
I can respawn in the zombie apocalypse

Zane was abandoned by his parents after they told him to wait outside and they would be back. Turns out they never came back to him and after that, he had to fend for in self. After that incident, he decided not to trust anyone again as they may break his trust. As soon as he was about to make a comeback in life the apocalypse started and he was bitten as soon as a few minutes after it started but he had a cheat. He could RESPAWN and he will use this ability to survive in this wasteland.

ItsJezziA · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Leveling up

As the sun rose Zane got out of bed stretching as he had a pretty good sleep last night as he didn't have to worry about dying.

He quickly looked through the window and saw that the horde was gone and only a few remaining zombies were left.

"I need to get something to eat and then find out what I want to do," Zane said while pondering.

He quickly took out some canned meat, vegetables, and a water bottle and quickly finished them. He then got ready to go out and kill some zombies as he didn't have much combat experience, the most he had was fighting at school.

As soon as he was done preparing he looked through the peephole to see if anything was in front of the door for a couple of seconds and then put his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything outside.

When he felt that it was safe outside he opened the door slightly peeped out and then went outside.

"Can never be too safe especially during these apocalyptic times even though I'm immortal" Zane said while giggling.

As he quickly but carefully went outside, he saw a couple of zombies and decided to fight them as they were only 3 of them.

As he came closer to one it suddenly noticed and ran towards him.

"Running zombies are the worse," Zane said as he prepared to hit the zombie

As soon as the zombie got into striking range Zane swiped with all his power successfully killing the zombie but as soon as it died a mechanical voice entered his head.

"System binding."







"System successfully bound"

"Would the host like to view his status?"

"What? I get a system for killing a zombie?" Zane said as he was surprised by the sudden appearance of the system.

But in doing this he alerted the other zombies luckily he was able to quickly kill all three of them after almost getting bitten.

"Host has leveled up."

"Three stat points have been given."

"I can even level up and get stat points?"

"Let me go back into my hideout as checking this out in the open won't do me any good," Zane said.

Zane quickly went inside and opened the system.


As Zane said this a screen appeared in his vision with all of his stats.

XP: 25/100

Hp: 100

Str: 11

Agi: 9

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 3

Skills: Respawn (passive)

"Even though I worked out and did all of that running I'm not even an average human being?"

"Let's try putting 1 stat point in strength and agility then see the difference."

XP: 25/100

Hp: 100

Str: 12

Agi: 10

Vit: 10

Mana: 0

Average humans have 10 in every stat

Stat points: 1

Skills: Respawn (passive)

"I feel so much faster and so much lighter. It seems these stat points do quite a lot," Zane said as he was amazed as to what stat points could do.

"Also it seems these zombies give me 25 XP points per kill and my XP amount I have to break through has doubled now."

"It seems I will have to start grinding levels as this has now become a game."

Zane quickly went out to find some zombies to kill so he could level up again and after a while of searching, he found 5 zombies.

He quickly rushed in and killed them.

"You have leveled up and have been awarded 3 stat points."

As he noticed something shining where the zombies were he quickly moved them and picked up a crystal.

"What's this?"

"It seems like this apocalypse has brought a lot of interesting stuff to this world."

He quickly picked it up and went back home to examine it. After he got back he quickly took out the crystal

"Would you like to absorb this white crystal?"


"You have absorbed the white crystal and have gained 1 point in mana and 1 point in vitality."

Zane was shocked as he found out the way to put points into mana as he looked at it before but there was no plus sign next to it.

"It seems that these are quite rare and I got lucky getting 1 of them quite early."

Zane thought about all the powers he could use this mana to wield but before that, he needed to get stronger.