
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Naturally Exquisite, Dazzling Brilliance

  Saint Lawrence River, cruise ship banquet hall.

  Olivia, despite her petite stature and slender figure, possessed all the curves one could desire. She had a figure that rivaled that of a celebrity model—her naturally fair skin and cascading golden locks, illuminated by the crystal chandeliers in the cruise ship banquet hall, made Olivia appear as if she were radiating brilliance.

  The moment she entered, there was no need for any deliberate effort. Simply standing there drew an abundance of attention from the surrounding crowd.

  "Who is this person? I don't recall seeing her before," remarked a well-dressed middle-aged man, his eyes fixed unwaveringly on Olivia.

  "Could she be a recently emerged minor star? You know how those Hollywood women, in their quest for advancement, will go to great lengths to infiltrate our upper echelons, especially if they possess a hint of charm," commented another man beside him, holding a cigar and scrutinizing Olivia.

  The affluent women beside the men did not share the same pleasant demeanor upon seeing Olivia. "Look at the way those men are eyeing her. If their gazes had substance, I bet that promiscuous woman's clothes would have been stripped off by now."

  "Hehe, Madam, perhaps that little minx has been anticipating exactly that?" another affluent woman chimed in, offering her agreement.

  The well-heeled women engaged in whispered conversations, covering their mouths, all breaking into scornful and malicious laughter simultaneously.

  Undeterred by the numerous glances directed her way, Olivia crossed the main hall, solely focused on finding Henry Foster, the owner of FruitTech Corporation.

  Her apparent scrutiny of the surroundings only fueled the suspicions of those with ulterior motives, reinforcing the belief that this beautiful woman was here to ensnare someone.

  Tonight's banquet celebrated the twenty-fifth birthday of William, the only son of the Duke and Duchess of Richmond, prominent figures among the British upper class. Aristocrats and wealthy businessmen from the United States, Canada, and even Europe were invited. Those who weren't on the guest list from powerful financial dynasties strained to secure invitations to this grand event.

  Nathan Reynolds and Alexander Morgan were among the invited guests. Nathan, the eldest son of the Reynolds family, belonged to one of Canada's top investment banks—Reynolds Investment Bank. On the other hand, Alexander, with an even more significant background, was the son of the head of the Morgan financial conglomerate in the United States. Although he wasn't the favored child, being somewhat "exiled" to Toronto, Canada, his exceptional abilities, coupled with the support of the Morgan surname, allowed him to become the president of Morgan Capital, the largest business conglomerate in Toronto, surpassing Reynolds Investment Bank in scale within a decade.

  "Alex, sigh... you've really changed. In the past, you wouldn't bring Liv to events like this," Nathan remarked, lounging casually on the sofa in the banquet hall. His carefree demeanor, coupled with his black curly hair highlighting his distinctive Italian heritage, presented a handsome face highly appealing to teenage girls. However, he was undeniably a complete scoundrel.

  He glanced casually at the beautiful woman, Emma, Alexander's newly appointed personal secretary, who was busy taking selfies not far away. She wore a striking red dress.

  "Emmy looks good, but in terms of depth... compared to Liv, she's really lacking by a hundred thousand miles," Nathan shook his head with regret.

  In Nathan's eyes, Olivia resembled a sculpture from ancient Greece, embodying both beauty and depth, akin to a priceless work of art. On the other hand, Emma Bennett, while undeniably attractive with her outstanding looks and model-like figure, seemed superficial upon closer inspection. She was like a modern-day poster; no matter how good-looking, she was just a visually appealing cheap poster.

  Standing beside the sofa, Alexander, with his meticulously styled black hair and a pair of eagle-like eyes that accentuated his cold demeanor, wore a black haute couture suit. Surveying the venue, he resembled a hunter seeking prey. He didn't spare a glance at Emma.

  "Nate, you've been mentioning Olivia a lot lately. What's going on? Are you interested in her?" Alexander remarked casually.

  "Huh? Is that okay?" Nathan's eyes lit up instantly as he stared at Alexander, asking with intense curiosity.

  He had just passed by Olivia, and regret was consuming him.

  Alexander turned to look at Nathan, his gaze icy, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who caught it. "Give it a try," he said coldly.

  Nathan involuntarily shuddered. "Surrender, surrender, Alex. I was just kidding with you." Nathan pretended to raise his hands in a comical surrender gesture.

