
Connecting Dots (7)

I arrive at the detention center, and as I approach the front desk, I flash my badge confidently.

"Detective Park Minjun, Seoul Metropolitan Investigative Unit. I need to see Lee Chunsik immediately."

The officer behind the desk, a stern-faced man in his fifties, looks at me impassively. "I'm sorry, Detective, but that's not possible at the moment."

I frown, leaning forward. "What do you mean, not possible? This is an ongoing investigation."

The officer sighs, clearly having dealt with similar situations before. "Lee Chunsik's trial is imminent. Due to the high-profile nature of the case and to ensure the fairness of the proceedings, no one except his lawyers are permitted to see him at this time."

I feel frustration building in my chest. "You don't understand. I have new information that could be crucial to the case. I need to speak with him now."