
I chose my Gate to another world

Follow the Adventure and Journey of Aston Hersch a reincarnator as he travels the various worlds of magic and super powers. In this world with the invention of Gates you can now travel to other universes different from ours. From sprawling magic worlds full of monsters, elves, and dragons. To worlds of cultivation and advanced technology. Here all it takes to change your life is to choose your Life Gate. Follow Aston's journey from weak to strong as he gains a system. "I died as a single Neet and never had a girlfriend?" "Well in this life I'll become the strongest and have the most beautiful girlfriend!" Author's Note: Just for the people wondering when the MC will be getting a system that will not be until later in the story. Author's Note: I have decided to put the book on pause to rewrite the story and write the novel ahead so that I will have more chapters available for readers to read. Thank you for the support! I hope you look forward to the novel

Mitsuo_San · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Choosing Classes

Aston woke up and rubbed his eyes. He was more tired than he realized, this had been a crazy week, and after almost dying, his body was still recovering. He looked around his room and looked closer than he had the other day. It was a simple but warm and welcoming room. It was made of brown oak wood and had some simple decorations. The room had a window with a chair and table next to it where you could eat and relax while looking out at the campus grounds.

The windows had soft white drapes and a cross-frame window. The bed had a black and white bed set. The bed was big enough to fit two people comfortably. Besides the bed were a desk and computer. The room also had a full-sized bathroom with a Japanese-style bathroom, where you would wash yourself off before relaxing in an open bath. The room had a small kitchenette to keep food in a fridge and cook simple meals on a hot stove. It was a nice-sized room with all you could need.

Aston got up and took a shower. Then he opened his closet to find the school uniform ready for him; in it hung many sets of robes. They were blue robes with a book and quill symbol near the chest, the emblem for the students. The robe hung just above the ankle and was very comfortable and surprisingly breathable.

After getting dressed, he sent a message to Kayla and Ripley and invited them to join him for breakfast in the cafeteria.

Arriving in the cafeteria, Aston was met with a long and wide hall. Long tables in the hall reached from one end to the other. At the end of the hall was a stage covered by red curtains. The tables were divided by school year. The 1st year students sat to the left, and the 4th year students sat to the far right. The tables were made of dark oak wood and were smooth to the touch. Along the tables were many boxes with displays on them. These boxes were connected to a conveyor system under the tables, and students needed to order food from these boxes, and plates would arrive.

Along the halls were many tapestries with imagery depicting ancient forests, dark caves full of creatures, elves climbing trees, adventurers fighting a dragon, and many more. The hall was made of a light tan stone, and the hall's ceiling was supported by intricately carved arches and beams of wood. A great window at the end of the hall let in natural light.

Aston sat down at the 1st year table and ordered a glass of orange juice while he waited for his friends to arrive. Soon Kayla and Ripley showed up in their robes and sat with Aston. The chatter of students echoed around them as excitement for the beginning of the school year raised anticipation.

Aston ordered a breakfast sandwich with hashbrowns and bacon. Kayla ordered an omelet with rice and vegetables, toast and jam, and a dark coffee. Ripley ordered pancakes and sausage with home fries and a cup of warm tea.

After ordering their food, the box on the table opened one by one with their plates. It was a truly convenient system that prevented lines and delays.

"So, how did you guys sleep?" Aston asked as he took a couple of bites of his food.

"Pretty good, the beds here are just too comfortable," Kayla sipped her coffee and took a bite of her omelet, her eyes squinting in satisfaction.

"After using the bath, I fell asleep quickly last night," Ripley sipped his tea and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

After breakfast, the students were gathered in different auditoriums according to their grades. Aston and the other 1st years gathered in a large auditorium with about 200 students.

"I thought only 24 of us passed this year?" Aston asked as he looked around, confused by the number of people arriving.

"Remember the emperor gave slots to the students' families who had died during the exam? These are students from families who use those slots to enter one of their children for University this year."

This was a unique situation. Typically deaths during the exam were something that was just accepted without complaint. However, this year many participants were killed by a terrorist. So an effort was made to appease the citizens and their families.

Soon five teachers walked out onto the stage. One of them stepped forward and introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Tina Brown. I will be your instructor for the general magic class. Other than my class, you will have two other mandatory classes; world studies and combat class. I look forward to guiding you in understanding the principles of magic and its uses."

Tina Brown was a middle-aged woman with brown hair and blue eyes, which gave off a studious vibe as if she spent most of her time delving into mysteries unknown. Her hair is neatly pulled back into a bun, revealing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are a piercing blue, sharp and focused.

She is dressed in a blue robe adorned with symbols of magic, which seem to glow faintly in the room's soft light. The robe is made of a soft, comfortable fabric that drapes elegantly over her form, emphasizing her slender build. The symbols on the robe are intricate and mysterious, hinting at the arcane knowledge that she possesses.

