
I Concealed My Pregnant Belly and Reversed Fortune in Business World!

After five years as a stand-in lover, Olivia concealed her sharpness, pretending to be gentle and obedient, doing her best to fulfill all of Alexander's needs but receiving no appreciation. It wasn't until news of Alexander's engagement to the heiress of a financial conglomerate surfaced that the obedient stand-in dropped her act, swiftly ditched the unworthy man, and disappeared with a hidden pregnant belly. Five years later, Olivia emerged as the heiress of a trillion-dollar conglomerate, a revered investment genius in the business world that everyone sought to follow!!

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13 Chs

Chapter 1: No Longer Be A Playing Doll Starting Today

  In the afternoon, at the Bay Street office building in Toronto.

  In the top-floor office, one could overlook the bustling city below.

  A woman's delicate moans accompanied a rhythmic movement, filling the spacious CEO's office with a decadent atmosphere.

  After the passionate encounter, Olivia Walker lay limp on the sofa. Her golden hair was soaked with sweat, and her fair skin glistened in the sunlight. Her black stockings were torn, falling down to her ankles.

  With sky-blue eyes, she looked back at the man behind her—Alexander Morgan, the CEO of Morgan Capital. The typically imposing CEO now disheveled, gasping for breath. His short black hair framed his exquisite face, and his eight-pack abs and robust physique rivaled that of a fitness star.

  Alexander leaned forward, planting heated kisses on the nape of Olivia's neck.

  "Alex, it's been two hours. Aren't you satisfied yet? The shareholders are waiting for you in the meeting," Olivia reminded in a soft, gentle voice.

  Olivia had been Alexander's secretary for five years. This time, as Alexander went on a business trip for half a month, he unusually didn't take her along. Olivia thought perhaps Alexander had finally grown tired after five years of intimacy. Surprisingly, she found herself secretly pleased about it.

  Five years ago, Olivia's father disappeared after borrowing a large sum at a high interest rate, leaving eighteen-year-old Olivia alone with her ailing grandmother. At that time, Olivia needed money, a significant amount of it.

  Just as Olivia was feeling utterly despondent, she encountered Alexander. Not only was he the CEO of Morgan, but he was also handsome and charming, having become a North American business elite at the young age of 30. In Olivia's most difficult times, he provided her with the one thing she needed the most—a significant amount of money.

  From that moment onward, Olivia became Alexander's personal secretary. She felt immense gratitude and admiration for Alexander, believing she had found true love. However, reality proved otherwise. She discovered that she was merely a substitute, a doll that Alexander had bought with money.

  In Alexander's heart, the girl in England was his moonlight. When Alexander fell seriously ill, the moonlight had already married, seemingly to a well-known European noble. Olivia was just a look-alike. Alexander should have truly loved that Miss Moonlight, even though he was abandoned, he couldn't let go.

  Despite this, Olivia continued to appreciate Alexander's help. He paid off her debts, sponsored her education at the Rotman School of Business Management at the University of Toronto, arranged the best private hospital for her ailing grandmother—everything Olivia needed at the time.

  As a result, Olivia willingly became Alexander's overt personal secretary and covert stand-in lover.

  However, Olivia was not a doll. Over the five years, she graduated with top honors from the Rotman School of Management, successfully completed projects worth millions of dollars for Morgan Capital—all achieved through her own abilities. During these five years, she concealed her true nature, imitating the image of the moonlight in Alexander's mind—docile, clever, doing everything in her power to please him and fulfill his every desire. But Olivia had long grown tired of this life.

  Olivia hoped that Alexander, too, had grown weary of it and would quickly find a new lover.

  In response, Olivia gradually distanced herself from Alexander, setting clear boundaries, thinking that Alexander had finally lost interest in her. However, to her surprise, when Alexander returned from his business trip, he didn't even wait until the end of the workday. He stormed into the CEO's office, acting forcefully, engaging in vigorous activities for a full hour, nearly snapping Olivia's slender waist.

  "Liv, inform the shareholders that the meeting is postponed until tomorrow," Alexander said, nonchalantly getting up, striding through the office completely naked, heading toward the bathroom behind the suite.

  Olivia let out a sigh of relief. If Alexander wanted another round, she would have surely met her end in the office.

  Enduring the soreness in her body, she sensibly placed Alexander's spare suit on the large bed in the suite.

  Glancing back at the mess in the office—scattered men's and women's underwear, suits strewn on the floor—Olivia gritted her teeth, picked up her own clothes, and dressed herself. As for the black stockings stained with a white liquid, they were beyond salvaging and were promptly tossed into the trash bin by Olivia.

  For Olivia, this feeling was downright miserable and nauseating.

  After a while, Alexander finished his shower, emerged in a finely tailored suit, and Olivia, in front of him, suppressed her recent unpleasant feelings, gently helping him with his tie.

  Alexander regarded Olivia with a cold gaze, as if it was only natural for her to be docile and gentle, entirely under his control. Alexander was quite satisfied with this state of affairs.

  "Liv, there's a signed check for 20 million dollars in the desk drawer," Alexander declared from his elevated position. "In addition to that, there's a mansion in Beverly Hills that will be transferred to your name."

  Olivia was momentarily stunned, looking at Alexander in bewilderment.

  Could it be? Was it possible? The legendary breakup fee? Wow! This was truly amazing! Joy overwhelmed Olivia's heart.

  "A... Alex, why? Why is this happening so suddenly?" Olivia stammered, at a loss.

  Alexander looked at her with satisfaction, enjoying her surprised and bewildered expression. He lowered his gaze to Olivia, pleased, and raised her chin with his hand.

  "This is a reward," Alexander said triumphantly.

  What? A reward? Where's my breakup fee? No, what good deed did I do to receive such a hefty reward? Twenty million dollars is already a lot, and the mansion in Beverly Hills is worth at least a hundred million dollars! Olivia was suspicious, her brain working quickly, but her expression still resembled that of a startled little rabbit, gazing at Alexander with affectionate eyes.

  Alexander had always been generous with Olivia, but he had never given her such a substantial amount at once.

  Narrowing his eyes, Alexander used his thumb to play with Olivia's tender red lips and said in a cold, heartless tone, "Liv, as long as you remain obedient like this, you'll receive even more in the future."

  What? There's more in the future? Olivia felt puzzled in her heart.

  What does he mean by this? Is he not planning to break up with me?

  "Alex, I understand," Olivia withdrew her gaze, maintaining a soft and alluring demeanor. Although she felt a bit disappointed, she would continue to fulfill her duties as his personal secretary until Alexander decided to dismiss her.

  "Hmm. Liz, you can go now. I don't need you for the time being," Alexander said coldly.

  "Alright," Olivia nodded and then left Alexander's office.

  Holding the 20 million dollar check in her hand, Olivia furrowed her brows.

  "Strange, this shouldn't be happening..." Olivia mumbled to herself. Walking down the corridor with bare legs, she looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the renowned snowy scenery of Toronto. The gently falling snowflakes adorned the entire city in a silver-white coat, but Olivia was in no mood to appreciate it.

  For the past half-year, Olivia had been strategically positioning herself, thinking that Alexander would lose interest in her. Not long ago, she even saw Alexander hiring a secretary who was even more outstandingly beautiful than herself.

  Although it was a bit regrettable, as long as her contract with Alexander remained intact, she wouldn't easily leave.

  At this moment, on the LCD screen outside on Bay Street, a financial news headline began to scroll, and it left Olivia dumbfounded in her tracks.