
I choose you

"We were strangers, then upgraded to being friends, then we started liking each other, and the next thing I knew, I was already in love with this man... Even being away from him, still didn't kill the feelings we had for each other. I wonder what the future has in store for us, as for now, I just want to be happy with him...". I said at a length. A true love story of Chikamso and Chinonso. The setting of this story is in Nigeria, but as the story progresses, scenes from the UK are added. Warning: Steamy scenes are included. Criticism isn't allowed, but ideas are welcomed.

Chris_the_writer · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

Chinonso's POV

Buzz Buzzz

My Phone vibrated under my pillow, I picked it up, groan a bit, and checked the caller ID.

It's Joel. Well, Joel actually was one of my closest friends. We attended Stars together. Joel was a Yoruba boy, tall, dark, good looking I'd say.

Sighing, I hit the answer button, and his voice came through.

"Hey man, can I come over?. He asked, and I frowned.

I love Joel, yeah, no doubt!.

But, I really, really, needed this sleep. His reason better be worth it.

"I need anime". He said.

I smiled.

Why?. I could never say no to a man of the culture.

"Sure, come by in an hour" I replied, with a yawn.

"Were you sleeping? " Joel asked. I could hear the busy streets of Lagos over the phone. Lagos has always been hectic, busy, and survival of the fittest. Did I forget to add really HOT?!.

"Yes, I waaas". I replied again, with another yawn.

"Nonso its almost noon, how are u still sleeping?", Joel asked noticing my yawn.

"Batman had a long day, crime never sleeps, so why should I?". I ended the call, smiling ,before he could think of a comeback.


Joel was right. It was almost noon, and I had been sleeping like a pregnant lady.

You can't blame me. I'm done with secondary school. I got certificate and my results which came few months ago, was pretty incredible. So, yes, I had every right to sleep.


But I felt a bit sad, there were a lot of goodbyes, because, I knew I wouldn't be seeing some of my classmates again.

Although , it was nice to see everyone that day happy, beautiful in their dresses and suits. It was really memorable.

Then came, PROM! And THE AFTER PARTY!!!.

I felt prom was a bit overhyped, but the after-party, was the real deal.

The after party was wild, i did some things I'm not proud of, but it was still lots of fun. It was the last wild life I'd enjoy with my friends and classmates together.


August 2019

It's the second week of August 2019, today was about 2 weeks after the party, my life had the most laid back it has been in years.

it's just chores, eating, staying up late and playing games, sleeping, and then repeat, not that I'm complaining, but, it seems like I'm lazing around which I am.

 I need the rest. I deserve it.

it's starting to piss my parents off though, and honestly , I don't care. I already gave them a good WAEC result.

So, it's me time.

The only thing that's missing is a girl. I've been single for almost 3 months now, it's great, freeing but a little quiet to be honest.

I do love quiet, but I still need some little bits of crazy, every now and then.

I want to get back in the game, but, I'm not really feeling anyone if I was being honest.

Maybe, I'll just play it casually, that never did any harm right?. Maybe later.

 I decided to get up my ass, and play a game. I mean, I waited 7 months to get that console, and it's time to show it what I've got.



September 2019

It's mid-September.

I woke up with a smile on my face. I know, I know. Yes, there is a girl.

I reached for my phone.

Well, she's not someone new, we've know each other for a very long time.

We go way back.

We went to the same church , and I've always had a crush on her since we were little, I never thought we would work, because I didn't think she saw me the way I saw her, and now, I'm 16, and I am not that little boy anymore.

Her name was Lily. She was dark skinned, had brown eyes, dark hair which was always in a bun, and her heights was 5'3. Yeah, I was taller than her.

One thing I always loved about Lily was the fact that she always had a smile on her face


I think now, i might have a chance, but I have to put on my charms, apart from the fact that I am, handsome, adorable, brilliant, really good with words, I had a good sense of style, and the money aspect, I had savings.


We were already good friends, we just didn't talk well, cause of phones, but now we have WhatsApp, thank you Zuck, she feels the same way from the way she responds.

I even try to call her every day, and, to be honest , I'm not a caller. But, I always would make an exception for her, that was how much I liked her.

 Gradually she became the highlight of my day, we would talk for an hour or 2 on some days, and even in church which I didn't enjoy. She made me want be always in church every Sunday. Because, my day gets better by seeing her.

 I would look my best just for a few minutes of talking to her in person.

I even went on Saturdays for practice and media set up, I guess you could say I was in love, cause it felt different, I wanted to get to know her, she wasn't the prettiest girl I knew or talked to but she was the only one I wanted to talk to every day.


