
I chose my Gate to another world

Follow the Adventure and Journey of Aston Hersch a reincarnator as he travels the various worlds of magic and super powers. In this world with the invention of Gates you can now travel to other universes different from ours. From sprawling magic worlds full of monsters, elves, and dragons. To worlds of cultivation and advanced technology. Here all it takes to change your life is to choose your Life Gate. Follow Aston's journey from weak to strong as he gains a system. "I died as a single Neet and never had a girlfriend?" "Well in this life I'll become the strongest and have the most beautiful girlfriend!" Author's Note: Just for the people wondering when the MC will be getting a system that will not be until later in the story. Author's Note: I have decided to put the book on pause to rewrite the story and write the novel ahead so that I will have more chapters available for readers to read. Thank you for the support! I hope you look forward to the novel

Mitsuo_San · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Entrance Exam

Brriing Brriing Brriiing..Briing, an alarm rang early the next morning and repeated until Aston turned off the alarm. Brriing Brriing Brriiing..Briing Aston slowly opened his eyes and felt slightly dreary. Although he fell asleep fast, he did not feel too well rested.

The stress and anticipation made the sleep he got unfulfilling. Brriing Brriing Brriiing.. Briing "Cheh, whoever designed this alarm sure knew how to make it annoying and loud enough to raise the dead from their slumber." Aston said as he aggressively turned off the alarm on his holowatch.

As he turned off the alarm, he received a notice on his watch that the exams would start at 10 AM this morning. At first, he wondered how they got his holo-id to send him a message but after thinking about it. The moment he arrived, he must have been scanned.

"It makes sense that they would just scan us for our ids. If they asked every applicant their id individually, it would take them forever." Aston said as he looked at the time. "It is currently 7 AM. I have three hours before the exam. Let's see if I can find something to eat before the exam starts." he hopped out of bed, took a quick shower, and dressed.

Aston was dressed in a long sleeve t-shirt with a black chest and brown sleeves; he wore a pair of black jeans and tan brown boots. As he left his room, Aston bumped into another person and fell. "Watch where you are going, commoner. You almost sullied my outfit with your dirty hands!" said a man's voice.

As Aston got up and looked at who just spoke to him, he saw a group of three arrogant-looking guys standing before him. "That right, commoner, you better apologize to Sir Ripley Holloway for dirtying his clothes. If you kowtow 3 times and kiss his shoe, maybe we can forgive you!" said a lackey beside Ripley.

As Aston looked at these 3, his attention couldn't help but focus on the one name Ripley. He was about 6' 4, a few inches taller than Aston.

The handsome nobleman with a striking appearance that commands attention. His hair is a beautiful shade of golden blond with a lustrous sheen that catches the light and gives it a radiant glow. It falls in soft waves that frame his chiseled jawline, adding to the charm of his ruggedly handsome features.

His eyes are a deep, piercing shade of blue that holds within them a wealth of intelligence, wit, and charm. They sparkle with a mischievous twinkle that suggests a quick wit and an effortless sense of humor, and they seem to light up his face with a warmth and kindness that draw people to him. He stands tall and proud, with a strong, muscular build that speaks of years of physical training and discipline.

His clothing is rich and luxurious, befitting his status as a nobleman. Still, his natural confidence and grace truly set him apart. He wore a suit made of white linen, but the sleeves and collar were trimmed with gold.

A Golden Lion, the symbol of his family, was embroidered on the left side of his chest in intricate detail. It was of a lion up on its hind legs with a paw raised for a strike, but in its mouth was a golden portal. Many families who own Gates use Gates as symbols for their families.

The Star Empire had a military rank-based system. The emperor would be chosen from High Generals in the military who had significantly contributed to the success of the Empire based on how many battles they had won. How many newly discovered Gates were built under their command. As well as their political merits in policy and diplomacy.

At the end of an emperor's term, a new emperor would be chosen from generals with the highest overall merits in the last decade. An emperor can serve up to 2 terms but never consecutively.

This is an outline of the military rank system. Emperor, Grand Marshal, Chancellor, High General, General, Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, and Private.

The emperor is the ultimate authority and ruler of the Star Empire. And is responsible for making all major decisions, including military strategy, diplomacy, and internal policies.

The Grand Marshal is appointed by the emperor from any military general he wishes to have under him. The Grand Marshal is the highest-ranking military officer in the Empire. The Grand Marshal oversees all military operations and is responsible for the training and discipline of soldiers.

The Chancellor is chosen by the emperor directly from a unique academy meant to train military members in administrative manors and honor only Lieutenants who have outstanding test scores and service get to attend the academy.

