
You Are Exaggerating

"Life these days is so peaceful, right?" Erica suddenly asked Steve.

"Hmm, it is"

"I feel like something worse is going to happen" 

Steve was taken aback when he heard what she said, "Eri, why would you say that?"

"Just felt like that. When everything is falling into place, life just throws some shit at you. Happened to me all the time. So, this good time is scaring me" Erica honestly shared her thoughts.

"True but all the worse things already happened, maybe it is time for good things to take place." Steve wanted to believe their life won't turn worse as he had no energy to face any more surprises in life.

"I hope so" Erica was still looking outside with her legs on the dashboard ahead.

Steve patted her head, "Don't overthink. Let's just live in the moment and enjoy ourselves"
