
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Trouble Arrives

  Tiffany hung up the phone and quickly dialed another number – Olivia's.

  "Liv, where are you? There's a new secretary at the company taking over your job, and Alexander wants you to come back for the handover. I've explained on your behalf, and I've packed your personal belongings for you, but I think it would be better if you come back as soon as possible," Tiffany urgently inquired.

  At this moment, Olivia was in a small town in Manitoba.

  "Tiff, thank you. I'll be able to make it back to Toronto today. I'll be at the office for the handover tomorrow," Olivia replied, gathering up her saddened emotions. Life had to go on, and she couldn't afford to break down.

  "You don't have to rush... You originally had unused paid leave, so taking a day off is only natural. Are you okay?" Tiffany detected a hint of melancholy in Olivia's tone and asked with concern.

  "I'm fine. I just want to sever ties with the company as soon as possible," Olivia answered.


  The next day, at Morgan Capital's secretary's office.

  Olivia arrived early at the office. Alongside Tiffany, she began organizing her work records and handling tasks that needed to be handed over.

  Her personal belongings were not many – just a work laptop and a precious photograph of her graduation from the University of Toronto with her grandmother. It was her most cherished possession.

  Olivia packed everything meticulously, making sure nothing was left behind. As for the handover of her secretary duties, it wasn't a significant issue. She had a work log containing Alexander's daily schedule, along with some lifestyle and dietary habits. The most crucial entry was his regular medical check-up appointments, as Alexander suffered from chronic headaches and needed regular hospital visits for treatment and examination.

  In addition to her personal belongings, Olivia had been overseeing several projects, with the largest one being the acquisition of Windmill Innovations by Silicon Valley Fruit Tech Company. This project, the biggest one she had handled this year, amounted to a staggering two billion US dollars. As the project was nearing its conclusion, Olivia worried that her departure might impact the progress of subsequent projects.

  Lost in these thoughts, the new executive secretary, Emma, entered the office.

  At her first glance at Olivia, she was taken aback by Olivia's unique aura, and an undercurrent of jealousy surged within her. However, she did not let her inner thoughts show on her face. Instead, she put on a professionally feigned smile.

  "Is this Olivia? Hi, I'm Emma Bennett. You can call me Emmy. I'm Alexander's new secretary," Emma said in a gentle tone.

  Olivia turned to look at Emma and inwardly sighed. Indeed, a beautiful woman – golden curls, a well-proportioned figure, but that was all.

  She politely responded, "Hello, but I'm about to leave. This might be our first and last meeting. These are my work records, and this work log outlines the main responsibilities of the CEO's secretary."

  As Olivia spoke, she handed two hefty notebooks to Emma. Emma took the notebooks and couldn't help but feel surprised by their weight. These two volumes were as thick as dictionaries. She casually flipped through the first work record, filled with data related to financial reports, budgets, and other matters she had no interest in – the company had a finance department, and she was the CEO's personal secretary.

  Regarding the second work log, it detailed what should be done at every minute of the day, Alexander's daily habits, and more. As Emma perused this meticulously detailed schedule, her anger intensified. Olivia had handled everything so perfectly – it was a clear demonstration against Emma. A woman about to be kicked out of the company had no right to dictate anything!

  With Tiffany's assistance, the handover process went incredibly smoothly. After today, Olivia would have no further connection with the company.

  Thinking about this, Tiffany felt a tinge of sadness. "Liv, would you reconsider? You don't have to be the CEO's secretary; you can transfer to the administrative department. I really don't want to lose you as a friend."

  Olivia shook her head but smiled, "Tiff, my decision is final. There's no need to persuade me further. Besides, even if I leave the company, we'll still be friends."

  As they spoke, the two embraced, and their colleagues, who had spent countless days together, also bid farewell to Olivia. Many of them had received varying degrees of help from Olivia, and losing such a great colleague undoubtedly left them feeling saddened.

  "Liv, take care. Why did you resign? What are we going to do without you?"

  "Yeah, Alexander is terrifying when he's angry. I didn't even dare to breathe too loudly yesterday."

  "Liv, without you to soothe Alexander, how are we going to survive? Sob, sob, sob..."

  Only Emma sat at Olivia's desk, feeling repulsed by the insincerity around her. Now that she was the CEO's secretary, there was no longer a place for Olivia in the company. If Olivia was inferior to her, then she should leave.

  However, just as Olivia was about to depart, the office door swung open forcefully. In walked John Rake, the head of Project Investment Team 3 and the leader of this project group.

  This team leader came in with an imposing manner, specifically naming Olivia as the person he was looking for!

  "Olivia! You can't leave! I never expected you to be such a ruthless troublemaker!" John exclaimed harshly.

  Olivia, facing the accusatory John, furrowed her brows. John was in his forties, straightforward, and even a bit chauvinistic, but he had strong work capabilities, was honest, and tolerated no nonsense. She was quite familiar with John, especially since the $2 billion acquisition project was a collaboration between Project Investment Team 3, led by John, and her.

  Colleagues around them exchanged puzzled glances, not understanding John's intentions. Emma hid in the shadows, wearing a concerned expression outwardly, but inwardly feeling quite pleased – she was eager to witness Olivia's misfortune.

  "John, what's going on? Let me pour you a cup of coffee, and you can take your time to explain," Olivia said, her brows still furrowed, but her tone soothing to calm John's anger.

  "Drink coffee? I don't have the mood for that now! Look at this! I was wondering how you could make such a big mistake. Turns out, you're planning to resign! If I hadn't been vigilant and double-checked, when the truth came out, you would have already completed your resignation and escaped! Olivia, I'm suspicious of you. Did you take money from our competitors, intentionally tampering with our contract, causing us to lose the opportunity to cooperate with Fruit Tech Company?" John angrily accused, producing a document – it was the acquisition proposal from Fruit Tech Company for Windmill Innovations.

  "John, I hope you calm down first. What exactly is happening?" Olivia took the document, examining the marked areas. She noticed a few red circles, indicating John's intense anger. The last few circles were so forceful that they nearly tore through the printed paper.

  "Did you verify the data for Windmill Innovations' liabilities and assets?" John, struggling to contain his anger, demanded.

  "Yes," Olivia nodded, "I meticulously checked all the data and handed it over to your Project Team Three only after confirming everything was in order."

  "You Fxxking Nonsense!" John shouted, his voice hoarse.

  Olivia understood how crucial this project was for Project Team Three and especially for John. If the project failed now, not only would an entire year of the team's hard work go to waste, but next year's company resource allocation would also prioritize other project teams.

  Just as the situation seemed irreparable, Emma, seated at Olivia's desk, secretly made a call...