After finishing the academy, all graduates will receive the rank of colonel and be sent back into service. Only the number one student will receive the honor of serving as Chancellor for the emperor.

Now referring to the group speaking down to Aston, they are not true nobles, for the Star Empire rank system is entirely military-based.

What they are referring to is the ownership of Gates. In the Empire, families rich enough to build their own Gates have sway with the military. So long as they give the right people tickets for their family members to use their gate, a particular pull can be made on policies and decisions amongst the ranks.

This is all under-the-table matters, but the current and all emperors before who existed after the invention of Gates overlook this matter. The military already has to pour a lot of resources into the building, maintaining, and defending of Gates.

Families who, through business or connections, managed to gain ownership of gates cement their family's prosperity forever. Although there have been petitions from these families over the years to make official noble ranks, it has never passed.

So after a few hundred years, the idea that they were superior to regular families started to grow, leading to many members of these families having a superiority complex. People did fear them to a certain extent because their words had sway in many matters, and they could never know when they might receive backlash for offending these said nobles.

One day one might find himself in misfortune, such as suddenly being sent to the front lines after serving peacefully in a moon base in the backlines, or one might find oneself fired from a job, etc. There were risks, but one also had to lower oneself to appease these narcissists.

"It was just an accidental bump. It is not as if I did it on purpose. There is no need to overcomplicate such a simple matter. Goodbye." Aston said sarcastically and did not even give them any more response. As soon as he sat up, he said this, turned around, and walked to the lobby.

"How dare he speak to you in such a tone! Sir Ripley, he is nothing but a lowly commoner. We allowed him to see his mistakes, but he did not! He has eyes but fails to see Mount Tai." said the other lackey. "Don't worry, sir. Should we see him in the exam, we will take him out for disrespecting you.

" "Hmm," Ripley replied in disinterest as he watched the back of Aston as he walked away. A faint glimmer of interest was shown in his eyes before he turned around to the left. As Aston was walking into the lobby, he couldn't help but notice a very beautiful young lady at the reception desk talking to the clerk.

She had fair white skin and a slight tan, hinting she had recently spent some time in the sun. Her flowing hair was a mesmerizing shade of silver, with a cool, almost icy tone that lent her an ethereal and otherworldly quality. Loose waves cascade down to the base of her neck, complementing the silvery sheen of her hair. Her piercing eyes are a captivating light purple, imbuing her gaze with an intense, mysterious allure that draws others in.

Despite her delicate and almost fragile-looking frame, a quiet strength and confidence emanates from her. She wears a flowing white summer dress with blue rims and circular line patterns around the waist colored in turquoise, A perfect match for her mesmerizing appearance.

"You are fortunate, Miss Kayla. Had you arrived a bit later, you would have missed the exam. The exam will start at 10 AM; it is currently 7:30 AM. You may does as you please for now but return to the plaza for the exam later." said the receptionist. "Thank you very much, have a good day, ma'am," Kayla said as she bowed in thanks.

As Kayla turned away from the receptionist, she caught Aston looking at her. "Were you captured by my beauty, or do you stare at every girl like that?" she said as her eye met his. At first, she was going to chastise him for staring, but after getting a good look at him, she changed her mind.

Before her was a young man with black hair and brown eyes. His hair is lustrous and thick, with a sleek texture that frames his face perfectly. The dark hue of his hair contrasts beautifully with his warm, olive skin tone. His brown eyes are deep and expressive. They light up his face and draw you in, captivating you with their magnetic charm.

His chiseled jawline and perfectly groomed stubble add a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise refined appearance. Tall and well-built, this handsome young man exudes confidence and poise. His fashion sense is impeccable, with a keen eye for style and attention to detail that sets him apart.

Whether dressed casually or in a sharp suit, he always looks effortlessly put-together and polished. Overall, this young man is a true head-turner. "All is fair in love and war." Kayla thought to herself.

A handsome man like this could get away with a stare or two. If he was single and had a good personality, she might even consider dating him. "Ahh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at you like that. I was surprised to see an applicant arriving so late for the exam and couldn't help but listen to your conversation." Aston said in slight embarrassment. "I'll forgive you this once since you're handsome. My name is Kayla Roselle. Nice to meet you." she said as she walked over and stuck her hand out for a handshake.

"Aston Hersch, nice to meet you as well," Aston said as he shook her hand. "Well, how about you treat this fair lady to breakfast before the exam?" Kayla said as she chuckled and squinted her eyes mischievously. "I thought you said you forgave me?" Aston said as he felt aggrieved by this young lady's playful behavior. "I did forgive you, doesn't mean I won't charge you. After all, what merchant turns down the chance to make a profit?" said Kayla as she dragged him to a nearby restaurant for food.