
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Good Friends and Good Friends

  Olivia clung to Tiffany like she had caught a lifeline, kissing her on the cheek in gratitude.

  This surprised Tiffany, and her face instantly turned red.

  "Tomorrow night, there's a cruise party on the St. Lawrence River. It's rumored to be a birthday celebration for some important figure, and all the elite in North America have been invited, including Henry Foster," Tiffany explained in detail after calming down.

  The hope that had just ignited was extinguished once again. An invitation to an upscale party like this was something Olivia couldn't manage.

  Seeing Olivia's concern, Tiffany quickly reassured her, "If you really want to go to this party, I should be able to get the invitation."

  "What? Tiff, can you get an invitation to such an upscale party?" Olivia was incredulous.

  "No problem. Why do you think I'm called Tiffany?" Tiffany smirked.

  It dawned on Olivia that her good friend Tiffany was, in fact, an heiress. Her family was in the gemstone business, and she joined Morgan Capital to experience a different lifestyle. Heiresses usually have some peculiar hobbies, right?

  "But, I need to warn you in advance. I heard that the boss of Fruit Tech Company is notoriously strict. Apart from that major flaw in your previous project proposal..." Tiffany hesitated, not wanting to dampen Olivia's spirits.

  However, Olivia understood Tiffany's implication: even if they meet the big boss, he most likely won't give them another chance.

  "You won't know unless you try, right?" Olivia calmly stated, giving Tiffany a reassuring smile.

  This time, Olivia was staking her entire career. She had no other options.

  "Alright! Liv, I've got this covered!"

  Looking at the modest sandwich packaging on the table, Olivia said to Tiffany, "Hmm, Tiff, after we sort this out, I'll treat you to a fancy dinner!" Olivia smiled.

  "That's a must!" Tiffany enthusiastically replied. "By the way, for such upscale events, the attire must not be taken lightly!"

  Listening to Tiffany's advice, Olivia examined her own attire. She was wearing a very cheap women's suit and lacked any accessories. In contrast, Tiffany, though not as stylish as Olivia, had many well-coordinated gemstone accessories on her head, wrists, and belt.

  "Liv, with your looks, you shouldn't dress so plain every day."

  "Alright." Olivia smiled in response.

  The two beautiful women laughed heartily, drawing curious glances from library-goers, as if they were admiring a picturesque scene.


  The Toronto Public Library was close to Bay Street, just a few dozen meters from the Morgan Tower.

  At this moment, in the penthouse office of the Morgan Tower, Alexander stared at the nearby library. Through the library's floor-to-ceiling windows, his gaze fell upon Olivia Walker, who was smiling with warmth. (Note: Alex didn't use binoculars; he really just has good eyesight... well, the author personally checked and, yes, you can see the library, but seeing people inside the library smiling is quite challenging.)

  Has that woman ever smiled at him like that before?


  An unprovoked anger surged within Alexander.

  "Alex, regarding the data error in Project Team Three, is it a bit too much to let Olivia take the blame for it? Others might not know Liv, but don't you? Those obvious, idiotic mistakes, could Liv really have done them?" Nathan sat on the sofa in the president's office, looking at the crumpled documents and casting a glance at his friend standing by the window.

  "Think about Liv. If she bears the blame this time, her reputation will be ruined. She won't be able to continue working in this industry. Without a job, she might end up bankrupt, eventually wandering the streets, homeless, shivering in the biting cold... Can you imagine how pitiful Liv would be? Oh, oh, oh..." Nathan feigned sadness, even pretending to wipe his eyes.

  At this moment, the air around Alexander became so cold that it repelled anyone who approached.

  "It's her choice to leave my protection. Is that pitiful?" Alexander turned to look at Nathan, his tone chilling. "She deserves it!"

  "Tsk, tsk..." Nathan drew in a sharp breath, momentarily speechless.

  Sometimes, his good friend's temperament was a bit difficult to understand.

  However, from start to finish, Nathan viewed the situation as a spectator. He wasn't genuinely concerned about Olivia. He was just a playboy lusting after Olivia's beauty. The first time he saw Olivia, Nathan became infatuated, and since then, other women in his bed didn't smell as sweet.

  Nathan was handsome and wealthy, a rich young man from a prosperous family. He tried to seduce Olivia, but she always gracefully deflected his advances.

  He regarded Olivia as if admiring a beautiful piece of art, appreciating not only its surface beauty but also its depth. Acquiring such a piece of art for his own collection was undoubtedly a source of immense joy.

  As the time approached, Nathan led Alexander out of the Morgan Building.

  Coincidentally, a top-tier black Land Rover drove past them, and in the passenger seat was none other than Olivia. Tiffany, being petite, made it difficult to discern the driver from a distance.

  Nathan looked bewildered; he had never seen Olivia so happy, especially in an unidentified luxury car.

  Observing the Land Rover disappearing into the distance, Nathan turned to his stoic friend, Alexander, and exaggeratedly asked, "Alex! Alex! What's going on?! Was that Liv? Does Liv have a boyfriend now? Is that why she was so determined to cut ties with you?"

  Alexander's expression remained icy, and he didn't respond. He cast a glance at Nathan and then walked away.

  Heh-heh, thought Nathan, amused.