeed," he said, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

" I'm not cheeky," I said, chuckling, unable to keep my seriousness.

"Said the one who forcibly took over my lair."

" Don't you think you're exaggerating here?"

" And how?"

" It was you who ran away."

" I don't remember doing this," Aim said, trying to get up.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. He ended up with his chest on top of me. And his beautiful blue eyes stared intently at me. He put his mouth on mine with such softness that I felt myself melt. And he began to kiss me gently, tenderly, and with passion.

I felt my body catch on fire under his kisses.

I slid a hand through his wet hair to feel it under my hand, but when my fingers slid in his hair, he jumped and pulled away from me abruptly.

He moved from me to the other end of the bed, which can contain twenty people, thus creating a great distance between us.

I desperately sought out what I could have done to make him change so suddenly without finding anything. I remained lying on my back, unable to move. My feet crossed under my buttocks. He got out of bed and stood in front of the door before throwing me over his shoulder.

" When you are done bathing, come down to eat, and I don't know if you want to stay here for the day." I have an appointment with my friend. I will receive them here tonight. Do you want to accompany us?"

" If I would like to accompany someone, it would be you, not that "us" you mentioned," I answered without even looking at him. I don't know why I feel frustrated and on the verge of tears. But all I want now is to cry my ass off till I get rid of that discomfort.

" It's the same thing, isn't it?"

" Nope!" I shouted, "If you wanted me to come with you, you would have asked me directly like you did yesterday." There you said, " us and not me." It's not the same."

"fíflið þitt" I mumbled before I grabbed the blanket and hid under it like a child.

What a jerk! This little wrench is playing with my emotions. We were feeling very well yesterday, so why is he acting like this today?

"Whatever, I'm going to ask him to bring you something for lunch, and you'll find clothes in your size in the dressing room, just place the command, and the doors, the lights, the music, the hot water, and the windows will obey." If you need anything else, Cody will assist you, or you can call on me if you wish," he said in a rough and brusque tone.

And he left the room, and I burst into tears.

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