  Having been friends since high school, Nathan was well aware of Alexander's decisive and ruthless nature. If he truly crossed paths with this ruthless individual, his own life might be in danger.

  "Alex~ take a photo with me~," a tender call came from beside the sofa.

  Nathan caught a subtle trace of disdain on Alexander's face.

  "Emma, there's no need. We're here for work, to find Henry Foster," Alexander said coldly, pouring cold water on Emma.

  "Emmy, how about I take photos with you then?" Nathan, sitting on the sofa, said cheerfully.

  "Nate, the president said we're here for work. Let's forget about it," Emma pouted, expressing her displeasure.

  Tutting, Nathan shook his head helplessly. Alexander's popularity with women remained unchanged.

  "Huh?" In the process of searching for Henry, Emma suddenly exclaimed strangely, "Liv? I think I saw Liv!"

  Alexander frowned slightly, looking in the direction Emma pointed. "How could she be here?"

  Alexander turned back, glaring at Nathan menacingly. Nathan immediately averted his gaze, pretending to be oblivious. Only Alexander had the invitation, and besides him, Nathan was the only one.

  Seeing that Alexander was about to get angry, Nathan quickly explained, "Alex, this really has nothing to do with me. I didn't invite Liv. I'm just as puzzled as you are about how she got in."

  Although Nathan was prone to lying and had concealed the encounter with Olivia just now, he was genuinely not involved in how Olivia entered the banquet.

  Alexander, sensing that Nathan was telling the truth, didn't press further. He and Emma approached Olivia, and Nathan, with a curiosity to witness the spectacle, followed closely behind.

  Olivia was so dazzling in the banquet hall that there was no need for a search. She could be spotted at a glance amidst the crowd.

  As Alexander neared her, coincidentally, a portly middle-aged man blocked Olivia's path. His greasy hands clasped Olivia's delicate hand, attempting to slip a business card into it.

  From a distance, it was unclear what Olivia was saying. All that could be seen was her stunning face, adorned with a faint smile.

  Alexander's gaze turned deadly cold at this moment.

  Emma also witnessed the scene and felt Alexander's mood shift. She anxiously said, "Alex, Nate, I just heard someone say... say that Olivia is here to hook a rich guy... I don't know if it's true or not?"

  As she spoke, Emma stamped her foot in frustration. "Ugh, even though Alex doesn't want her anymore, how much money has he given her over the years? Liv shouldn't be rushing to flirt with other men so soon!"

  Upon hearing Emma's words, Nathan revealed a sly expression, playfully saying, "Emmy, you're not being fair. Look, Alex is with you now. Shouldn't we let Liv find her next sugar daddy?" Nathan spoke, shaking the champagne glass in his hand and taking a small sip. The taste was truly exquisite.

  Emma looked at Nathan with a displeased expression. That scoundrel who deceived girls into bed was unexpectedly siding with Olivia. "Nate, I didn't mean anything else. I just think it's not worth it for Alex..." Emma was about to reach for Alexander's arm.

  However, Alexander discreetly avoided Emma's attempt to encircle his arm. "Emma, you don't need to be here. Go have fun on your own," Alexander said coldly.

  Emma froze in place, feeling a bit lost.

  After a moment, Emma nodded somewhat reluctantly. "Understood."

  As Emma left, she glanced back at the dazzling Olivia with a dark tinge of resentment in her heart.

  Olivia, that despicable woman, seemed harmless and modest during her time at the company—plain-faced, wearing inexpensive business suits. But now, Olivia in her noble black lace gown, adorned with dazzling diamond jewelry, exuded grace and charm. She appeared to be a completely different person, a stark contrast to the seemingly innocuous woman at the office.

  Emma was well aware that she couldn't compete with Olivia in her current state. However, she also knew that Alexander didn't appreciate heavily made-up women.

  Withdrawing her gaze, she moved to the side, losing any interest in taking selfies. The elegant and luxurious banquet around her seemed irrelevant to Emma now, as if it all existed solely to embellish Olivia's beauty.

  As she pondered, Emma grew angrier and angrier. She lowered her head, biting her lip, almost gnawing at it in frustration.

  Suddenly, Emma thought of something. Her eyes lit up, and she shot a fierce glance back at the dazzling Olivia. She then quickly headed downstairs with determined steps.

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