
I Conquered The Universe As A Hive Empress

Yasha200215 · Andere
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41 Chs

20. A change in plans

Tatooine, Solen Pov

As the nymphling reached out its hand to grasp mine, my wings vibrated, showing my anxiety. I HATE being touched. I simply nodded and said, "Lead the way."

The little Nymphling brought me into a dome-like structure, And shouted, "Mom! We have Company! come and meet my new friend!"

A human female peaked her head out of what I could only assume was the kitchen, mainly do to the many food related scents issuing from it. This female would be considered beautiful, in a rugged sort of way. one could tell at a glance she was a hard worker, and would do anything to protect her kin.

"You must be the 'Mother' the boy referred to. it is an honor to meet you at last, Lady Skywalker."

Shmi Skywalker POV

A big black humanoid bug was in my house. I wasn't sure why. I was about to ask why it was here, what it wanted from us... then it spoke. Or to be more specific, the little droid hovering behind it spoke.

"You must be the 'Mother' the boy referred to. it is an honor to meet you at last, Lady Skywalker."

"any friend of my son is welcome here, though I must ask. is it the droid talking or is it just translating?" I was unsure of this creatures intentions, though I could feel a sort of power surrounding it. I knew that if it wanted me dead, I would not be having this conversation.

"It is primarily translating, as our species has a primarily pheromonal language, which is used to display tone, as well as the 'whistles' and 'clicks' you hear. We had to program them with extremely sensitive olfactory sensors, as most other protocol droids cannot detect the pheromones or translate the Vespid, our primary spoken language. As our technology is primarily organic in nature, this would explain why it looks like a shell covered jellyfish."

I was confused by what a jellyfish was, but decided it wasn't worth it.

"And why are you here? does it have anything to do with those weird dreams Anis been having?"

"Yes, actually. You see, our Mother, the Queen, has taken notice of the boys abilities. he is a force sensitive, and can become a powerful ally, or a deadly enemy. The same could be said of us. I have been sent to teach the boy the basics of his powers, with your permission, and Watto's."

"Shouldn't we contact the Jedi? surely they could train him."

Solen Pov

The sheer audacity to dare suggest the Jedi! no matter. Mother would arrive soon.

"Do what you must. I will wait." I deliberately didn't tell her that Mother was coming. she would learn her place soon enough. I curled up on the chair and slept.

Time skip

Remembrance, Ashla Pov

Two months. that was how long it took to get the parts. once I arrived in orbit around Tatooine, I could instantly tell: The Jedi had found the Boy. 'Solen! Change of plans! Get a DNA sample NOW!'

'Yes mother.'

Damnit! meddling Jedi! How dare they take that which is mine! How to use this, how to use their greed against them...

'Mother... I'm sensing a dark presence. should I attempt to capture the creature responsible?'

At least I'm getting something out of this trip...

'Yes, catch it. and do it now. I'm coming down to the surface on Concordia.send the translation unit to me with the blood sample, and Concordia will take it to Remembrance while I join you in hunting this dark jedi. I will have my Sword, one way or another!'

Tatooine, general Pov

If one were watching they would have seen two humans, one tall, one small, running towards a ship parked in the outskirts of Mos Espa. unknown to them a great danger was approaching at high speeds, intent on killing the tall human. Just as the dark entity was in arms reach of the boy, a black blur flies by at an incredible speed, slashing the entities speeder and grabbing the small boy. it then flies the boy to the nearby ship, quite literally tossing it up the ramp and into the ship to safety.

the entity having jumped from its wrecked speeder attacks the taller human who draws its blade and fights, concerned about the boy. it was then the black blur came flying back around wielding two red blood red blades, black in the center with a dark red color towards the edges, attacking the dark entity. it then pushed the jedi towards the ship, and continued to fight the red and black being.

"Who are you?!? Did my master send you?!?" it screamed. the black blur could now be seen quite clearly, it was a large black humanoid bug, with six wings.

"Its her!" the little boy screamed. "its Ashla! she's here!"

Ashla could be seen now circling her foe, before deactivating her blood red blades and tossing them aside, where another blur snatched them up for safe keeping.

Ashla could then be seen to have what appeared to be blood red lightning covering her arms and claws, then she attacked. the dark being was clearly the weaker of the two, as he was immediately put on the defensive.

Solen flew to the ship, and made shooing motions with his clawed hands telling them to go, to leave.

they listened.

Anyone still watching would see nothing but a blur of black and red. Then everything seemed to stop, and the dark entity could be seen on the ground, kneeling in front of the one called Ashla, panting. it seemed to know it would never beat this bug, and so resigned itself to its death. Ashla simply injected it with something, which soon rendered it unconscious and immobile.

Its memory was then searched, the dark entities ship retrieved, the remote explosive removed and its transponder wiped. they had brought the captured Creature, now known to be a sith assassin named Maul to the ship for indoctrination.