
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Unexpected Pregnancy

  Bay Street, Toronto, Canada—a financial hub not only for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) but also the entire country.

  The Morgan Tower stood as the tallest building in this financial realm, and within the secretary's office at Morgan Capital, a few secretaries whispered and exchanged gossip about Olivia and the company's CEO, Alexander.

  "Hey, what are you guys chatting about so fervently? Share the gossip with me," Nathan stepped into the secretary's office, particularly intrigued by the topic of their discussion.

  "Mr. Nathan, the President of Reynolds Investment Bank, why do you always linger around our Morgan Capital? Our company is right below yours, not to mention the fact that we have a business partnership. Alex holds thirty percent of Reynolds Investment Company's shares—he's my major shareholder," one of the female secretaries said with a hint of sarcasm, though admiration for the handsome boss gleamed in her eyes.

  "Haha, it's because our offices are just downstairs from yours. Besides, we have a cooperative relationship. Alex owns thirty percent of Reynolds Investment Company's shares, making him my major shareholder," Nathan chuckled. "By the way, where's Alex? Why can't I see him around?"

  "You really missed a good show. Liv just slapped President Alexander, unexpectedly bold for someone usually gentle and obedient," the female secretary explained.

  "What? That's a shame; how did I miss that?" Nathan wore a regretful expression. "Where are they now?"

  "They went to the hospital. Liv didn't look well when she came to the office today, and after the intense conflict just now, she fainted. Oh, and guess what! President Alexander directly carried Liv to the hospital. Watching the president, who usually appears so cold, unexpectedly caring for an employee—I wish I could be carried like a princess by the president too," another female secretary lamented.

  "Oh, I see," Nathan flashed a meaning-laden smile.


  St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto is the city's premier private hospital, boasting medical technology that is among the best in Canada and even North America. Appointments at this facility typically need to be booked a year in advance, yet for Alexander, coming here was akin to visiting his family doctor, with ready access to medical care at any time.

  Now, in the VIP ward, Alexander sat by the bedside, gazing at the unconscious Olivia, his heart filled with mixed emotions.

  Olivia was in no serious condition; the preliminary diagnosis suggested fainting due to acute anemia, a common ailment among young working women. Many cases were simply a result of skipping breakfast.

  "What could be the reason, Liv? That you'd want to leave me..." Alexander pondered.

  "Sob... Mm," Olivia gradually regained consciousness, looking at the handsome and charismatic CEO before her. Her eyes widened slightly, as if feeling that she was reliving a dream from five years ago.

  "Are you awake? The doctor said there's no major issue, but we'll need to wait for your blood test results for further information. Liv, I'll ask you once again, and it's the last time— are you sure about resigning? Are you sure about leaving me?" Alexander, suppressing his inner confusion, asked in a tone devoid of emotion, coldly.

  Olivia, still weak, was brought back to reality. Despite her physical frailty, she showed no hesitation. "Alexander, I'm sure. I want to resign."

  An unnamed anger welled up within Alexander. Squinting his eyes, he scrutinized this slender and beautiful woman. Heh, in these five years, he had completely misunderstood her. It turned out that she was not a docile little white rabbit at all but an untamable wolf.

  "Liv, I'll give you a month off. Take your time to make a decision. It's been a long time since you visited your grandmother, hasn't it? Go to Manitoba and see her," Alexander, suppressing his anger, softened his tone.


  In an instant, Olivia's face turned pale, her heart as if gripped by something.

  The next moment, Olivia became even more cold and resolute.

  "No need to think about it. I've already made up my mind!"

  "Olivia!" Alexander completely lost control of his temper. No one had ever dared to refuse him like this.

  He was the king of the entire Toronto GTA business world, accustomed to being treated with the utmost respect. He had given this woman enough face!

  Yet, she dared to be so ungrateful!

  "Olivia, take a good look at yourself. Without me, you're nothing in this city. Let me tell you, you're just a substitute for 'her.' I tried to keep you around because I got used to having you for five years. Do you really think I can't do without you?" Flames ignited in Alexander's eyes as he looked down at Olivia in the hospital bed, like a king looking down on a beggar.

  But the stubborn "beggar" did not yield. Olivia responded with a cold, defiant glare, showing no fear of Alexander's anger.

  "Alexander, I have self-awareness. I wouldn't dare to let you elevate me like this!" Olivia retorted sarcastically.

  "Heh, haha, very well! Olivia, very well! You may not be the most like 'her,' but you're more obedient than anyone else. That's the only advantage that kept you by my side. Unfortunately, you've lost even that now. Since you've made up your mind, so be it! As you wish!" Alexander sneered.

  "Thank you, President Alexander!" Olivia looked at Alexander coldly and replied calmly, "I will transition all my work as soon as possible, so as not to cause you any trouble."

  "As for the role of the president's secretary, there's no need for you to hand it over to someone else. A new secretary will naturally come in. Before you leave, teach her well, pass on your obedient techniques."


  With anger in his heart, Alexander left without looking back.

  He was the pride of the heavens, the king of the Toronto GTA business world, inherently arrogant to a degree unmatched by anyone.

  His recent attempt to retain Olivia was nothing more than noise in the heart of this king. Olivia was just a substitute, valued only because of her past obedience. Now that she had become disobedient, why should Alexander expend any effort for her?

  As Olivia watched Alexander's departing figure, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, she was free.

  Just as Olivia celebrated her newfound freedom, a doctor in a white coat entered the room.

  "Ehhhhh... Miss Olivia?" The doctor was a purebred Canadian.

  "Yes," Olivia replied, looking up.

  "Well, your blood test results are in... eh, you're pregnant!"
