
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Bücher und Literatur
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365 Chs

Chapter 26 Golden Armoured Beetle

When he got close to thirty metres, Lin Manshan finally saw the spirit beast through the leafy gaps, and then his pupils shrank, and he hastily reached out to signal the crowd to stop and keep quiet.

Following Lin Manshan's line of sight, Xiao Zi Zai could only see a splash of golden light under the refraction of the sun.

He couldn't help but ask in a whisper.

"Golden and glowing, what kind of spirit beast is this? I can't see it from this position."

"It is an Golden Armoured Beetle, also known as the Double Forked Golden Rhinoceros Beetle, It is considered to be a mutated variant individual of the Golden One-Horned Beetle species, and compared to the ordinary Golden One-Horned Beetle, it has greater strength and stronger defences." Lin Manshan looked at the Golden Armoured Beetle that was hugging a dead wood in the distance, with dark golden body armour, and a long horn in front of its head as well as on its back, and he could hardly restrain himself from being a little bit excited, "Golden Armoured Beetle shed their shells once every hundred years, and this one in front of us, which is as big as two palms, should have shed its shells four times, and its age is above four hundred years, which is just right for me."

Mutated Golden Armoured Beetle, this is much stronger than a Thousand Pound Ant of the same age... Lin Manshan lamented deeply; Thousand Pound Ants can only reveal their excellent strength and talent when they grow up to a 10,000-year-old Thousand Pound Ant King stage, and the hundred-year-old ones can only be said to be not bad.

This Mutant Golden Armoured Beetle in front of him is different, far exceeding the vast majority of spirit beasts of the same rank in terms of both strength and defensive attributes. And upon closer inspection, he could almost conclude that it is definitely more than 450 years old.

It simply couldn't be more suitable.

Turning his head to look at the group, Lin Manshan added, "Big Brother Xiao, everyone, although the Golden Armoured Beetle is extremely powerful, has astonishing defences, and can also fly, once it lands on the ground it's just an ordinary spirit beast with no means of attacking, with a small size, and an extremely slow crawling speed."

"In addition, the soft membranes bordering its lower abdomen and both sides of its jointed limbs have very low defence, which is where its weakness lies."

"Brother Stick, Brother Hoe, and Brother Rake, the three of you have weapon martial souls. I will find a way to knock it down later. As long as it lands, you guys give it a hard smash with your martial souls and focus on attacking the joints of the limbs, even if you can't defeat it, you can still limit its ability to fly."

"It's best if we can take that opportunity to flip it over, so that its lower abdomen can be exposed, giving me the chance to attack until I kill it."

After saying that, Lin Manshan's face turned solemn.

"There's also one more thing that you guys have to keep in mind, you must keep your distance, and your legs should not come close to it. Its limbs are extremely powerful, and they also have barbs. If you are accidentally clutched in the thighs, even if the clamp doesn't hold long, the bones will still be punctured."

"Well, we will keep it in mind. Ah Man, you can arrange everything, we'll listen to you." The three nodded in response.

Although they had only spent half a day together, in their eyes, they had long since seen Lin Manshan as a true friend.

Along the way, Lin Manshan had taught them quite a lot of precious spirit beast knowledge for free, something that even the academy's instructors were unwilling to do, and it was quite a big favour to receive.

Not long after, Lin Manshan finished talking about the hunting plan and slightly arched his hand, "Then I'll trouble you all."

"Small matter." The three of them laughed and began to move according to the plan, padding their feet and quietly moving closer.

"Damn, suddenly I'm a bit annoyed that I have a beast martial soul." Xiao Zi Zai shook his head helplessly. The martial souls of the four of them who stayed behind were all melee-type beast martial souls, and their spirit skills were also on the melee side; according to Lin Manshan, they would be prone to being clasped by it and injured by its limbs easily, and couldn't be of much help.

"Brother Ah Man is also looking out for our safety." Brother Dog on the side also lamented helplessly.

On the other side, Lin Manshan slowly approached a distance of ten metres from the other side alone and separately, hiding behind the Golden Armoured Beetle.

'It seems like this hollow giant tree should be this guy's lair.' The position where the Golden Armoured Beetle is is a fallen giant tree trunk across the creek, about the size of two people's combined hug. The trunk is not completely rotten, it should still be alive. There are quite a lot of green branches and leaves growing out of it. In the shade of the branches and leaves at the back of the Golden Armoured Beetle, there is a bowl-sized hole, and the wood shavings around the edges are still fresh.