This went on for most of October until I decided to try out my luck or shoot my shot as people say.

I decided to do it over one of our long calls, I was nervous which wasn't new but hadn't happened since my first girlfriend, I didn't remember a word she said until I popped the question, I asked all sorts of stupid questions, like are you angry, cold, bored?. Just a bunch of random shit.

I went round in circles, I wasn't beating around the bush, I was playing in it, I calmed down and played it cool, I think.

It went something like this:

 "Hey Lily, i have something to say and it's serious so don't talk or laugh till I'm done." I said, and gulped nervously.

I've known you for a long time, Hell! we've been friends since we were little and all these calls and text, me trying to get to know you, I'm sure you know it's not for nothing, I like you...I like you a lot sooooo, would u want to be my girlfriend?" I said at a length.

I remembered how fast my heart was beating, I was anxious, scared to get my heart broken, and nervous.


The call went silent for a moment, and I expected a no, wanted a yes but I got the next best thing, a maybe which was basically her saying she likes me too but doesn't know if it's possible and we'll see what happens in the near future.

It was the best answer for me at that moment, I felt soo happy to hear those words come out of her lips.

I understood why cause although we are age mates (I'm a little older), and she also just graduated sec school like me, she was going to the university in a few months, the federal one in Lagos where I lived called UNILAG, but I would have to wait another year which I was fine with, my chosen university didn't have slots for my course and wanted to change it to something else so I decided to take a gap year, learn something and enter the university next year and it wasn't going to be Lagos, I didn't want to live close to home where my parents could monitor me and pop by.


I wanted to live far and on my own if possible, she already knew this, but I told her I wanted to make it work and she did too so, a maybe was what I got, i was quite happy that day, I became more motivated and I decided to try harder, more flirting, more calls, I had to have this girl, sounds tacky but that was just how I felt, this went on for a while till the end of October.


November 2019

Sometime, in November, can't remember when, still at home, tired of games but now I don't laze around anymore, even sleeping and eating gets old sometimes.

 I've been trying to learn programming or coding for a few weeks now, it's something I always found fascinating, app creation, games and hacking like it's done in the movies but that's not why I started learning it.

My older brother is on break from the university and he told me stories of his struggles with money at school and I rather learn something so I can be able to make money for myself but to be honest it's hard, I needed a teacher, but coding or programming lessons aren't cheap and I can't burden my parents right now.

I have jamb coming up next year and honestly I am not confident in passing well again but one thing at a time, I could always read myself.

The school has been over for a few months and everyone has drifted apart already, I am still friends with the close ones, my boys and a few girls but I guess the saying is true, "You are only friends with someone because you see them every day".

I always thought I would be going out with my friends once we all graduated but that's sadly not the case, apart from my friend's occasional drop in to play Call of duty, it's been a boring and eventless few months apart from my thing with the Lily of course.

Harsh reality of life.


Honestly, I can't wait for the year to end, December can't come any quicker, days passed by quickly and it is almost Christmas.

I am also excited for a Christmas event happening in church because I get to spend time with my baby.

What's happening to me?. A gangster like me, craving cuddles, I'm losing my powers.

The Christmas party for the church is on the 23rd and I plan to go to every rehearsal.

 My family is also doing a get-together with all my extended family members, and I am excited to see some of my cousins.

We have 3 rehearsals or activities before the 23rd, and I plan to use them to get closer and maybe ask her out again, I have been laying a lot of groundwork over the past few months, soooo, I think it's time now.


Basic preparations, I work with the media so basically just typing and designing posters, she is with the choir so we don't get much time, apart from greeting and casual conversation, I guess I'll try again.

Day 2

It's wardrobe check and board games, seems fun but with group games and the cheering, the only romantic thing I did was let her win in Ludo, today is a bust as well.

My strategy isn't working and I probably need help, I wish my older bro came back for a holiday, I guess my cousin will have to do, she is my fav cousin and we are quite close but she's friends with Lily, so I hope she doesn't act weird.

"Hey zara" I called my cousin, with a big smile on my face.

"So you can see me, huh?. I thought I was invisible since you have been avoiding me and rather talking with others" She replied arching her brow.

"I'm so sorry, I have my reasons honestly and I need your help, a wingman actually". I replied putting my hands inside my pocket.

"What's in it for me and since when do YOU need help, haven't you had like a few girlfriends already?". She stated hinting on the 'you' part, like I'm some chick magnet.

Just help me woman.

"It's not like that, she is different and it's a little complicated". I said, getting serious.

She noticed, and listened.

