
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Anger in the Heart

  When Nathan snapped out of his daze, Olivia had already left the CEO's office.

  Nathan, mouth agape, looked at Alexander in astonishment. His hand was still suspended in the air, pointing at the closed door. He asked, "A... Alex? Was that confident young woman just Liv? Your shy and gentle secretary?"

  Alexander's face darkened, remaining silent.

  Nathan, shocked for a moment, silently shook his head, feeling even more delighted. Liv was truly amazing. There was no better toy than Liv. If Alexander couldn't control her, then his chance had come.

  Though Alexander appeared as composed as ever, a subtle panic and confusion had taken root in his heart. Liv, his Liv, resisting him was an unprecedented event in the five years they had been together.

  Alexander was well aware of the agreement he had with Olivia, but he couldn't fathom that she would genuinely resist him simply because he was getting married. Giving up the wealth, status, and even leaving him seemed inconceivable.

  Over these five years, Olivia had been utterly compliant with Alexander. No matter how outrageous his demands were, she always complied.

  How dare Liv defy me? How could she rebel so fiercely? Alexander felt bewildered.

  Rising from his chair, he gazed down at the silver-clad downtown Toronto from the top-floor CEO office of the Bay Street Morgan Tower. Ignoring Nathan's incessant chatter, a surge of anger welled up in Alexander. With a murderous aura, he strode out of the office, leaving behind his befuddled friend, Nathan Reynolds.

  Olivia was always efficient in her work. She returned to the secretary's office on the lower floor, where a few other secretaries were handling the documents for an upcoming shareholder meeting. Delaying the meeting by a day wouldn't significantly ease their workload.

  After submitting her resignation, Olivia felt an overwhelming sense of relief. She immediately started preparing for the handover of her projects, deciding that she wouldn't be coming to this top-tier company again starting the next day.

  However, things didn't go as planned. Alexander unexpectedly arrived at the secretary's office. With a stern face, he walked in, and the secretaries who were just working on the documents stopped their tasks, standing up to await the CEO's instructions.

  Only Olivia remained seated at her desk, packing her belongings. "Mr. President, is there anything else you need to explain?" Olivia glanced at Alexander, completely devoid of her former docility and gentleness.

  Alexander Morgan's expression grew even darker. At Morgan Capital, no one dared to speak to him this way. Upon hearing Olivia's words, the secretaries fell silent, frozen in their places.

  "Olivia, have I not been good enough to you? What are you doing?" Alexander walked step by step towards Olivia's workstation, emanating a strong aura of the company's president.

  Olivia's face turned pale, and a wave of nausea swept over her stomach. Instinctively, she wanted to create some distance between herself and Alexander.

  Alexander grabbed Olivia's wrist and pulled her in front of him.

  This scene left everyone else in the room completely stunned.

  "Boss, you're about to get married soon. Creating some scandal with your secretary wouldn't be good for your reputation, would it?" Olivia stared at Alexander fiercely, speaking in a low voice, but surprisingly, there was a hint of threat in her tone.

  Alexander glanced at the surrounding people and sneered, "So what? Olivia, have I not given you enough?"

  Thinking of Alexander's earlier words in the office, "With enough money, Liv is willing to do anything," a wave of disgust surged within Olivia. Since Alexander was so unabashed, why bother showing him any mercy? Olivia struggled desperately, trying to break free from the man who was humiliating and trampling on her dignity.

  "Alexander, let go of me!"

  "Olivia! My patience is limited. I don't have time to play these cat-and-mouse games with you. How much do you want? Just state your price!" Alexander spoke harshly, his grip on Olivia's wrist showing no sign of weakening, as if he wanted to snap her delicate, fair wrist.

  To this point, Alexander still believed that Olivia wanted to leave because he hadn't paid enough, Olivia thought with a cold smirk.

  It was just like five years ago. Initially, Olivia had been unwilling to sell herself. But what happened later? Alexander offered a high enough price, and Olivia, for debt repayment, education completion, and her ailing grandmother, obediently climbed into Alexander's bed, letting him play with her.

  In Alexander's eyes, this rebellion was merely because he hadn't paid enough money.

  Olivia wasn't really intending to leave him! This conviction remained unwavering in Alexander's mind.

  Olivia couldn't leave him... Smack!

  A crisp slap landed on Alexander's cheek! In this moment, Alexander was stunned, and the secretaries surrounding them couldn't believe their eyes. The frail Liv had just slapped the CEO of the company.

  Alexander was incredulous, staring at Olivia in his arms. In her eyes now, there was only anger and resentment.

  He suddenly became calm. Olivia, could she really be leaving him?

  As Alexander's wavering thoughts took hold, he unconsciously released his grip.

  Olivia, at this moment, was pale, her eyes red. For these five years, she had remained clear-headed. In Alexander's heart, she was merely a stand-in for his first love!

  All the tenderness, sweet words, were meant for someone else! Not for Olivia!

  Had Olivia become slightly addicted to this situation, she would probably be wounded beyond recovery by Alexander at this moment.

  "Alexander, I'm telling you! From today onwards, I am me! I won't be manipulated by you anymore! I quit!" Olivia stepped back, creating distance, facing the CEO Alexander without any trace of retreat.

  The anger and resentment in Olivia's heart stemmed entirely from the bottom line she couldn't cross. Her mother was forced to death by the mistress, and Olivia would never become a mistress even if it meant death.

  Inside the secretary's office, silence enveloped the room, leaving only the sounds of Alexander and Olivia's breathing. The other secretaries were at a loss, frozen in their places.

  Alexander, now in turmoil, the high-and-mighty CEO, the dominator of Morgan Capital, the owner of Toronto's largest investment firm on Bay Street, was surprisingly lost in confusion.

  His heart neither wanted to lose Liv nor could find a solution.

  After a brief silence, Olivia's face turned deathly pale, and she suddenly fainted on the floor!