He looked in the direction where the three fighters were, and they had already arrived at the formulated position.

Lin Manshan hurriedly raised his left hand and aimed it at the Golden Armoured Beetle's soft bum which was also covered by its armour and only revealed a pinky finger's width gap.

He had been working in the blacksmith workshop for two years, and naturally, he had already assembled his own reinforced version of the Silent Sleeve Dart, with a cone-shaped spiral arrowhead bearing a blood groove, giving it stronger penetrating power. Its micro-wings were parted in four to make its flight smooth and silent. With a range of thirty metres, when fired at a distance of ten metres, its force would definitely be able to knock this not-so-large Golden Armoured Beetle to the ground, along with the tree's bark.

After all, being close to the waters, although this fallen tree was still alive, its bark had long been soaked, flabby and rotten, and it would shatter with slight force.

Switching on the safety and adjusting the position, Lin Manshan did not hesitate to snap the switch.

"Swoosh" a silver stream of light shot out.

"Poof!" Accurately and unerringly it inserted into the Golden Armoured Beetle's buttocks, the arrowhead disappearing most of the way in. The barbed limbs clutching the bark of the tree turned the wood into splinters as it shot through the air, the golden armour on its back quivering and opening to reveal the light-slivered wings inside, which popped out with a buzzing sound.

"Nice work, Ah Man!" The three fighters exclaimed in surprise, hastily summoning their martial souls and dashing off to jump out of the bushes.

"I'll beat it!" Wooden stick, hoe, and spiked rake, one by one, greeted the Golden Armoured Beetle's limbs that had just landed on the shore.

"Holy shit, Ah Man, you shot this arrow accurately, right in the middle! It clearly doesn't look like it's doing too well!" Brother Hoe exclaimed in admiration, "Brother Stick, your stick is long and good for striking down. Hurry up and poke it downwards to flip it over, so we can easily pound and crush it."

"Fuck, it's so dangerous, why don't you come and flip it over!" Brother Stick cursed angrily, but his hand movements did not stop, his stick poked the ground in quick succession.

The next second, he screamed in horror, "Holy shit! It's cradling my martial soul."

"Its strength is so great, it feels like my martial soul is going to break!"


When Lin Manshan arrived, the Golden Armoured Beetle was already flipped upside down, its limbs on both sides were beaten up and crooked, with a long arrow stuck behind it, its body trembling slightly, and it looked like it was about to fail to live. After all, it was only a hundred-year-old spirit beast, and its weak joints were continuously beaten by three strong men.

Who could withstand such a situation.

There is strength in numbers, it's not a lie. If I came alone, it might still take me a while to hunt it down.

"Looks like good luck, I thought it wouldn't be that easy to break its defence." Lin Manshan smiled.

"It's mainly because you shot that arrow well at the very beginning, I bet it definitely went numb with pain at that time." Brother Stick said with a grin.

"Alright! Brother Ah Man, hurry up and finish it off to absorb the spirit ring, we'll keep an eye out for you."

"It is the right time, judging by its appearance, if we don't kill it now, it will probably die soon."

"Good, then I'll trouble you, big brothers." Lin Manshan nodded and hurriedly picked up a large stone from the side and pressed it against the Golden Armoured Beetle, preventing it from attacking with its last breath. Then he reached out and held the arrow wing behind its buttocks and pulled it out violently. The Golden Armoured Beetle immediately trembled, moving its pointed limbs a few times, and then it was silent, and a yellow soul ring quickly floated out.

"???" I'm still preparing to poke you with this arrow. How come you can't hold out any longer first?

Lin Manshan held the arrow in his hand, somewhat bewildered.

"This is, it should have hurt like hell, right?" Xiao Zi Zai and the others who rushed over, saw the scene in the front, and their thighs subconsciously clenched.

"It should be." Lin Manshan gaped for a moment.

After greeting the group, he quickly walked over to the stream, washed the arrow, put it into his parcel, then returned to the Golden Armoured Beetle and sat down on his knees in place.

While closing his eyes and concentrating, above his palm, an extremely small sword-type martial soul appeared out of thin air.

In the next second, the yellow spirit ring suspended in the air seemed to be summoned and quickly floated over.


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