
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Shameless Scoundrel

  "Shameless, Alexander, you are truly shameless!" Olivia stared at the LCD screen on Bay Street, gritting her teeth.

  "Breaking news! The president of Morgan Capital is engaged to the little princess of the century-old Rothschild family! At that time, the two major financial families will form a powerful alliance, and the global capital landscape may undergo significant changes..."

  Every word scrolling on the LCD screen stabbed at Olivia's heart.

  The president of Morgan Capital was none other than her boss, Alexander Morgan.

  Olivia bit her lip, desperately suppressing the anger within her. She tried to pull down her business suit skirt with her hands, attempting to cover her long and fair thighs as if wanting to shield the shame in her heart.

  So, this was the reason behind Alexander's sudden gifts of money and real estate. Olivia finally understood at this moment.

  A deposit of twenty million US dollars and a mansion in Beverly Hills were just to keep her as his obedient bed partner, as the mistress in his future marriage!

  A wave of nausea hit Olivia, and she briskly walked into the restroom at the end of the corridor.

  A bout of retching, a nauseating feeling from the depths of her heart surged to her chest; this sensation was truly terrible.

  Olivia splashed her face with cold water, trying to ease her discomfort.

  She lifted her gaze, looking at herself in the mirror. Golden hair clung to her face, dampened by the cold water, and her pale complexion made Olivia appear disheveled and pitiful.

  "Shameless scoundrel! Alexander, you are truly shameless!" Olivia shouted at herself in the mirror. She and Alexander had an agreement. Olivia became Alexander's personal secretary out of desperation, and everything she did was work. She would never become the mistress because her mother was forced to death by a mistress.

  Alexander was well aware of all this!

  Olivia felt grateful to Alexander for helping her when she had no other options. However, no one could touch Olivia's bottom line, not even the president of Morgan Capital!

  Collecting herself, Olivia no longer pretended. She, this harmless little white rabbit, was not going to be anyone's substitute lover anymore.

  She prepared her resignation and headed towards Alexander's office.

  Just as she reached the door, about to knock and enter, she heard Alexander and his friend Nathan Reynolds talking inside. Nathan and Alexander both came from wealthy families and had risen as new wealthy CEOs in recent years. What's more, the two were rare friends and schoolmates who graduated from Upper Canada College, a very prestigious boys' school. Nathan, handsome and charming with black curly hair and Italian blood, had deceived countless girls into bed with his looks.

  "Alex, I heard you're getting married? So, what's your plan for Liv? After all, I do know about your gentleman's agreement with her," Nathan spoke with a mocking tone.

  Inside the CEO's office, there was a brief silence, followed by Alexander's cold and ruthless voice, "Do nothing. Everything stays the same."

  "As the mistress? Liv would agree to that?" Nathan sounded surprised. "Although she appears gentle and obedient in front of you, I know she has a stubborn and proud personality."

  "Humph, Nate, with enough money, Liv is willing to do anything," Alexander said disdainfully, his tone full of mockery and contempt.

  Standing at the door, Olivia heard Alexander's words, and her heart felt like it had been pierced by a dagger.

  Everything she had done, all the self-sacrifice, apparently, in Alexander's eyes, was just a toy that could be renewed and played with for a price.

  "Really?!" Nathan's tone rose sharply. When he saw Olivia for the first time, he became interested in this stubborn girl. "Alex, then tell me, if I offer a higher price than you, will she sell herself to me?"

  Alexander glared at Nathan. He didn't speak, but his expression was serious, even angry. Nathan was puzzled by this; they graduated from the prestigious boys' school, and UCC had an unwritten rule that brothers from the same fraternity could share girlfriends, especially if they were secretaries bought with money.

  A loud bang.

  The door to Alexander's office was kicked open from the outside, the loud noise startling Nathan, and even Alexander, sitting behind the CEO's desk, couldn't help but frown.

  "Liv?" Nathan, realizing who was at the door, felt a moment of awkwardness. However, he nonchalantly continued, casting a lascivious glance at Olivia's legs and playfully greeting, "Liv, you look even more beautiful."

  Thinking about Nathan's earlier words, Olivia felt another wave of nausea in her stomach. Ignoring him, she walked straight to the CEO's desk, giving Alexander a cold stare.

  "Didn't I tell you to handle the message?" Alexander's expression clearly showed displeasure as he spoke to Olivia in a stern tone.

  "Alexander." Olivia coldly scorned Alexander. Without her usual gentle and obedient demeanor, she handed him her resignation, saying, "This is my resignation. I'm done working for you!"

  Alexander's eyes widened slightly, expressing disbelief. "Liv, what do you mean?"

  "Alexander, when I agreed to be with you initially, we made a deal. I won't be the mistress, and I'll leave when you get married. You haven't forgotten, have you?" Olivia said coldly. "I will quickly hand over my work and unfinished projects. You and... him can continue your secret conversations without my interference."

  With that, Olivia turned and headed for the exit.

  Nathan, standing nearby, was dumbfounded, even excited. Witnessing his high-and-mighty friend Alex getting taken down a notch was a rare spectacle.

  As Olivia passed by Nathan, she cast a disdainful glance at the overly excited Nathan, treating him like garbage.

  She answered Nathan's earlier question coldly and deliberately.

  "I'm not for sale!"