
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Words Concealing the Heart

  When Emma quietly departed, her absence failed to capture Alexander's slightest attention. On the contrary, the playboy Nathan showed an unusually keen interest in the loss of Emma, a stunning beauty. For Nathan, a beautiful woman was always an irresistible temptation, even though Emma's temperament was less profound than Olivia's. Yet, in terms of facial beauty and figure, she was indeed exceptional.

  With the departure of the beauty, a slight sense of loss surged in Nathan's heart. He turned his head, his gaze locking onto the culprit who drove Emma away—Alexander. At that moment, Alexander was intently watching the center of attention in the banquet hall, Olivia Walker.

  On the other side of the banquet, a middle-aged man dressed in a high-end Hermes suit, corpulent and wearing a lecherous smile, was pestering Olivia. His overly bloated belly seemed almost ready to burst through his white shirt, and his greasy, swollen hands were tightly holding Olivia's delicate and fair hands.

  Even from a distance, Nathan could clearly see the embarrassed yet polite smile on Olivia's face. The middle-aged man, known to both Nathan and Alexander, was none other than the editor-in-chief of the Toronto Star, McKenzie, a man with a notorious reputation.

  McKenzie forcefully stuffed a business card into Olivia's hand, which she cleverly slipped into a delicate and exquisite handbag. Her black gauze dress and the dazzling diamond necklace perfectly matched the handbag, further accentuating her beauty. Her handbag, already bulging, aroused curiosity about what it might contain inside.

  Olivia finally extricated herself from the entanglement of the editor-in-chief of the Toronto Star, McKenzie, and sighed with relief in her heart. He was already the fifth businessman to hand her a business card that evening. She looked around and finally set her sights on her real target for the night.

  Nathan, observing the dazzling star of the banquet hall, spoke to Alexander with an indifferent tone laced with a hint of barely noticeable emotion, "Alex, over the years, you've really buried Liv, this great beauty!" His words conveyed a mix of regret and dissatisfaction.

  Alexander seemed indifferent to this, not even sparing a glance at Nathan, instead coldly watching the radiant Olivia.

  The former Olivia was obedient, beautiful, and gentle, but Nathan always felt she lacked interest, dull and lifeless, like an emotionless doll.

  No matter how outrageous Alexander's actions were, Olivia seemed never to get angry.

  Nathan remembered a day, about a year ago, which seemed to be Alexander's birthday. It was an extremely cold winter night in Toronto. For some reason, Alexander insisted on having a cake from a downtown shop that had already closed for the night. Olivia somehow managed to procure a cake from that shop at around three or four in the morning.

  When she returned to the Morgan Building on Bay Street with the cake, Alexander seemed like a changed person. Not only was he not the least bit grateful, but he also scoffed at the cake Olivia brought back and even threw it directly into the trash can.

  That day, Nathan happened to meet Olivia. On the coldest winter night in Toronto, at four in the morning on the street, Olivia's golden hair was wet by melted snow and then refroze in the cold night wind, turning into strands of icicle-like threads. Her slender body shivered uncontrollably in the cold wind, and her hands had lost their color due to the freezing temperature.

  Even Nathan had to admit that Alexander's behavior was excessively cruel.

  Nathan originally wanted to speak up for this beauty, to stand up for her justice. However, Olivia seemed to show no signs of anger, not even a trace of grievance. Holding the trash bag with the smashed cake, she silently left the company and returned to her own world.

  In Nathan's memory of the past five years, there were countless such incidents.

  Yet, the current Olivia, like a stunning beauty from the mundane world, radiated an extremely dazzling light. The confidence shining in her eyes seemed to declare that the power once deeply hidden in her heart had now broken free of its shackles, unreservedly displayed for all to see.

  Nathan suddenly felt that things were getting more interesting.

  "Self-degradation," Alexander uttered coldly beside Nathan.

  Hearing Alexander's words, Nathan's lips curved into a barely noticeable sly smile.

  "Some people just refuse to admit it, but it looks like they're about to explode with anger~," Nathan said with a roll of his eyes, his tone full of mockery.

  But in his heart, Nathan was pondering whether Olivia really came to this high-society party to hunt for prey. He watched Olivia moving through the crowd with firm steps and a clear gaze, obviously with a determined target in mind.

  At the end of the banquet hall was a VIP seating area, where an elderly man with graying hair was seated.

  "Hey? Isn't that Henry Foster, the CEO of Fruit Tech Company from Silicon Valley, USA?" Nathan asked in surprise.

  Alexander merely glanced briefly and nodded in confirmation, his eyes devoid of any surprise.

  Nathan's eyes widened dramatically, as if he had suddenly understood something. He exclaimed in astonishment, "Oh! Alex, you originally said you wouldn't attend this party, but here you are today! Did you know in advance that Henry Foster would be here, and that's why you came? ... So, is Liv's appearance also to salvage that project?"

  Listening to Nathan's words, Alexander's gaze was as sharp as ice, seemingly piercing, "A trash I discarded, she's worthy of it?" His voice was cold and ruthless.

  "...(Are you an idiot?)" Nathan rolled his eyes at Alexander, mumbling in his mind.

  "...I came to this party because Emma wanted to." Seeing Nathan's sarcastic expression, Alexander felt compelled to add.

  Nathan looked around and noticed that Emma was nowhere to be seen. He then turned to Alexander with an awkward yet polite smile.

  Nathan knew Alexander well; they had been acquainted for nearly 20 years. In Nathan's view, the more Alexander talked, the more guilty he seemed.

  Alexander noticed Nathan's expression and realized his own unusual behavior. His face remained impassive, but the almost eruptive irritability could no longer be concealed.