
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Adventuring the Cruise Evening

  On the evening of the second day.

  Victoria Harbour, Toronto, Canada.

  A tremendously luxurious cruise ship docked at the cruise terminal, attracting affluent elites from around the world, especially North American celebrities, each radiating wealth and arriving one after another to board.

  The cruise's plan was to depart from Toronto's Victoria Bay, follow the border between Canada and the United States, sail north along the St. Lawrence River, and, after a day and a night of voyage, finally dock at the capital of Quebec, Quebec City in the Canadian province of Quebec.

  At this moment, Tiffany drove her Land Rover, carrying Olivia, observing from a nearby parking lot.

  "Liv, I'm really sorry. This cruise party is just too popular. Everyone with a bit of influence in Toronto wants to attend. Invitations are extremely limited. However, I managed to get the uniforms of the cruise staff. We can only sneak on board pretending to be staff," Tiffany expressed regret.

   Although Tiffany could be considered an heiress, her family was not based in Toronto. She realized the invitation for this cruise party too late. Getting the staff uniforms was already a challenging feat.

  "It's okay, Tiff. Just getting on board is enough," Olivia replied as she changed her clothes in the back seat—white shirt and a blue uniform jacket. Even the uniform couldn't conceal Olivia's unique noble temperament.

  After dressing up, Olivia checked her backpack again. Inside was the meticulously organized project proposal—the result of Olivia's overnight work, ensuring that there wouldn't be any issues this time.

  In another suitcase, there was an elegant black gauze evening gown and a set of jewelry carefully selected by Tiffany.

  "Liv, once the banquet begins, change into the gown and go find Henry Forster," Tiffany provided Olivia with the features of the CEO of Fruit Tech, then added with a mischievous smile, "Darling, the gown I've prepared for you will surely stun the entire crowd. Tonight, we're not only going to secure Henry Forster's deal but also catch ourselves a wealthy bachelor!"

  Tiffany's confident demeanor left Olivia in a state of bewilderment. Which dignitary would enjoy becoming a father so much?

  After all, Olivia was carrying a child in her belly!

  Parting ways with Tiffany, Olivia smoothly blended into the cruise through a nearby staff passage. The enormous and luxurious cruise ship, combined with the special banquet, meant a multitude of guests and staff. Some lapses in security were inevitable. Olivia's uniform and a bit of confidence allowed her to smoothly infiltrate.

  Before long, the banquet began.

  In an inconspicuous restroom, Olivia changed into the gown, put on high heels, adorned herself with a diamond necklace and earrings, and joined the guests as the banquet started.

  As she entered, laughter echoed behind her.

  The laughter was nauseating to Olivia's ears, and she followed its direction. There, she saw a handsome Italian-blooded guy, his carefully groomed black curly hair shining, holding a champagne flute, engaging in lively conversation with a beautiful woman. It was none other than Nathan Reynolds.

  "You...? No way! Liv?" Nathan also spotted Olivia, momentarily stunned. He could hardly believe his eyes. Olivia looked stunning at that moment. The black chiffon gown accentuated her well-proportioned figure, and her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders like Niagara Falls, silky and smooth. Combined with her naturally beautiful face, the diamond necklace she wore didn't overshadow but rather highlighted Olivia's ethereal and noble aura.

  At first glance, anyone would think Olivia must be a runaway princess or an heiress of some financial magnate!

  Though Nathan didn't recognize Olivia at first, in the next second, Olivia's gaze toward him gave it away – a look that treated him like trash.

  "Liv? Is it really you? You're here too? Wow, Liv, you look absolutely stunning tonight. May I have the pleasure of inviting you to be my dance partner?" Nathan abandoned the charming woman he had been conversing with and approached Olivia directly, starting to flatter her.

  Olivia's expression soured even more. Her luck was truly unfortunate. How did she get recognized the moment she walked in, and by none other than her least favorite, Nathan? However, Olivia maintained politeness and said, "Nathan, I'm busy right now. Do you happen to know where Henry Foster, the CEO of Fruit Tech, is?"

