
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 5: The New Secretary

  "What?! I'm pregnant?" Olivia looked at the doctor in disbelief.

  The doctor reviewed the examination report and confirmed, "Yes, Miss Olivia, you are indeed pregnant. You can have another test, but the chances of a misdiagnosis are extremely low."

  Olivia was on the verge of fainting again. The only person with whom she had a special relationship was Alexander. If she were pregnant, it could only be Alexander's child.

  However, this seemed impossible. Olivia had a constitution that made it difficult for her to conceive, and she had been consistently taking contraceptive pills without interruption.

  How could this be possible? Olivia wondered.

  "Uh... should I inform your company?"

  "No need! And give me a copy of this report. Also, you can't tell anyone about my pregnancy!" Olivia said resolutely.

  "Alright, we will absolutely keep the patient's privacy confidential." the doctor replied nonchalantly.

  Leaving the hospital, Olivia felt restless. How could she be pregnant? It was too unbelievable.

  She called her company and requested a week off. During this time, she went to another hospital for a check-up, but the result was the same—she was indeed pregnant, five weeks along.

  In December in Toronto, light snow was falling. Olivia, holding the report in her hands, felt as if her heart had plunged into an icy abyss.

  Should she keep this child? Olivia was caught in a dilemma. She bought a train ticket, heading to a small town in the province of Manitoba.

  In the town, there was a small hill. Before going to the hill, she bought a bouquet of roses, a bunch of violets, a bottle of fine wine, and then called a taxi to go to the hill.

  As soon as she arrived at the hill, it started to snow. The snow in Manitoba during December was entirely different from Toronto's. If Toronto's snow was dry and cold, Manitoba's snow was wet and cold, the kind of cold that penetrated to the bone.

  Gloomy clouds and frigid snowfall adorned the unknown hillock, surrounded by a wrought-iron fence. A few lonely crosses dotted the hill, standing desolately among the snowflakes. This was a cemetery.

  The caretaker, an elderly man, noticed Olivia from afar and, leaning on his cane, opened the gate for her.

  "Liv, in this cold weather, why did you come?" the old man asked with concern.

  "I just wanted to take a look," Olivia bowed deeply, responding politely.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Olivia handed the recently bought wine to the caretaker and proceeded alone towards the graves on the hill.

  Watching her slender figure, the old caretaker, carrying the wine, looked at her with pity, murmuring to himself, "Poor Liv. At eight or nine, she brought her mom here. In her teens, she brought her grandpa here. Half a year ago... she brought her grandma here. On the day of the burial, poor Liv knelt in front of the grave without eating or drinking for the entire day... Oh, God, if you really exist, why didn't you bless this poor girl? Sigh."

  Olivia ascended the small hill alone, reaching the top where three crosses stood side by side.

  Her grandfather and grandmother were buried together, and her mother lay beside them.

  The roses were for her grandparents; her grandfather used to give her grandmother a bouquet every year, keeping her happy.

  The violets were for her mother, her favorite flowers. The garden was once filled with violets, blooming together as spring arrived, the gentle breeze causing the violets to dance in unison—an exceptionally beautiful sight.

  In this world now, only Olivia remains; everyone else has gone to another realm.

  "Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, I came back this time because there's something I need to tell you..." Olivia stood alone in the snow, speaking softly. "I'm pregnant... and logically, I shouldn't keep it."

  As Olivia spoke, her sadness deepened. "But you're all gone... I have no family left in this world. This child, it's my only flesh and blood now." She gently caressed her belly, biting her lip as tears silently streamed down her face.

  Taking a deep breath, Olivia seemed to resolve herself. "I've had my body checked before; the doctor said I had a difficult fertility condition. But now that I have this child, it feels like a gift from above. I've decided to bring it into this world!"

  Pausing for a moment, Olivia smiled. "Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, you're in the heavens; please bless this child to be born healthy and grow up well."


  Ontario, Toronto, Bay Street, inside Morgan Capital Corporation.

  The news about Olivia and Alexander spread yesterday, and everyone has been speculating about their relationship. Normally, a career-oriented, abstinent boss like Alexander would never be rumored to have an affair with his secretary. However, what happened yesterday was witnessed by many, and even Boss Nate confirmed it with his own words.

  But today, another bombshell hit – Olivia resigned!

  Inside the secretary's office, a sense of mourning filled the air. Alexander, being the workaholic boss he is, only Olivia could handle him. Now that she has resigned, who will take over her position has become the most concerning topic for everyone.

  Just as everyone was discussing animatedly, the new secretary replacing Olivia arrived – Emma Bennett. She possessed a stunning figure resembling a beauty pageant winner, coupled with an angelic face. With her golden curls and gem-like light blue eyes, Emma outshone Olivia in terms of beauty. This immediately caused a stir in the company.

  Emma became the focal point of the office as soon as she arrived, and she was assigned to Olivia's former office.

  Meanwhile, Olivia's belongings had not been removed yet. Emma was ready to discard all of Olivia's things, especially that photograph – a picture of Olivia and her grandmother taken during Olivia's graduation ceremony. In the photo, Olivia, in her black graduation gown, was holding hands with her benevolent grandmother, wearing a radiant smile.

  Before Emma could dispose of Olivia's items, Tiffany Montgomery preemptively salvaged Olivia's personal belongings. Tiffany, the administrative secretary at Morgan Capital, was one of Olivia's few good friends in the company.

  Tiffany was a vibrant and cheerful girl, but she had an evident tendency to crush on handsome men. She often found herself infatuated with dashing gentlemen, harboring fantasies of romance and love. Her friendship with Olivia mainly stemmed from Tiffany's fantasies about Olivia and Alexander, a secretary-boss love story!

  Alexander had a meeting with shareholders today, and by the time the meeting ended, it was already noon. As he returned to the office, Emma approached him with a somewhat aggrieved expression.

  "Alex, I've taken over Olivia's position. Is she upset that's why she's not coming to the company?"

  Upon hearing Emma's complaint, Alexander furrowed his brows and picked up the phone on his desk, dialing the secretary's office. "Tiff, where's Olivia? She didn't come to the company today?"

  "President, well, Olivia had some family matters and took a leave to Manitoba," Tiffany hurriedly explained. "It's my fault; I was busy with the shareholder meeting documents this morning and forgot to report to you."

  Alexander fell into a brief silence upon hearing Manitoba. He knew where Olivia had gone.

  Tiffany then heard Emma's delicate voice through the phone, "Olivia has family issues? She left so urgently without even telling the CEO; it must be something serious, right?"

  Alexander hung up the phone and instinctively distanced himself from Emma, speaking coldly, "Since she's not here, you can go back. When she returns, you can hand over with her."

  Emma Bennett was adept at reading between the lines. Seeing Alexander deliberately keeping his distance, she pouted softly, made no delay, and left the Alexander's office.

  As soon as the office door closed, she changed her demeanor, her mouth twisted, and she bit her lip forcefully.

  It must be that Olivia! She deliberately didn't come to the company for a handover, just to show off her power!

  "Olivia! You wait for me. Today's not the end of it between us!"