"I'm listening, so who is THE girl? Chidera?, Favour? or are you into older women now?". She said chuckling.

"I'll let that slide, causeI need your help but I'll have you know that I have always liked older women, its actually Lily" I finally said.

LILY??!!" She said, raising her voice a little.

I replied with a nod.

We both stayed silent as she glares at me.

"What's the matter?". I asked. She looked like she was about to chop off my head any minute.

"What's your game Nonso?". She asked, but this time, worry laced in her voice.

"What is really going on?". She asked again.

"No games, I swear, It's her and I'm serious about this". I replied honestly.

"Then, why am I learning about this now? "She asked crossing her arms together.

"You guys are friends, I didn't want it to be weird if things didn't work out". I said, with all honesty.

"Before I agree to help you, tell me why you like her, I didn't think she was your type". She stated.

"I wish I knew, I just do, I want to be around her all the time, I want to talk to her and make her laugh, i want everyone else gone when I see her". I kept on rambling, before she cut my shut.

"Alright, slow down lover boy, I'll help you, but you owe me one". She said, and I laughed. Typical Zara.

"Fine, I'll fill you in on what has happened so far". I said and started telling her how my feelings for Lily started.


 Day 3

It's a talent show and movie night.

I have to do it today. Being part of the media team, I basically had to set up the movie and my cousin saves me a seat on the pew next to Lily, cause the movie is being done in the church.

I can't remember, but it was a Christian movie called breakthrough.

Ugh!. Please kill me right now.


During the movie, I kept glancing at Lily and she eventually notices, she smiles and grab my hands and then we began to whisper jokes about the movie.

This was surely a way to enjoy a movie. Hands held by the one you love. What the hell is wrong with me?...

 I wasn't sure when my cousin left us alone, or should I say gave us privacy, but eventually, we even stopped watching altogether, she lay down on the pew with her head on my laps and we talked.

My insides were doing somersaults. I felt so happy.


I know I should have asked then, but I didn't want it to end, eventually, the lights came on cause the movie ended and everyone saw the way we were seated. Shit!.

We got some teasing stares and jesting, nothing much. My cousin and I had a silent conversation where I told her I didn't do it. I don't know why, I was just lost in her eyes, and all that we talked about.

Honestly, I don't even remember half of what she said, or what I said, I was just glad I could stare at her beautiful face, for long than five minutes. It was a blessing.


She face palms herself and tells me not to worry. Classic Zara. She always got my back.


It's late and time to go home. I hate this part, because it means, I won't get to see Lily physically for a while.


I could hold it in anymore, it was now or never. I had to tell her how I really feel, and why I wanted her to be my girlfriend.

I called her aside, away from prying eyes, and held her hand. I looked I'm her black lovely eyes, and told her how I really felt. How much she meant to me. How she kept me up at night. How I love talking to her about everything, how comfortable she made me feel. And then I popped the question.


"Would you be my girlfriend, Lily?". I asked. My forehead had beads of sweat, and so was my palm.

She looks away, blushing and smiling. I felt my heart beat faster. Please say yes, please say yes!.


She finally replied. "Can you give me time to think about it?". She asked biting her lower lip.

Time?. Time?. I'm going crazy thinking about you here and you say you need time?. Hell no.


I gave her a negative nod, meaning Noo

I was scared this would push her away, but I felt I had been patient enough. I just wanted to be with her.

I was surprised when she said those next words, I really wanted to hear.

Lily smiled shyly, and said, "Then my answer is yes". I couldn't believe my ears, my heart was bursting with so much joy. She quickly hugged me, and pulled away immediately. I wasn't satisfied, I've been dying to know what her lips tasted like.

So, I pulled her closer, my hands firmly on her waist. I could feel her soft breaths fanning my lips, I arched my head down to take her lips in mine, but she turn her cheek.

Seems like she the prude type. I just gave her a kiss instead. So beautiful and innocent.


I got home feeling good, couldn't wait to tell my friends that left the single life behind for them, especially Lanre. I really wanted to rub it in his face and show him, the beautiful girl I was now dating.


I did tell them, when they came over that afternoon for games, and they called me a traitor, felt great. And it was totally worth it.

Day 3 was over and I was looking forward to the party, until Lily said she wasn't coming. My heart broke. This would be our first event together as a couple. And I would be really happy if she was there with me.

I almost didn't want to go, still did because it was too late to fake an illness or come up with an excuse.

I went and she came, she just wanted to see the look on my face. This girl knew exactly how to toy with my emotions.

I couldn't even be angry I was just happy to see her. She made my day a whole lot better.