
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 13: Grandmother's Piano Piece

  Olivia had not anticipated the difficulty of approaching Henry Foster, the CEO of Fruit Tech Company. She thought finding him would be the greatest challenge, but she hadn't expected that merely getting close to him would be such an obstacle.

  She was only a few steps away from Henry Foster, yet she was blocked by several bodyguards in black suits.

  "I'm sorry, miss, the area near that seating is currently off-limits," one of the bodyguards politely informed her.

  Olivia, in her eagerness, said, "I just want to speak a few words with Mr. Henry Foster."

  The bodyguard in the black suit replied expressionlessly, "If you have business, you may contact Mr. Foster's secretary to arrange a meeting. Mr. Foster will not be attending to business matters today."

  "..."Olivia's face showed a hint of embarrassment as she bit her lip lightly.

  At that moment, Henry Foster seemed to hear the commotion and glanced over. When his gaze landed on Olivia, unlike most men at the venue, his eyes showed no interest. In fact, there was a hint of disdain in his frown.

  Henry Foster, a technologist turned entrepreneur, was known for his upright character and harmonious family life. His marriage with his wife had lasted for 40 years without a hint of scandal.

  He was not interested in women, and even showed disdain for those who used their looks to easily entangle men.

  To him, Olivia, with her stunning beauty, didn't seem like someone grounded in hard work.

  In Henry Foster's eyes, Olivia was just another flashy, insubstantial woman.

  The elderly man whispered something to his companion and then stood up, leading his entourage towards the VIP guest rooms.

  At this moment, with Olivia halted several meters away, she saw her opportunity slipping away. She overheard Mr. Foster expressing regret to someone nearby, "That piano looks quite exquisite. It's a pity that the organizers of this luxury cruise didn't invite a pianist. Such a fine piano, used merely for display, is truly a waste."

  "Piano?" A thought struck Olivia.

  Her gaze swiftly shifted to a nearby music stand, where a black lacquered piano stood, particularly eye-catching under the spotlight.

  Olivia realized this was her unique, and perhaps only, opportunity.

  Coincidentally, Olivia's grandmother had been a well-known pianist in a small town in Manitoba, Canada. Therefore, Olivia had been learning piano from her grandmother since she was young.

  Although she had rarely had the chance to play in recent years due to her studies and work, her years of practice and natural talent for the piano meant her skills were still exceptional. While she might not be a master, her playing was surely captivating.

  As Henry Foster was about to leave, the bodyguards who had been blocking Olivia relaxed their guard, preparing to follow the elderly man.

  Unexpectedly, Olivia didn't chase after him but instead turned and walked towards the piano. She sat down in front of it under the spotlight, her black gauze dress twinkling with specks of starlight under the lights, making her exceptionally dazzling.

  At that moment, the once noisy banquet hall seemed to fall into silence, all eyes focusing on Olivia.

  Olivia took a deep breath, gently opened the piano lid, and her pale, slender fingers touched the ivory-like keys. Then, they began to dance gracefully on the black and white stage of the keyboard.

  In an instant, a captivating melody began to ripple through the air.

  Mr. Foster, who had already stepped out of the banquet hall, stopped abruptly and turned back.

  At this moment, Olivia, with her golden hair lightly draped over her shoulders, eyes lowered, was completely absorbed in the piano keys.

  The piece was not from any renowned composer but an original composition by her grandmother, which had also accompanied Olivia throughout her growth. The beautiful melody was deeply rooted in her soul, and her fingers, guided by muscle memory, leaped across the keyboard, evoking poignant notes.

  In the piano's melody, Olivia seemed to relive the times with her late grandmother, waves of emotion surging in her heart. Deep and sincere feelings flowed through her fingertips into the tune.

  For a moment, the entire banquet hall was captivated by the beautiful piano sound, and the guests turned towards the source of the music.

  "Mr. Foster?" A bodyguard noticed the elder's halt and whispered behind him.

  The elder, however, raised his hand to indicate not to disturb him, a glimmer of sentimentality in his eyes. In the melodious tune, he seemed to travel back to his distant childhood, to that town appearing only in dreams, the place of his upbringing, his hometown. Since embarking on his academic journey, he had never revisited that dreamy town. At this moment, the elder felt as if he had stepped back onto that familiar land.

  Henry Foster turned back into the banquet hall, stopping in front of the music stand. He was curious about the pianist who could play such a touching melody.

  When he clearly saw the face of the pianist, a flicker of surprise crossed his eyes. Wasn't this the same seemingly decadent woman from before? But now, she appeared so serene, elegant, and intellectual.

  The elder closed his eyes, immersing himself in the wonderful melody, as if he were in a transcendent world.

  This scene was also witnessed by Alexander and Nathan.

  "Liv... she can do this too?" Nathan's expression was one of utter astonishment.

  Alexander, however, maintained a calm demeanor, remaining silent. His inner surprise was no less than Nathan's. He had never known that Olivia not only played the piano but also possessed such exquisite skill.

  At this moment, the spotlight shone perfectly on Olivia, her focused and devout demeanor making her appear like a sacred, untouchable envoy.

  In that instant, Alexander's heart raced wildly. He suddenly felt that the Olivia before him was exceptionally unfamiliar, as if there were an immeasurable distance between them.

  This woman, it seemed, had undergone a transformation and was no longer the same person who had been by his side for five years.

  As this thought flickered through his mind, Alexander's heart filled with surprise and astonishment, "How many more things are there that you've kept from me, Liv?" he silently questioned in his heart.


  Meanwhile, in the VIP lounge of the banquet hall.

  The real focus of this birthday party, the eldest son of the Duke of Richmond, Prince Will, was carried in by four burly bodyguards, led by an elderly man in a tailcoat, appearing to be a butler.

  "Your Grace, Duchess. I have brought back Master Will," the butler said, bowing slightly.

  "Alfred, thank you for your effort," a middle-aged man dressed in a red and green sweater and holding a whiskey glass responded. He was in his fifties, with brown hair, slightly overweight, and his cheeks were flushed from drinking, making his expression somewhat comical. Surprisingly, this seemingly unkempt man was the Duke of Richmond, a prominent British noble, and Will's father.

  "Richard! Stop drinking! You all... put Will down. Alfred, quickly, get the Duke and Will their suits; they're in quite a state!" The woman speaking was evidently a typical Duchess, dressed in an elegant maroon gown, adorned with dazzling jewels. Her brown hair was a different shade than that of her husband and son, seemingly dyed.

  "Woof! Woof! Woof!" At this moment, young Master Will had a towel stuffed in his mouth, making pitiful howling noises.

  "Alfred, quickly put Will down, the guests have already arrived, and the party has started. We, as hosts, are not yet ready... Oh, where is Eddie?" Duchess Victoria glanced at her watch, realizing there was not enough time. She rolled her eyes in exasperation, "It's too late to look for Eddie, just get these two changed!"

  Under the stern command of Duchess Victoria, the butler, servants, and bodyguards worked together to tidy up the Duke and young Master Will.

  Victoria, as Will's mother, was somewhat surprised to find that her usually lively and active son was exceptionally cooperative this time. Will, who typically disliked such events, seemed eager to return to the banquet hall!