  "Liv, you're still thinking about work? You can switch to my side. I'll talk to Alex for you. Let's spend a beautiful night together. Wouldn't that be nice?" Nathan shook his head with feigned melancholy, his empty right hand unconsciously reaching for Olivia's slender waist.

  However, Olivia had long developed immunity to scoundrels. She skillfully stepped back, evading Nathan's empty-handed attempt.

  It seemed Nathan had no intention of helping. Olivia decided not to waste any more time on him.

  "Nathan, I have something to attend to. We can catch up some other time." Olivia said as she merged into the crowd. Yet, Nathan showed no signs of giving up and even followed. Left with no choice, Olivia darted into an emergency exit to escape Nathan's persistence.

  Following the emergency passage, Olivia ascended to the terrace of the cruise ship. Looking back, Nathan was left behind.

  Feeling a sense of helplessness, Olivia's initial infiltration into the banquet hall had already encountered Nathan. It seemed achieving her goals this time would be an uphill battle.

  The cruise ship had already set sail, gliding northward along the calm St. Lawrence River. While guests gathered in the banquet hall, the terrace remained deserted, with only Olivia. It was December 24th, Christmas Eve, a day for family reunions. Yet, Olivia found herself alone, leaning against the terrace railing. She gazed at the lights on both shores, and the chilly evening breeze added a touch of loneliness to Olivia's heart.

  "Miss?... Miss?" A genuine London accent interrupted her thoughts.


  Olivia was momentarily lost in thought, unaware that someone had approached. Her initial instinct was to escape since she was not officially invited and had managed to sneak on board.

  However, upon regaining her composure, Olivia abandoned the idea as the man approaching her was clearly not a crew member. He appeared to be in his twenties, standing at a height of six feet, with a handsome face and disheveled brown hair that suggested he might have just woken up. Oddly, he wasn't wearing a staff uniform or formal attire. Instead, he sported a navy Canada Goose down jacket, paired with Levi's jeans, and Timberland hiking boots – an outfit that looked both casual and warm.

  When the man saw Olivia, he froze. Initially curious about why a woman was alone on the terrace, he had approached to greet her. However, as their eyes met, he found himself completely captivated.

  In the moonlight, beneath a sky adorned with stars, Olivia turned to look at him, her golden hair gently swaying in the riverside breeze. In that moment, she appeared breathtakingly beautiful to the man.

  "Miss... You, you're so beautiful, like a princess escaping from an Andersen fairy tale," the man said, still in a daze.

  Olivia: ??? 

  Having just avoided Nathan, could she have encountered another scoundrel? Olivia snapped back to reality, realizing she needed to find Henry Foster and couldn't waste time here.

  "Sir, I apologize, but I have something to attend to," Olivia politely stated before re-entering the cruise ship.

  "Wait! Hey? I...I don't even know your name!" the man urgently called out.

  Olivia had no intention of answering. Her golden locks brushed against the man's fingertips as she slipped away, leaving behind a subtle and almost ethereal sensation – like the touch of feathers, a delicate baptism of the soul.

  The man stood motionless, still lamenting his missed opportunity.

  At that moment, an elderly gentleman in a black tailcoat, accompanied by several burly bodyguards in custom-tailored black suits, hurriedly approached from behind.

  Upon seeing the man, the bodyguards collectively breathed a sigh of relief and quickly moved forward.

  "Young Lord Will, your birthday celebration has already begun. The Duke and Duchess are searching for you everywhere," the elderly man in the black tailcoat bowed slightly, humbly stating.

  Willam gazed in the direction Olivia had departed, waved his hand dismissively, and casually replied, "Alfred, no rush. Let my parents wait a bit longer. I need to find someone..."

  Before Willam could finish his sentence, the head butler Alfred exchanged a knowing look with the bodyguards. A few of the sturdy men promptly lifted and escorted Young Lord Will away!