
Chapter 140: All Out War (part 1)

As the cultivators ventured deeper into the cave, their footsteps echoed through the narrow passages. The darkness seemed to close in around them, but their determination shone like beacons, guiding them forward. They remained vigilant, their senses honed to detect any sign of danger.

Unbeknownst to them, the goblins and hobgoblins had been preparing for their arrival. They knew the cave better than anyone and had set up traps along the path, eager to defend their territory. As the cultivators approached a wide chamber, a series of clicks and mechanical sounds filled the air, signaling the activation of the trap.

Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath their feet as a section of the floor gave way, revealing a gaping pit lined with sharpened spikes. The cultivators barely had time to react as some of them stumbled, their reflexes tested to the limit. The spikes rose from the pit, threatening to impale anyone unfortunate enough to fall.