
I can transit between worlds.

Ethan Phoenix, a 26-year-old man, a war veteran and recently divorced, lives a lonely and purposeless life. Stuck in a depressive routine, he sees each day as a burden. However, everything changes when he discovers a mysterious clock-shaped device. By accidentally activating it, Ethan is transported to an unknown world, full of wonders and unimaginable dangers. Now, he possesses the ability to travel to different worlds and dimensions through this special clock. Completely intoxicated by the adventure and possibilities, Ethan finds a new purpose in his life. Facing intergalactic challenges and encountering strange beings, Ethan embarks on a journey that will lead him to explore apocalyptic, technological, and even magical worlds.

ModernTemplar · sci-fi
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3 Chs

The device.

Chapter 2![•=•]

Sorry for the Delay folks, I plan on posting daily.


Ethan felt his head tingling for a while, he didn't know how long he had been sleeping, it felt like days, years, or just a few minutes.

He felt pain, emptiness, agony, saw his whole life flash before his mind as if it were a dream and he watched it all as a spectator.

He saw every choice he made as a child, the pain of losing his parents, his first day in the army, he saw his wedding again and the happy days he spent with his wife, he saw his combat days in the Middle East, his comrades who died in front of him, he saw his whole life until the moment he came home earlier and caught his wife having sex with another guy in his kitchen.

The last 6 months seemed exceptionally long to him but soon passed like everything else.

Ethan opened his eyes scared as if his soul had just returned to his body and began to breathe heavily as he felt the drops of sweat on his forehead.

The clock on his wrist showed that it was 3 in the morning, he had been out for 6 straight hours, "Was this all a dream?" Ethan wondered, thinking he was delirious, but something made him question his sanity again.

"Wait a minute, since when do I have a wristwatch?" Ethan wondered and looked at the silver watch on his wrist and saw it melt before reshaping into another device quickly.

This of course shocked Ethan, who stood still for a few moments looking at his arm before cautiously extending his left hand and trying to remove the device.

However, no matter how much force he used, the device seemed firmly stuck to his arm, almost as if it were a part of him.

"What the hell is this!" Ethan cursed and went to the kitchen to grab a knife ready to cut his arm off if he needed to, but at the last moment he saw the device's screen glow and turn on by itself.

(Dimensional travel device.)

Current Energy: 0.6%

Saved Locations:

Test Location 1, Test Location 2, Test Location 3, +9,000 options.

Available travel locations:

"Test Location 1"


Insufficient energy!)

Ethan read the words on the device on his wrist carefully and took a deep breath to calm down, just as he did, the device turned back into a regular watch, surprising him one last time.

"This doesn't seem like a prank." Ethan muttered and immediately became alert, if the words on his device were real, he would be in great danger now.

Immediately, he went to the door and checked if it was locked before doing a thorough check of every inch of his house for bugs or anything suspicious.

Having found nothing, Ethan relaxed a bit and grabbed a bowl of cereal to satisfy his hunger and tried to play with the device to see if it would find anything else.

Ethan tried a few times without success to manipulate the device until he swallowed a spoonful of cereal and saw a change in the energy level.

(Current Energy 0.6+0.001)

Having understood how to recharge the device, Ethan thought for a moment and grabbed a notebook to write down his discoveries and left the house to conduct tests.


2 days later.

"Well, in these two days, I have run various tests on the mysterious device on my wrist and after eating many different foods, I have charged its energy up to 13%," Ethan spoke to himself as he wrote in his notebook as if it were a scientific report.

"The device seems indestructible, acid-proof, heat-proof, water-proof, and even bullet-proof. Luckily, the bullet ricochet didn't hit me."

"I also understand that to control the device, I must use my thoughts and not touch it, this has been a challenge for me because it's like suddenly gaining a new member of my body."

"Lastly, I have gathered the necessary items to open a portal and conduct an initial test. I don't seem to be followed by any government agents or any organization that might be the original owner of this thing, which leads me to believe it might be of extraterrestrial origin."

"End of report."

Ethan finished writing and checked the items on his bed that he would use for his small portal evaluation.

A $1,300 radiation protective suit for an initial assessment of the location, a large backpack containing water, food, and other essential items, a Glock 19 pistol with 3 magazines of 9mm ammunition, and last but not least, his bible because there's nothing better than exploring the unknown with God.

Ethan checked all the items one last time and took a deep breath before going to his living room, where he moved all the items and put on his protective suit while holding a radiation detector in his hand.

With a thought, the device projected itself onto the suit, and he mentally clicked on the only available location for teleportation.

(Do you want to open a portal?)


(Set the size of the portal.)

"1.5 meters in height and 50 centimeters in width!"

(Opening! 2% of energy consumed, 11% remaining.)