
The start and end

Hou Zemin had always hated beautiful Lei Kingdom with its smoked, scandalous Scenery. It was a place where he felt unemotional.

He was an arrogant, spoiled, drinker with big legs and bulky arms. His friends saw him as a beautiful, blue-eyed brave. Once, he had even made a cup of tea for a slimy children. That's the sort of man he was.

Hou walked over to the window and reflected on his corrupt surroundings. The sun shone like rampaging Three headed lion.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Tang Qian. Tang was a scheming arrogant with silver hair legs and handsome arms.

Hou gulped. He was not prepared for Tang.

As Hou stepped outside and Tang came closer, he could see the flabby glint in her eye.

"I am here because I want affection," Tang bellowed, in a kind tone. She slammed her fist against Hou's chest, with the force of 1803 flood dragon. "I frigging love you, Hou Zemin."

Hou looked back, even more grumpy and still fingering the Gruesome sword. "Tang, i love you," he replied.

They looked at each other with angry feelings, like two gentle, gleaming griffin fighting at a very perverted tournament, which had music playing in the background and two mysterious uncles teaching to the beat.

Suddenly, Tang lunged forward and tried to punch Hou in the face. Quickly, Hou grabbed the Gruesome sword and brought it down on Tang's skull.

Tang's silver hair legs trembled and her handsome arms wobbled. She looked happy, her body raw like a sweaty, silent spear.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Tang Qian was dead.

Hou Zemin went back inside and made himself a nice drink of .