
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Remedial Measures

  John looked at Alexander in confusion. How could this be remedied? The project proposal had already been sent to Fruit Tech Company. Was Alexander out of his mind to grant Olivia probation when the project was already doomed?

  However, John didn't voice his thoughts directly.

  Upon hearing Alexander's words, Olivia lifted her head to gaze at the ruthless man before her.

  In an instant, a hint of grievance welled up in her heart. She was innocent in this matter, and Alexander clearly knew the truth. Yet, he chose to pin the blame on her.

  But Olivia didn't continue to plead her case. After five years, she knew Alexander all too well.

  He was a man who would retaliate for even the slightest offense.

  When Olivia voluntarily decided to leave and firmly rejected Alexander's persuasion, Alexander not killing her was already considered lenient and compassionate.

  If Olivia surrendered now and begged for Alexander's forgiveness, based on their five years of history, would Alexander spare her?


  Olivia wasn't responsible for this.

  Olivia would never bear this false accusation.

  She suppressed the ripples in her heart, staring fearlessly at the king of this business empire, and responded, "Alright! Three days! Just three days! I will prove my innocence and make amends for the losses to the company!"

  Alexander's eyes darkened suddenly.

  Olivia's fearless demeanor once again left Alexander feeling inexplicably annoyed.

  He couldn't control her anymore!

  Alexander remained silent, not displaying any emotion, and turned to leave the secretary's office.

  Emma hurriedly followed behind. As the personal secretary to the president, she glanced back at Olivia with a triumphant posture, reveling in her victory.

  John couldn't accept this outcome. However, since the boss had given Olivia three days, he couldn't argue further and could only leave with resentment, shooting Olivia a hateful look.

  Soon, rumors about Olivia betraying Morgan Capital spread throughout Bay Street in Toronto.

  No investment bank or business company would hire a traitor. If Olivia couldn't handle this matter properly, her career might come to an abrupt end.

  With nowhere else to go, Olivia could only carry her laptop and head to the Toronto City Library. The situation had caused great concern for her friend Tiffany, who took three days off and followed Olivia with the documents.

  Christmas was just around the corner, and Toronto's streets were adorned in red and green, covered in a blanket of white snow. The falling snowflakes resembled festive fireworks, but the two figures hastening through the snow felt no trace of joy.

  Arriving at the Toronto Public Library, Olivia and Tiffany bought two sandwiches, solving lunch on the way. They found a secluded spot to sit down, eating and working simultaneously.

  John Rake wasn't the one who framed Olivia, of that Olivia was very sure. John was a straightforward Canadian man, and his anger at that time didn't show any sign of guilt. It was purely because the project had fallen through.

  But where exactly was the problem? Olivia had been closely monitoring John's project team throughout the entire process. From all perspectives, this project was flawless. Olivia had even conducted demand research on Fruit Tech Company. If there were no flaws in the data, the other party would almost certainly have accepted John's proposal, unless...

  With these thoughts in mind, Tiffany had reviewed all project documents and, in frustration, exclaimed beside Olivia, "This is despicable! This person clearly wants to deliberately sabotage the project and make Liv take the blame. It must be John! Liv, I know a good economic lawyer. We can sue that jerk, John!"

  "And then?" Olivia understood Tiffany's concern for her, but there was something more important at the moment.

  "What do you mean 'and then'? Of course, clear your name! And while we're at it, let's beat up that brute, John. Look at how he pushed me; my arm still hurts!" Tiffany revealed her slender, fair arm, showing a large purple bruise on her elbow.

  "But this big deal still slipped away in the end," Olivia said in a deep voice. "So many people worked hard for a year, only to end up empty-handed. This shouldn't be the outcome."

  "Liv, do you have any ideas?" Tiffany's perspective widened after hearing Olivia's words.

  "Tiff, we absolutely can't let the mastermind behind this go unpunished. But as for this deal, we need to find an opportunity to win it back," Olivia said with determination.

  "Win it back? Ah, how do we do that? The project plan has already been sent to Silicon Valley in the United States..." Tiffany said helplessly.

  Yes, the plan has been submitted, and now it's too late to do anything.

  "...Unless we can meet with the boss of Fruit Tech Company," Olivia muttered to herself.

  However, no one knew where the boss of Fruit Tech Company, Henry Foster, was at the moment. Moreover, Olivia only had three days, and even if she flew to Silicon Valley in the U.S. immediately and waited at the door of Fruit Tech Company, she might not be able to see Henry Foster during the Christmas holidays.

  "...Oh, that's an option; their boss is here in Toronto," Tiffany nodded approvingly.

  Tiffany's tone was very plain, almost causing Olivia to miss important information.

  "Uh... huh? Tiff, what did you say?!" Olivia exclaimed, grabbing Tiffany's shoulders with wide eyes.

  "What... what?" Tiffany was startled by Olivia's reaction.

  "Tiff, what did you just say?"

  "Beat up that guy, John?"

  "Not that... the one after."

  "Their company's boss is in Toronto?" Tiffany asked tentatively.

  "That's right! Oh, Tiff! You are really my lucky goddess!!!"