
Hexagonal Robes

Forty-seven minutes swiftly passed, leading the four semi-finalist to make their way to the arenas. The arenas had undergone a slight change; only two arenas remained. Vin, Noah, Mitzi, and Jannette each had one of the masked puppets lead them to the arena which would be theirs to claim victory in.

Vin stood on his side of the arena, looking into the blue sky-like eyes of Mitzi, mentally setting aside all his feelings to win. As well thinking about the 68 lives he accidentally saved. Mitzi on the other held a calculative gaze, scanning for weak points.

In contrast to the two tensed up, Noah and Janette had simple goals. To wait for the fight, avoiding casting judgement to opponent before a fight that would be skill based rather than physical strength.

While one pair had a stare off and the other pair waited, three cloaked women and one man jumped from the audience. Gracefully, they floated down into the area between the two arenas. None of the quartet were stopped, as stopping them would be a grave offense. Even a reincarnated person with little knowledge of the world would recognize these black robes, each with four white hexagons glowing in random places. None would dare fake these robes, or have the capability to replicate them in the first place.

The technique to forge the robes were one of a kind and the materials to forge the robes were also infinitely rare. In combination, the robes were designed to glow a specific way around the magic seal on bills and coins. What other way is there to empower the elite than make the elite stand out. Their robes were glowing from the pocket change they had, probably enough change to refund everyone in the audience.

The man of the group, who was extremely feminine in shape, put his hand up and shot a ball of blue flames into the sky. Allowing the ball of fire to explode into pretty lights that seemingly shone through the daylight. It was impressive, but not at all comparable to the prior fireworks. The man then amplified the sound of his voice with a rather simple technique, "We… are disciples of the Broken Hex! We have come to congratulate the Golden Rose Domain's ability in nurturing such powerful individuals!" He spoke with a sly smile as his blue eyes sharpened and somehow looked at the four semi-finalist through his long blonde hair that dropped downed below his back.

His speech continued, his voice reaching everyone as the audience had already become silent when he first spoke, "We are so, so glad to see new youth with the potential to protect our world and future." He paused, giving way for one of the women, who was the definition of curvature and put circles to shame, to speak.

"We each took time out of training to personally oversee that not a single one of these students get harmed in their most important battles, so they can bring out one hundred percent of their power and potential in this fight. With that said… the Broken Hex would like to extend an offer to the winner of the tournament. To personally take in the winner as a level four disciple, equivalent to my partners and I. Graciously training the winner into a pillar to hold up the world." She said, giving respect and reverence to the Broken Hex.

Her eyes darted around, observing the audience. Her golden eyes, that matched her short-gold hair, sparkled with mischief when she saw three groups in similar robes, the only difference being in the hexagon's color. The three groups all gritted their teeth in disbelief and anger. To the disciples of the Broken Hex, this was a moment to swallow the entire pie, even if it meant stepping on the competition with a dirtied shoe. Who didn't want more talents under your faction, especially talents in a school full of talented people.

Too bad for the Broken Hex's disciples the other groups faces changed from anger to scheming. The three groups followed suit in jumping down, one group had red hexagons, another with purple, and the last had green. They were disciples of the Forged Hex, Destroying Hex, and the Inmortal Hex respectively.

The first group contained only buff men who could outperform every bodybuilder, their muscles clearly discernible through the robe. The second group was the exact opposite in body type, with their entire body being covered in the robe it was impossible to tell how thin they were, at least the genders were varied, two to two. The last group, well, they only had two things in common, they wore golden crowns that embodied endless wealth and they were all women. The Immortal Hex disciples skin tones were almost like a rainbow, going from the paler than paper, to slightly pale, to slightly dark, to darker than midnight.

From each group someone stepped forward as a leader. One of the guys with a purple hexagon, who was a disciple of the Destroying Hex, spoke meticulously, "Don't you think you should give the other Hexes some respect and let the winner decide which hex to join their self? We all have the same reward, so it would be wrong to force the winner to train under someone whose techniques may not bring out their full potential." He spoke slowly, gazing into the anger hidden in the depths of the Broken Hex disciples who couldn't help but want to argue back.

The man from the Broken Hex group carefully spat out few words in reply, "We don't have any problem with that, right everyone?" His fellow disciples nodded, so his gaze then turned to the contestants who were paying attention to their exchange.

The four hastily nodded before the man's gaze began to burn through them.

He forced a smile seeing this and laughed, "I must say, it is great we could resolve this so quickly."

The Destroying Hex disciple, whose words reversed the entire power struggle to gain a prodigy under their faction, then spoke again. This time with a carefree attitude, "Well then, we'll leave the protection of the contestants in the, most important battles, to you four. Have fun and don't hold back at all, contestants." The twelve from the three groups then teleported back to their seats, leaving everyone to wonder why they had to jump out the seats so dramatically earlier.

That however, was a minuscule thought for everyone except Vin who was looking at the spatial energy. Alas, even he had to drop the thought shortly as his fight to stay in was about to begin.

Each of the semi-finalists had a Broken Hex disciple right behind them, waiting to save them incase they couldn't survive an attack. In an eerie unison, each of the disciples began a countdown from 5.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1."


An explosion immediately sounded in the arena with Noah and Janette. The fight was extremely intense from the start.

Vin and Mitzi's arena was quiet and calm… until Vin voiceless casted a skill. 'Elemental Rain.'

Within Vin's mind 12 elements appeared in his head. Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Ice, Yin, Neutral, Light, Dark, Wind, Wood, and Metal.

He raised his right palm to the sky and many colors left his hand, piercing the air, almost trying to reach the heavens. These colors were the many elements contained in a neutral-energy bubble. These bubbles sometimes mixed and formed things like lava or steam, others just went up by itself. Regardless, fifty of these bubbles were shot into the air. It was quite easy to create this many as the skill used ambient energies and his own. All fifty were kept in the air by a light wind Vin controlled, until he brought his arm down and dispersed it.

Mitzi looked up and her face changed from serious to 'what the fuck' as the energies started falling back down. She quickly decelerated her perception of time to a crawl, weaving between the bubbles of a myriad of elements. Efficiently using as little energy as possible to dodge the over four dozen attacks that rained down.

Vin clapped seeing this, keeping his arrogant demeanor. "Guess you won't mind faci-" He was interrupted by one of his attacks redirected at him by Mitzi using minor spatial manipulation. Something she obtained passively from the time manipulation. He covered his hand in pure Arcane Energy, a lot of it, and slapped the bubble of lightning away. He continued speaking despite the clear warning he should focus on the fight, "Facing the skill again, but this time amped up."

He smirked with confidence, "Elemental Rain, Revision Four." As a testament to his effort, he even said which revision of the skill it was out loud.

Next thing you know, he raised his right hand again, this time his fingers spread out and pointing to the heavens. Almost like he was showing Mitzi what the number four was.

From each finger an orb of neutral energy was launched into the sky, each was only half the size of before. But there were more. A lot more. A little over 200 of these orbs covered the blue sky, darkening a portion of the world below. Mitzi tsk'd with disappointment as she knew she couldn't reach Vin before the orbs came down. Even if she got close, that would mean Vin could use a powerful skill at point blank range while she was defending against the rain.

Luckily, she had more skills. "Displacement wave." She said out loud to truly focus on the skill, slashing her hand towards the darkened sky above.

i, don’t know how to write.

i’ll edit the last few paragraphs tmrw morning , or later time tonight. too lazy to do it rn

DeadpanDemecreators' thoughts