On the one hand, she holds a leather-bound book, the pages of which are filled with strange runes and diagrams. The other hand is raised as if she is about to cast a spell or invoke powerful magic. Her demeanor is calm and collected as if she is confident in her ability to control the forces of magic.

"Greeting everyone. I am Brian O'Hare, and I will be your world studies instructor. I will teach you everything we know about worlds in other universes and our own. You will learn about history, ecology, beasts, resources, and dangers. The goal of the class is to teach you how to understand better any environment you might find yourself in and how to use your understanding to approach any circumstance better and hopefully not get yourself killed."

Brian O'Hare was a man in his mid-forties with dark hair that had streaks of gray throughout. He looks fit and healthy, with a lean and wiry build. His face is tanned and weather-beaten, with a strong jawline and deep-set brown eyes. He wears a blue robe made of soft cotton, with symbols of different planets embroidered onto the fabric in gold thread. The robe is worn and slightly frayed around the edges, suggesting that it has seen many adventures. His hands are calloused and scarred, evidence of a life spent working with tools and equipment. Overall, he exudes the feeling of an archaeologist who has spent a lifetime exploring the mysteries of the past and uncovering forgotten secrets.

"My name is June Wilder. I will be your combat class instructor. I will teach you how to fight and use various weapons and martial arts."

June Wilder was a formidable figure in her thirties, with a muscular build that speaks to years of dedicated training and physical conditioning. The blue robe only enhances her imposing stature, which bears symbols and emblems from various martial arts, indicating the broad range of disciplines she has mastered.

Her fiery personality is immediately apparent, with an intensity that burns in her eyes and a commanding presence that demands respect. This woman knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it with everything she has.

She moves with a fluid grace that belies her impressive strength, and her every action is infused with unshakeable confidence and determination. Her voice is firm and authoritative, reflecting her unwavering commitment to her goals and her unwavering belief in herself.

"Cain Greymore, forging instructor. Sign up for my class if you want to learn how to make your gear. I will teach you the art of forging."

Cain Greymore was a middle-aged man short in stature, but his stout build is a testament to his strength and endurance. His muscles bulge from under his skin, revealing years of physical labor at the forge. His skin is tanned from working in the forge all day, and his rugged features show he has spent considerable time under the sun. He has many old scars on his face and hands, a sign of the dangers of working with molten metal and sharp tools.

Dressed in blue robes adorned with symbols of forging and weapons, it is clear that he takes pride in his craft. The symbols include hammers, anvils, and other tools of the trade. The robes are made from sturdy materials that can withstand the heat and wear of a forge while also providing some protection from the flames and sparks.

"I am Lisa Hearth. It is lovely to see all of you here today. I will teach you the art of alchemy. Many magic worlds and worlds of cultivation have alchemy, which is the art of using various resources of the world to concoct tools to make yourself stronger, poisons to cripple your foes, acids to melt chains, and various other applications. If you're interested, sign up for my class."

Lisa Hearth was a young woman in her late twenties with orange hair and freckles, with a striking figure. Her hair is a vibrant shade of orange, falling in loose waves around her shoulders. The freckles on her face add a charming touch of playfulness to her features.

She is dressed in a blue robe adorned with symbols of plants and alchemy. The robe fits her perfectly, accentuating her lithe figure. The intricate symbols on the robe suggest an interest in the natural world and a deep understanding of the forces that govern it.

Despite her striking appearance, the young woman gives off a warm and welcoming vibe. Her smile is contagious, and her eyes are bright and expressive. In her presence, one feels immediately at ease, as if in the company of an old friend.

"On your holowatches, a new app should be installed where you can select which extra course you would like to take. Be warned that you can only take on extra classes a year. So ensure you are confident in which class you wish to take, forging or alchemy. You can also choose not to take an extra class for more free time. The extra classes are not graded, and participation is voluntary; however, the instructors can choose to remove you if you do not give a good effort to learn or you misbehave in class frequently." Tina Brown gave the students a moment to digest the information.

"Today, there will be no classes. Feel free to take the rest of the day to explore the campus or go into the city. It is a Friday, so you have a whole weekend to relax before classes start on Monday. Make sure you submit your choices for your classes by Sunday night." With that, Tina and the other teachers left.

Aston and his friends left the auditorium and explored the campus to better understand its layout. Tomorrow they planned to go hang out and explore Lunar York.

Chapter 1-18 have been revised, I mainly fixed many grammar issues and clarity issues with some of the content. I also combined chapters 2-3 into I chapter titled "Second Life". Thank you to everyone for helping us reach 10k views.

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